Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 810: Constantine the Headhunter

There is no shortage of mountains and rivers in various countries, and cognition makes people instinctively feel that high places are a good place to take refuge.

Officials know how to use people's psychology. When launching propaganda to the people, it is often said: Look, we have built invincible fortresses on the mountain, whether it is the sea water, the black forest after the nightmare, or even the evil, don't want to easily capture them.

Officials also said that we have enough grain to store, enough for the people of the country to eat nothing for several years. So we have time to adapt to the new environment, and then get out of the refuge and start a new life.

Most people are willing to believe this, and are willing to abide by the laws and regulations, so as to ensure that the rights and interests of citizens are not lost, and take advantage of official arrangements to stay in shelters.

Constantine knew that the vast majority of people had to taste the nightmare baptism before getting the refuge notice.

This is not conjecture, but a conclusion drawn through detailed data.

The transcendentals who joined the refuge building sequence are not as powerful as the media touted. The transcendental sludge turned into stone can indeed make the soil into sandstone or even granite, but the efficiency is not high, so few per day Surgery can complete petrification of such a small area each time, and there are not many extraordinary people who can perform such spells.

Knowing this information is because Constantine joined the fire camp and is a headhunter.

Constantine didn't know much about the fire camp, and he didn't have much interest to know more. In his case, it was enough to know that the fire camp could place his family in the fire camp.

There is no falsehood in this regard, and his family is already in the lead of the fire, which is called benefit first, and then make up the ticket.

Out of cautiousness, he also used a secret code agreed with his family in a later call to confirm that his family was not enchanted by magic, or was transported to a concentration camp, and was forced to report false safety.

In the past days, Constantine was so bad that he didn't finish high school, so he dropped out of school and worked in a mixed society. But there is one thing, that is, he will try his best to make money to supplement his family.

His father was a miner and died in a mining accident. There was a younger brother and younger sister at home. His mother pulled three children by work and pension, which was very difficult.

He wanted to let his family live a good life, but he had been in society for a few years before he realized how difficult it was to achieve this goal that was not taken seriously.

Joining the fire camp was the initiative of the branch secretary to find him, saying that he has the talent to become a headhunter.

He began to think it was fooling, but could not bear the temptation to benefit first and then make up the ticket, and felt that there was no loss in trying it.

After all, everyone knows that the fire prison collar is the most reliable refuge, naturally higher than the refuges of various countries.

And someone like him, let alone take his family to become a fire-leading citizen, can not allow his family to enter the domestic shelters under construction early.

He naturally cherishes his life, but he also understands that, under the name of other forces, he can't sell a few dollars for his life like this.

In this way, he chose to try, and then there is now him, to be honest, he feels quite good.

'boom! Constantine threw the woman on his shoulders on the Simmons mat, straightened his back to the branch and said: "A goods." He said that the corner of his mouth was warped, and he looked sideways like No. 4.

"Hell! Shit luck" No. 4 murmured quietly, left with his hands in his pockets.

No. 4 used to be a confidante. Before he was recruited by the organization, the two had a bit of old grudges. Although it was only a round of tens of thousands of dollars, brotherhood and some face, but in the past, it was already the level of meeting and drawing a knife. There is no way, people have poor eyes and shallow eyes, this is the level of mixing.

Of course, it is no different than before, but the signs are still different. Within the scope allowed by the fire camp, we are competing for a height.

Watching the branch secretary enter an A on the magic stone tablet, Constantine was secretly proud, and the identity of the woman he kidnapped could be confirmed at the latest the day after tomorrow.

The headhunter said that it is kidnapping. A cargo is the best, representing high quality, simple family situation, or even an orphan. Three A goods can be exchanged for a fire-powered citizenship.

As for the quality, Constantine is not clear, but there is some speculation.

Quality represents the talent to become a transcendent. Huo Lao Ling is digging out ordinary people with transcendent talents from all over the world by means of looting.

Constantine feels that this is actually a good thing. After all, society is becoming more and more turbulent, various security issues, and even criminal cases such as robberies and murders are on the rise. Prices are soaring and unemployment is skyrocketing. Obviously this downward trend will getting more serious.

In this context, even those who are rich and powerful are cautious and do not even leave home. The quality of life has shrunk dramatically. The hardships of ordinary people can be imagined.

The fire prison collar not only allows talented people to awaken their talents, but also protects the safety of their immediate family members. What they want is nothing more than to work for them after awakening, basically not to kill and kill on the front line, but to go to the rear to become an extraordinary mechanic , And package pick-up, package placement. Just ask, which IQ is normal will refuse such a solicitation.

