Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 809: Lean into the abyss

At the time of employment, Bernard is also inevitable. After all, this job is directly linked to whether the family can live long in the central city, and this job is too novel for him.

Therefore, he did not play adult games with Leia the night before he started his job, he went to bed early, woke up early in the working day, and went to the work unit full of energy.

As a result, I found out that all the transitions were simplified, and it can even be said that there was no special onboarding process. All the necessary explanations were completed under his inquiry and the prompt prompt of Guangling.

Guangling, a little assistant, is naturally magical, but it is a natural portable servant. Its positioning is inferior, and he has been in the virtual world for hundreds of hours. Bernard has long been used to its existence, even nagging. Nagging, where is there any pressure?

Then he directly arrived at the work position with the company of Guangling. The specific work is exactly like the training in the virtual world. It is not so much a job as a development exercise of extraordinary ability.

It's just that the environment has changed. What he sees is a huge planting room, similar to the impression of a modern vegetable greenhouse, except that it is very large and is soilless.

And this area is calculated in square kilometers, and there are seven layers of planting area, which is managed by him alone. The specific work is not heavy, it is nothing more than riding a floating dish and shuttle between rows and rows of planting racks.

The track is fixed, even the position of every movement of the floating disc is fixed. Everywhere, he casts the method as in the practice, and then he can see the extraordinary power prying with his own strength, forming a rain of life, spreading out, and the vegetables that are affected are covered with green light. After that, it will look especially vibrant.

Even the spell model has already been burned, he is actually as simple as using a magic wand.

After the work, the Lord of the Ghostling Society reminded him to rest for a while, or according to the process of self-calculation, let the Ghostling remind him to the point. Anyway, it was all these tasks, and he went home after work.

Bernard went from good to good, there were breaks and long hours, working alone until noon, and then went to eat working meals.

In the restaurant, he met other colleagues, he tried to greet and integrate actively, and the results were very good. Although they do n’t speak each other, Guangling is an excellent translator, and it can still allow two strangers who speak the wrong tongue to communicate normally.

After eating, Bernard went to the plantation room and took a nap. In fact, there are special lounges and activity rooms, but the plantation room is full of life. The green environment and exceptionally fresh air will make Bernard feel extra comfortable, so he prefers to lean on the floating dish. The chair was crooked for a moment.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Bernard ended up working home and saw no leadership from beginning to end. The work and work punching were all done by Guangling to help him. Guangling could even feedback his work performance today.

At dinner, Bernard told Reya about the first day of work, and said that he felt more busy than the French uncles who were sitting in the office. Such a relaxed work, will people be nourished after a long time?

Many European countries such as France in this world, like the developed European countries in the original world, rely on mature and perfect technology and colonial shearing, and implement high welfare and de-industrialization, which will open factories with various pollution. In the colony, it is close to the raw material point, labor is still cheap, and the country has become the location of finance, tourism, and cultural industries. The scenery and days really envy people in developing and backward countries.

But this kind of good life also cultivates arrogance and indifference. I usually don't think that when the financial crisis comes, I will immediately be ugly and all sorts of scornful wailing.

Bernard had the experience of bankruptcy in small business under such a large environment. He has had pains and sorrows, and he has experienced ups and downs. His vigilance has become higher and his perspective on issues is more objective. Then there was the worry at this time.

Leia comforted him. It is a good thing to have such vigilance, but it does not have to be too worrying. The technology of the fire collar is too sharp, which leads to a high starting point. Being in it is a little daunting. , Then it will not be eliminated, take 10,000 steps back, and lose this kind of life in time, it can also find a new way of living by learning the skills.

Bernard was convinced by Reya and decided to spend enough time every day to go to the virtual world for further study after work.

In fact, Leia is not just a housewife. She is half a social person in the virtual world, learning while learning. After all, in the fire, more than 60% of the daily life of citizens is completed in the virtual world. Such a developed virtual world forms a proprietary industrial system that interacts with the real world. It is normal for individuals. As you can imagine, it ’s not just Leia who has a lot of money to make a living in the Second World.

In the Huo Lao Ling, there is still a lot of this kind of ‘key man’ work like Bernard, and Kane does n’t mind at all cultivating those who are awakened, or those with high talent, into true transcendents.

In his new system, labor has been liberated. Like the plantation room where Bernard works, picking, planting and other chores are all done by robots.

