Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1390: 2 Tomahawks Show Shuhe

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Brocks himself didn't think that the ground troops from the dark side had been cleared out in one go. The large number of giant vampire bats flew away regardless of the restraint of the curse, which was a forbidden curse.

At least in his opinion, this kind of controllability is not high, and the spells that can only be used at ease and cannot be carried and put are not complete.

As for the creativity and principles behind this technique, it is not valuable to the earth-traverser, it is nothing but the set of nuclear fusion.

As we all know, the principle of this technology is not difficult, the difficulty lies in the preparation of weapon-grade fuel and the creation of the reaction environment.

In Brocks’s cognition, he is just taking the advantage of "idealism" to a certain extent, spending a lot of mental energy to "pinch out" a usable spelling framework, and then continuously improve and finalize it. Gradually intuitive, from bluntness to familiarity, the current version has gone through the N generation, but there is still room for improvement.

Brocks usually relied on this method to continuously strengthen the level of precision control, so that he could use the power of the elements to make his art work to the point, which was the key to his ability to surrender the tyrannical thunder for his own use.

It may be because there are very few setbacks on weekdays, and in the face of severe battle damage, the archbishop's performance is far less than that of the Lord. He is like a red-eyed gambler who directly waved out seven bottles of alchemy potion.

These alchemy potions, which are like luminous and thick blood, are automatically searching for the target like a living creature. In a short while, seven twisted treants were selected.

The alchemy potion smashed on the tree like a Molotov cocktail, exploded and ignited it, and then it was a brutal sacrifice that even the dark elements horrified inexplicably.

At that moment, the archbishop turned into a reckless cook, it was a messy posture of throwing something into the pot when he caught something, twisting the vicinity of the tree man, whether it was under the lord’s command, his commander, or a giant blood sucker. The bats were all stuffed in by him to satisfy the hunger and thirst of the evil ritual.

The screams of living people, set off by the chewing-like sound of ‘click, click’, seemed particularly tragic, and the scene was naturally extremely bloody.

At the same time, Rosalind, who was overwhelmed with a wave of frenzied explosions, felt weak and even panting. She lay on the ground indecently, turning a blind eye to the blood stains all over her face. The only one who did not fainted. The reason is nothing more than to see how much help I have done to Brocks after a **** battle.

To be honest, not much.

After all, more than 60% of the energy that Brox was trying to collect was consumed with the previous wave of explosions.

This consumption is like the explosion of a nuclear bomb, exploding a military warehouse full of semi-finished gunpowder. It is the icing on the cake that the visual effect is greater than the actual effect. Brocks hopes that they can become propellants for tens of millions of bullets instead of exploding into large fireworks.

But Brocks still has basic emotional intelligence, smiled and comforted Rosalind: "Good job!"

Kane, who was watching in secret, curled his lips, and the scene before him was the type he hated in his early years, full of falsehood, hypocrisy, and hardship.

In a unit of time, the number of enemies that are dozens of times or hundreds of times as large as one's own side is surrounded and beaten. How much damage is output and how much damage is suffered is really not difficult to estimate.

It can be said that as long as there is not too much difference in the strength of the two sides, so that one side slaughters the other side is like stepping on ants, then the side with a small number is definitely struggling to cope. Where is there any ‘good’?

Brocks clearly even smashed the lava golem and could not be summoned for at least dozens of hours, but he still used such bad words to comfort people, it was hypocritical and arrogant.

The point of arrogance is naturally to underestimate the will and belief of others.

Sure enough, Rosalyn did not appreciate it, and laughed at herself: "Master, I don't need to comfort me. I know how much I have played. The number of big bats I hacked and wounded was no more than 30, but at least it was saved by the golem. Seven times..."

"You can't be blamed."

Rosalind stood up hard and shrugged: "Unfortunately, there is no place to reason."

Brocks also stood up, and with a light wave of his left hand, the golden glowing energy chain was cut off.

And as this energy chain was cut off, the previously faintly visible energy chain on the ground, like a monkey rubber band with excellent elasticity, disappeared without a trace. Accompanied by it was a sound of'clicking', even though Even ordinary people can see and understand, this is cutting off the connection with the earth, the energy is drawn, and it is over.

In the next moment, a colorful light began to rise.

Lacking the imprisonment of Blox's mana, this piece of land pulled into the Shadow Realm, like soda chips falling into the water, began to react violently with the surrounding environment.

Brocks looked in the direction where the archbishop was. He was a legendary position, with a wide range of perception and more acute. He felt that there were amazing and extraordinary powers gathering there.

"We need to shrink back. The dark elements are using evil means to create powerful evil things."

"Those guys have always been like this." Rosalyn scorned, but didn't reject Brox's proposal. As a veteran, she still understands the truth that ‘be good at preserving oneself, in order to have more combat power output’, and did a good job.