The salaried king is not pleased to be able to do a good thing. I have to say that this is very popular and very salaried. It is mandatory to get on board first and sign a treaty. The misunderstandings and farce for this are not the same. Piled up, very magical.

Of course, Constantine sighed a little, not particularly envious. He feels that everyone has his own destiny and fate. The job of a headhunter is very suitable for him.

He can't stand the kind of 9 to 5 work, even if he is very busy, he will feel bored. He likes free, exciting, full of competition or fighting.

Because he is interested and devoted enough, he has achievements. Among the peers, he is considered to be able to fight and has a mind. Unfortunately, he has no capital and senior qualifications. He has been pressed in the past. Instead, he backed the lawsuit and crouched twice in the classroom.

Today's job is unexpectedly in line with his mind. The branch secretary is a manager with expertise and is an ordinary person. The zero can best fight, but he plays the role of the bodyguard of the branch secretary. The main job is usually Watch the nursing home, maintain the fire camp, and monitor the goods.

The headhunters also have their own plots, and there is no need to grab, because the probability of finding goods is basically the same. After scanning the city and the next one, how to harvest mainly depends on diligence, mind, and a little luck.

After scoring, Constantine went to the ‘milk room’. This is the name of the headhunters themselves, the official name is the firepower supply station.

The Brasov Fire Camp was built in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city, and the dairy was in a workshop.

Constantine is already familiar with this place. After bypassing a few piles of monster-like abandoned equipment, you can see the campfire.

A campfire is a specific facility that supplements extraordinary energy.

There is a magic circle etched on the hard concrete floor. The outer circle of the magic circle has six ritual positions, and there is a stickman in each position.

Constantine knew that they were all dead, or had been **** wicked. One of the current stickman was the one he had tied up. He watched the opponent cast a spell by the passer and turned into a stickman.

The stickman consumes himself like a match, glows and heats up, and eventually disappears. Constantine feels that such use is very particular, not only wasteful, but also punishment and atonement.

The fire mass of the central campfire is not big, but the burning color is impressive, the heat wave is like a shock wave, and it is like a ripple. The continuous spreading pushes the dust back and keeps the magic circle clean.

Constantine entered the magic circle and felt a refreshing feeling like a hot spring, but it felt several times stronger, and it took only a few minutes to get tired.

He looked at the viewer, the energy was already full, and it was only halfway through the night. He felt that he had a chance to make another order.

The main reason for choosing to work at night is that most people stay at home at night, instead of wandering around, making it easier for investigation and kidnapping.

Coming out of the fire camp, Constantine rode his small-displacement motorcycle into the city. His area was slightly far from here, and it took more than half an hour to ride.

Constantine can naturally drive. With his current ability, it is not difficult to drive a car, but since I watched my brother being hacked to death in a car and realized what is called a moving coffin, can I not? Try not to drive while driving. Of course, there is nothing wrong with the roadster, but he thinks that kind of car is too high-profile, easy to provoke right and wrong.

The southern part of Brasov is cut by the Tampa Mountains and divided into the western and eastern regions. The Eastern District is the district of Don Constantine.

With the tennis club as the border, the northern part of the area has been swept away. What is needed now is the southern part of the landmark building with St. Nicholas Church. There are about 1600+ residential houses, which is not much.

However, when he passed the small square more than 50 meters away in front of the church of St. Nicholas, he found anomalies.

He heard a strange groan, as if the group was singing, again like the wind whimpering.

He also saw unusual light source reflections. He did not know exactly what was glowing, but he was sure that it was not ordinary lighting.

"Extraordinary!" Constantine had a rough estimate.

From the moment he became a headhunter, the branch chief has repeatedly screamed and engaged in headhunting. Most of the time he will meet with the extraordinary.

"It's needless to say? Lao Tzu is not stupid!" Constantine had been so disdained more than once. In fact, his mentality is also guaranteed to be okay, and he has become bold without a sudden increase in strength.

It is precisely because of this caution that he rarely causes trouble, and a lot of time is spent on completing tasks, which is why the latecomers come first and have excellent performance.

But Constantine has the heart of an adventurer, and the situation encountered this time is a bit special. He believes that the most unusual discovery this time is blatant. Although it is midnight, this momentum is still somewhat presumptuous. You know, although Brasov has no curfew, the security patrol at night has also been strengthened.

Also, he felt that this time it was not a good person.

Although he did not believe in orthodoxy, his family believed that the environment in which he lived and the religious atmosphere were very strong, and he was also enchanted. He felt that orthodoxy was beneficial from its functional role.