They work day and night, work diligently, select those qualified vegetables, and then fill in the seeds, Bernard just casts a spell, or, just like the key is inserted into the keyhole to fire, the mental power combines with its extraordinary power, It is enough to complete the start of the spell again and again.

This is true of agriculture, as is the case with many sectors of light industry and even heavy industry.

In this system, theoretically there will not be too many jobs.

But Kane has the ambition to feed back all human beings, so there can be a lot of jobs, and the only restriction is nothing more than the time required to add value.

Many people have so far thought that the spectacle buildings built by the Kane team are only for people to live. In fact, in addition to the supply of raw materials, the entire society is in these buildings.

They are not isolated giant bins, but are connected tightly and conveniently through mature short-distance space doors.

Even the peeping of the Tindalos Hound, which was born as a result, was counted by Kane. These divine monsters are indeed not easy to kill, but it is not difficult to get trapped. Kane even intends to turn it into a usable card in his hand.

It has to be said that from the moment of the salary king, what really threatens him is only the full incarnation of the true **** and the powerful god.

The rest, even if the number of heaps, can only be used away. To this end, Zun deliberately provided high-end space-time technology in the technical patch package, and Kane turned it into a basic application of the territory. As long as the energy is sufficient, ordinary people can use the directional short-range space door at will.

As for energy, it is mainly a nuclear fusion generator called ‘solar furnace’. In the center of each group of buildings is a nuclear fusion generator, and they are in a grid-connected state to provide sufficient energy for the entire building complex.

The technology of the nuclear fusion generator alone is that the civilization within the stars is about to enter the level of the interstellar age, plus the extraordinary power, 1 + 1 is greater than 2, it is said that the mature interstellar age does not need to blush.

With such abundant energy, supplemented by corresponding other technologies, it has formed a crush on the world's mortal and even extraordinary civilization systems. That is nothing suspenseful, but it has not yet been fully unfolded, which has not formed an obvious destruction. Momentum.

As far as Kane is concerned, it is mainly a confrontation in time, is it his country that has become the climate first, or is the catastrophe that the catastrophe first raged across the board, which is nothing more than this.

Originally, he had a certain grasp of victory, but the attack of the Hai clan interrupted his overtaking on the curve through the legal card system, making the future situation confusing again.

Of course, these are macroscopic things. It is unimaginable to be far away from ordinary individuals. Even the eldest among the extraordinary people have little thought to consider these. They are currently struggling in the quagmire of common affairs, and they are scorched.

Without a major disaster, it is often impossible to determine how poorly your own ability to resist risks.

This is the most heartfelt impression of the extraordinary big brothers today. There are loopholes everywhere, just like the need to open the warehouse and release the grain in the disaster year, only to find that the grain stored in the grain warehouse has been sold for half, and the mold has been half. It is shocking and abnormal. Corruption and negligence of various levels of death and fear of death.

Even worse, because of Kane and his country, the problems in this area have a sharp contrast, so it seems to be particularly embarrassed.

The extraordinary powers of all parties have been made up as much as possible, but the efficiency is really not very good, and then the Hai tribe was exposed in Alaska.

With the advice of Zhenglian, the media did not report on the matter fairly. Instead, they played word games and pull frames, focusing on the cruelty of the Hai people, while their own focus was on playing hero cards and emotional cards. Save a pet dog in danger of life.

This kind of trick, the media has practiced countless times in peacetime, at this time it is naturally easy to use, ready to go, extremely sensational.

Then, without refuting public opinion, I invited experts and professors to blame them, as if they were really on the side of the people, but soon fell into a big debate that confuses the audience and blames them.

Then there is the topic that has been abducted and crooked to someone's family.

In the end, the hotspot subsided, and there was nowhere else to go.

Kane has witnessed similar scenes repeatedly, repeatedly, and again, lazy to evaluate, and too lazy to work hard to reverse, not to expect anything, but to make his own.

After the battle in the shallow sea, he knew that there was no rectification time, and he could only use the time of the debris, for example, to turn on the large gathering array in a short time and ingest the free extraordinary energy.

I could n’t do this before because the movements were too big and would be targeted by all parties. Now I do n’t need to worry about this either. Doing it or not, we ca n’t avoid the hostile opponents coming to the glass of his house.