And she also knows that evil things like dark elements that are spawned by negative emotional power have extremely low controllability. If they can't find a hostile target that attracts their attention, it is easy to vent their anger on other targets. Such as their maker.

This kind of evil thing spawned by the archbishop is called the blood wood demon. With the tree man as the carrier, after absorbing enough power, it turns into an egg-like wooden cocoon, matures in the regular energy cycle like the heart pulse, and then emerges from the cocoon.

The new blood wood demon, its appearance, can be called a kind of blasphemy, the organic fusion of flesh and plant, the figure in the early three meters is not particularly tall, and the overall appearance is a little thin, but no one will be affected by it. Doubt about their strength, because their skeletal structure, as well as muscle structure, very intuitively presents weapon-level features.

After the blood wood demon was born, it screamed in pain, eager to vent, and to them, the creator was like a baby bird who regarded the first creature he saw with his eyes as a mother.

So the archbishop easily urged the blood wood demon to rush towards the elemental barrier.

Of course, this time. After all, the Blood Wood Demon is an evil thing. Once the initial period of ignorance has passed, it is normal for the six relatives to not recognize it.

The seven-headed blood wood demon is like a tiger descending the mountain, rushing to the elemental barrier with ferocious aura.

As evil things, they shouldn't exist in the world, and they were cursed by the law when they were never born. Therefore they are painful, angry, tyrannical, and hate living creatures and even everything in the world.

Even the broken walls of the elemental barriers, in their eyes, seemed to exist to laugh at them.

So, stepping on the aura of blasphemy, the blood wood demon wrapped in the dark green glow of shadow and fel, like a chariot, directly smashed the barrier and rushed into it.

Of course, it just so happens that the defensive type of the barrier has dropped to an extremely low point, allowing them to pretend to be successful, but the sight of sawdust flying and dusty smoke is really shocking.

‘Buzz, click! ’

A thick thunder suddenly illuminates the world, and the thunder totem of the elemental barrier is alive.

Even if the blood wood demon's resistance is very high, it is still electrocuted into a scorched wood with green smoke.

But after not even five seconds, the blood wood demon stood up again, shaking off the scorched skin, and it looked unscathed.

At the same time, the other six blood wood monsters had already rushed to the energy pool and started swinging their claws to dismantle the Thunder Totem.

Brocks, who watched this scene in secret, frowned.

These evil things are more difficult than he thought.

Even Kane, who was on the sidelines, couldn't help but touch his chin. The technique the Blood Wood Demon just demonstrated was quite compelling, and it turned out to be a soul replacement technique.

To put it bluntly, at the cost of sacrificing a soul, a serious injury was wiped out. 90 Look at Novels

A similar technique was used in the final Omega Wolf Wolf that he created in the Dark HP World. The skills from the world of sin and soul, one soul and one shadow, one soul and one life.

Although the related technology used by the Blood Wood Demon is still different from the final Wolf Warrior set, it is a compulsion to be able to use the soul to such an extent, not to mention that it is still cold, even the resentful soul Utilize this one, and the high-end atmosphere is immediately upgraded. After all, this is a great cost saving, and you can use it if you want to kill anyone.

"This is a bit perverted, unless..." Kane quickly noticed the point from the law level. Snorted in his heart: "That's it!"

He discovered that it turned out that there is a supreme law of reincarnation in the shadow world.

For most of the universe, this law is added to the day after tomorrow. For example, the famous Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva made a great aspiration to establish six reincarnations, and for example, ten temples of Yama and eighteen layers of hell.

But in the WoW universe, there is a natural law of reincarnation, or in other words, the relevant laws that can make the formation of the underworld **** are more clear and straightforward, and are for every spirit.

Therefore, Sylvanas said that Azeroth is a cage, and she wants to break it. In fact, compared to other universes, the Warcraft universe is a bigger cage. Those who master the law of reincarnation are the codes of all beings. Prison officer.

"It turns out that you are doing something..." Kane now understands a little bit. This time the great event actually involves a series of concepts such as the souls of all beings, the past and the afterlife, the soul habitat, and the cycle of life and death.

The underworld is vast and there are many hells, but this **** of Warcraft is obviously more compelling than the **** of the Marvel universe. There is only one, and it is in charge of the soul destination and reincarnation of the creatures in the entire Warcraft universe.

Now that the nature of the people behind the scenes has been inferred, the next step is simple. After a field visit, the situation can basically be determined.

So Kane just thought, and his will enveloped the entire Northern Alliance.

The Northern Alliance has a population of more than 30 million people, who live and die every day. He only needs to select some appropriately, parasitic a strand of divine thought into it, and then wait quietly.

However, it turns out that he made things simple. After the death of these people who parasitized his spiritual mind, their souls were indeed guided by the law to ascend, but they were sucked into a special energy vortex. This vortex was at the level of the passage of the dead world, and successfully blocked his coordinate to the parasitic spiritual mind. Perception.