Kane is busy with construction here, and riots, riots, migration, escape, etc. are being staged all over the world.

The island nations, led by Britain and island nations, are launching emergency consultations to seek refuge on land.

There have been a large number of cases of people who would rather commit crimes against the wind and have to flee inland.

The ideal place of refuge for islanders is Sichuan and Sichuan, and the ideal place of refuge for British people is Alberta in Canada.

Since there are no Eastern nations in this world, only Far Easterners, so the islanders travel to Sichuan and Sichuan, and there is no gap between national hatred and hatred that is difficult to overcome.

Not to mention Canada, although it has become independent, it is still a reserved place for the British. The only obstacle is the attitude of the cousin of the Federation. After all, whether it is an extraordinary field or a civilian, Canada is closer to the Federation. Officials are not as close as they are now.

Smuggling to escape has created a series of tragedies. Officially targeted, the threat of the Hai people is equally terrible.

In fact, during this time, the Hai people were also very disturbed. Because from the root, the two major factors of tearing are nothing but motive and cost.

As far as motivation is concerned, the Hai nationality is not particularly adequate.

In a word, it can be said to be a proactive plan.

It is mainly in these years that the development speed of mortal human civilization is too fast. From a technical point of view, exploring the depths of the ocean has become a trend. From a practical point of view, the over-fishing and the increasingly serious pollution problems make Hai people feel very troubled.

But after all, it has not directly caused damage to the Hai people.

In turn, the Hai tribe has little interest in landing.

In other words, their bottom line operation is to show muscles and hurt humans, so that the other party can stop it, and do not pollute and deteriorate their living environment.

The social environment of the Hai nationality and the concept of time of the sea creatures determined that they had a relatively gentle solution to the problem.

That is to support the religious cause of human civilization. A big reason for the deep dive and the Catholic League is also for this reason.

As for why supporting religion can achieve its purpose, it is also simple to say: when faith can meet most practical needs, how many people will work hard?

Most people only need to pray in the house to be satisfied, and there is no need to promote the development of productivity.

Divine skills include everything, good weather, good harvest, and blessing of all beings. The only thing that is strong is God, but God can be strong, but it ca n’t be stronger than the old dominators. How good is the surplus population?

In fact, the Hai tribe itself is this mode of **** worship. They certainly want to influence terrestrial intelligent creatures and bring it into this mode and rhythm, because in this mode, they are the forerunners and have strong powers. Backing the mountain, basically deciding the latecomer.

Even a long time ago, the original scene on the land, as the Hai people hoped, was a belief in civilization, and then a round of high-end tearing, the silence of the land gods, the collapse of the collapse, set on the terrestrial wisdom creatures The invisible shackles were loosened.

The master is only responsible for the work, and the slave is responsible for the aftermath. However, the Hai tribe has limited influence on land, internal tearing, and differences in time concepts. Therefore, in a blink of an eye, terrestrial intelligent creatures will not be lost. Three tows and two tows deteriorated to what they are today.

The Hai people did not take it seriously, and felt that they are long-lived species, and they are unparalleled. The coast of human civilization is the center of gravity of the economy. When they need it, they can completely destroy human civilization. They are only manufactured. Victims will be able to drag down various countries.

This involves another concept of tearing, cost.

Before torn against Kane, the Hai tribes always felt that the cost of their war was very low. After all, strategically speaking, it is only me who beats you, not you, but technically, the killer skill of extraordinary technology is superior to today's mortal technology, and even if it is superior to human extraordinary, They are also more systematic, more advanced, and more detailed.

As a result, on Sino Island, the relatively active and strong deep-divers of the Hai tribe were swollen by Kane.

Behind this phenomenon is not only the loss of face and face, but also the cost of tearing is much higher than their estimates.

Occasional? The truth?

So there was a battle of revenge. Kane and his fire prison leader showed the most jump, red and purple, imposing limelight, and an enemy, then he was the only one who was dead enough to shoot.

Then the life in doubt was pumped in reverse.

Then the internal quarrel began. In order to unify the thoughts and suppress various splits, anti-wars, and negative thoughts, the deep dives performed in Alaska. And use the power to create incidents on human shipping routes.

But there is another hidden danger they must face, the ancient race. It was the race that created a creature like Hughes, who was stolen by the old dominator and then hid in the deep sea.

This race and the sea tribes represented by the deep-divers who believed in the old dominators are the enemy and the non-friends. Although they haven't made any big moves, they have accumulated so many years that the sea tribes dare not take a peek.

This is also the reason why a shallow sea battle makes the Hai people hurt.

As far as the overall combat power is concerned, the extraordinary power of the Hai tribe is actually above the extraordinary power of human beings. The Holy Land alone is more than twice the global human sanctuary, and the legendary level is more than 7 times.

This is basically the result of longevity.

Correspondingly, although human beings are diligent and talented, Shouyuan limits the possibility of accumulating talents, and must climb to a certain height within a limited period of time in a very intense way, but cannot stay in that position for too long. It is difficult to count the waste of resources alone.

It is precisely because of this that the mythical race has not always regarded human transcendentals in its eyes, and it is almost ready to stand. As the internal competition for climbing is fierce, a large number of transcendentals die on the climbing road ... as long as this If the model does not change, the climate will never be achieved.

The big man of human transcendence also understands his shortcomings. In fact, when they allow mortal science and technology to promote development, they have the insufficiency of quality to make up for the quantity, as well as to find breakthroughs in other ways to make up for the insufficiency.

But there is a saying, called where the **** sits, from which angle to think about the problem.

After the transcendental has become a powerful class, it belongs to the defense and the defense.

Above, nature is the gods and their religious beliefs. If the gods return, can they still have a good life?

Next, it refers to the secular. If the dog chain is too loose, so that it has developed muscles and wildness, and even the master bites, it will not be beautiful.

So in general, every family has their hard-to-read classics, and they are all pulling their lives.

This balance, as the contradictions continue to accumulate, become more and more fragile, and the extraordinary crisis is the inevitable break of balance after accumulation.

Kane was just in time, and the posture of foreign variables triggered an extraordinary crisis in advance.

However, ordinary people do not have such a vision and can not afford such a heart. What they see is the Hai people's ability to destroy HNA and attack the coast, their sense of security is lost, and they struggle to survive.

This operation triggered a chain reaction, as well as a vicious circle, social unrest, and chaos.

Officials in various countries tried to order, but they couldn't do it like Kane did. After all, the foundation of their rule was actually credibility, not pure force. If you do too ruthlessly, the army will mutiny, and the ruling group will be pushed out by competitors to slash and kill people's anger.

The result is that chaos is difficult to contain immediately, and only a series of bragging lies can be used to appease the people, but a lie often requires more lies to come to an end.

For example, in a refuge, the people ca n’t wait and are reluctant to understand the difficulties of the government. As the situation deteriorates, they are more and more eager for a practical answer.

Officially not.

The difficulty for them is that now they have to give priority to satisfying the blood-sucking madness of the transcendence, and then they first understand themselves.

The transcendents did agree to them. If they did well, the transcendent shelter would have their place. But is it good or not, this is not the ultimate one? Unloading and killing donkeys, and finally pushing them out to be the back-boiler, with the urinary nature of the transcendents they know, it is absolutely dry.

Therefore, you have to leave a way for yourself instead of putting eggs in a basket.

Originally, the Huo Lao collar was good, and they also looked at the blue eyes, but Kane was too cruel, and he was malicious and full of other superhumans and politician officials, and would not accept it at all.

Then you can only leave a place for yourself and your family in the shelter project, taking advantage of your current power.

The resources in hand and the estimated resources that can be harvested in a period of time in the future ~ ~ are simply not enough to build a refuge sufficient to accommodate the people, but the truth can't be told, otherwise where will someone build a refuge?

So you can only flicker.

These people are apprehensive in their own minds, and have trouble sleeping and sleeping, but they must show that they are confident and confident. This feeling is very painful, making them anxious and making them wicked.

But there are others who are not as good as they can see every day, kneeling and licking through various channels in order to get a chance for life.

So they squeezed these people and even vented the evil fire on them, doing all kinds of shocking acts.

Betrayal, betrayal, sadism, and violence are between the pressures of suffering, and the daily dark scenes are far more than most people at the bottom think.

Civilization slipped toward the dark abyss in such a distortion, and it has not yet accelerated, because the pressure is still not enough, and the credibility has not been completely consumed.

Against this background, mythical creatures hidden in the land began to work in secret ...

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