"It's interesting..." This situation reminded Kane of C Kane's clone Zhao Wenrui, who lived in the 20K universe, and his adventures in the Big Star Universe.

The universe of the big star realm is a universe with surplus of **** civilization. This feature makes the universe have a deep star realm that no magic universe can match.

The simple understanding of the star realm is the magical version of space. C Kane used to organize manpower salvage and mining for the tomb of the gods drifting in the star realm.

Then some special dimensions were inevitably discovered. C Kane calls it Tianwaitian, which means a stable plane higher than the outer plane.

Kane realized that what he was facing now was almost a similar situation.

In the Warcraft universe, the shadow realm is cosmic, it is as vast as the star realm, not limited to Azeroth.

And if the shadow world is the underworld with the characteristics of the Warcraft universe, then the **** with the characteristics of the Warcraft universe, or the capital city, the temple of Yama, and the eighteenth hell, it is also a place with the same force, not like the silence. A ridge-like, humble soul habitat.

After thinking about it, Kane directly turned back to the eco-ship. The rule-level tests and experiments are more reliable in the safe house.

He gave up trying hard, instead he planned to spend more time to see if he could crack it.

In addition, the clues he is currently grasping are also the secret keys to crack. He does not believe that the Hell and Hell system of the Warcraft Universe is flawless. Even his creator has to be crushed. There must be something he hasn't mastered yet. The key to this, and this key is mostly the key to the future of the son of destiny.

At the same time that Kane made this series of actions, the blood wood demon demolition team was wrecking the elemental barrier.

After all, the Thunder Totem is not a melee weapon. After triggering the Thunder several times intermittently, it was demolished by the violent Blood Wood Demon.

Then there are underground fortifications.

I don't know if it is reckless or shrewd, the Blood Wood Demon didn't attack the portal, but like a wild dog digging a hole, he chose a place and started to dig his life. It seems to them that this land of positive energy is itself an enemy, and they have to be smashed to vent their hatred.

Brocks rattled his lips and said bitterly, "This is no way!"

At this time, Skard and Ninet were also by his side.

Sasha said: "Master, you are our backbone, please don't take risks."

Brocks shook his head and explained: "The opponent's technology is not worse than ours, and it has advantages in terms of strength and energy. Now it is showing a posture regardless of the cost. This means that what I envisioned before is'with energy and energy. The strategy of changing space for time has gone bankrupt."

"If I don’t get ahead, our energy will be consumed quickly and we will be at the mercy of others. Only me can bring the limited extraordinary power to the highest possible value. Therefore, I’m playing now, not so much as a substitute If you block the gun, it's better to kill it happily while there is still energy available."

At this time, even Ninet, who wanted to ask for the battle, were embarrassed to say anything.

The legendary rank of others will let go of their hands and feet, and fighting at that level will only be a burden for them.

So when a blood wood demon digs through the roof and falls into a certain cave at the top of the underground fortification, the battle can begin.

"I recognize you, you are very arrogant! You won't die after six thunders!"

As he spoke, the battle axe in Blox's hand was already greeting the blood wood demon.

The blood wood demon only had time to block the front axe, and was smashed from behind by another axe that was whirling around. The axe blade was inserted more than three inches into the body, and the blood wood demon staggered and hissed miserably.

But it's not over yet. Brocks' body is quite erratic. He was still playing head-on slash just now, and in such a moment, he slipped ten meters away.

He could have used thunder and lightning, but that move was energy-intensive and burdened the body. It was still more cost-effective to play with the body and footwork through the blessing of the wind element.

After pulling the distance, he directly released the lightning bolt.

One of the most distinctive effects of the elemental sarcasting of the Warcraft universe is ‘overload’.

It can be understood as a deliberate loss of control, so as to achieve a terrifying and sturdy output effect of two hits or even three hits.

Brocks usually diligently cultivates his control, so that when he goes crazy, overloading is more comfortable.

1.3 seconds cast time The lightning bolts sent out must be overloaded. Three consecutive games are considered normal, four consecutive games will appear from time to time, and five consecutive games will make you look at your face.

Perhaps it was because of the emotions in place, this time it was Wulian.

The Lightning Bolt just completed the chain of lightning, and the thunder shot continuously. The target was not the blood wood demon, but the battle axe embedded on the back of the blood wood demon.

With the crazy injection of the power of thunder, the flesh of the axe blade inlays glowed and burned from the inside, and the blood wood demon was also trembling, with many layers of **** shattered on his face. Every time it burst, it was a soul replacement. Shield.

The adhesion of Overload Thunder is too strong, and the paralysis of Thunder itself is quite effective. The blood wood demon is like a rusty robot, twitching for a moment, after all, a red light glows from the inside of the body, and then the lava cracks and the body Turned into fragments, the dust curled up, and it died.

'when! "Brocks held off the raid claws of the other blood wood demon in due time, and the battle began immediately...

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