After a little thought, he finally decided to go and see what happened.

Park the motorcycle to the side, the magic weapon he carries can block the sound transmission in the range, and he has the ability of night vision, no need to drive lights, which makes his silent midnight ride, also silent.

Instead of taking off the riding helmet, he pulled the ski mask up to cover the lower half of his face and quickly dived towards the church.

"Huh?" Constantine made some new discoveries. He discovered that there was a stalker who came first, and he seemed to want to see the situation clearly. He was carefully following the corner.

"Atina? This guy is really ..."

Atina and Constantine are barely neighbors, and also sisters, two years older than him. However, his life path is very different. He is a bastard, and he has become a senior detective with outstanding achievements and performance.

The reason why the two interacted was because he was a criminal offender. Atina took him a hand and saved him from two years of imprisonment in the name of an informant, but in fact did not embarrass him. He just asked some unrelated interest instant messages.

Atina did not say, he did not catch up with the position, but secretly empathize. He knew that in the work of Atina, 'wet shoes' are inevitable. If it is possible in the future, he will return to his personal feelings. If not, he will not force him. Everyone's life and work circle is different, but hard help is very likely He understands that it is harmful to others.

However, he was chosen by the salary king's burning warfare as the outer periphery because of the talent attribute of the element of affinity for fire, which is no longer the same today.

The salaryman's family is big, and his work is magnificent. Even if his peripherals are also weapons, equipment, auxiliary, emergency, four complete sets, coupled with the activated flame core, the strength is still very good.

He saw at a glance that Atina was not an ordinary police detective, but was most likely from the Special Affairs Department, that is, a mortal who was in line with the extraordinary and specialized in dealing with extraordinary affairs.

It sounds very tall, but it is actually very sad, after all, the target is often the extraordinary.

Like this time, Constantine felt that Artina would do so, and most of the time she would have an accident.

He reached out a metal key from his pocket and flicked it gently.

‘Dingding! ’It ’s not very loud, but it ’s still quieter at midnight and it ’s easier to hear.

Artina really did not move as Constantine expected, and then turned carefully in the dark corner.

Constantine waved to Atina.

Atina felt the kindness of Constantine, frowned, and leaned towards Constantine.

When Atina was a little closer, Constantine squeezed her throat deliberately: "I don't know what you plan to do, but I have to remind you that you are lurking close like this, you may be found because of your body Popularity. "

Under the light of the street lights in the distance, there was a flash of light in Adina's eyes. She did not follow Constantine's topic, but asked: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"At least it's not your enemy. I didn't want to do business, I just didn't want to see you in trouble."

Artina snorted coldly, "You have a way to say this? What do you mean by being too popular?"

"Life magnetic field, human body glow, it seems that you don't quite understand the meaning of shielding such invisible force fields."

"Who said I don't know? Isn't it the relationship between body heat and thermal sensors?"

Constantine smiled ‘hey hey’ and did n’t pull the question anymore. He knew that Artina had a disapproving temper and was used to it. Although the metaphor was appropriate, it was actually a strong comprehension and a quick brain reaction, rather than really anticipating.

"Would you like me to help? If you get closer to the investigation, the probability of exposure will be much lower."

"I can't believe you."

"Then I'll be with you. But when you say it, just observe, don't make trouble."

After thinking about it, Artina said, "OK."

So Constantine used the auxiliary magic weapon to put Atina and herself on a hidden shield.

This is actually a compound magic, a combination of a series of practical small magics, cast in a way similar to the use of a magic wand. It can be supplemented a number of times without consuming additional energy.

Atina was also trained, and quickly recognized the basic effectiveness of the hidden shield, and felt a lot more at ease.

In fact, when she saw Constantine ’s figure from the beginning, she felt familiar. Constantine kept her voice low while covering her face, and Atina guessed that she knew most of the people and was in daily interactions. , Did not reveal the identity of the extraordinary.

Atina is not in a hurry. When there is a chance, once the situation is there, the other party will easily forget to press her throat for a while. By then, she will probably know her identity through voice association.

The two are still cautious, but because of the blessing of the spell BUFF, they have a lot of confidence, and they no longer look sneaky during the approach, and they are much bolder.

When we got closer, we found that the whimpering groan turned out to be a resurrected corpse, ranging from half rotten to a skeleton to a more complete one.

The moans are not from their throats, but from the energy they swallow, the sound caused by the air flow.

As for the strange magic light, it comes from the bodies of these undead figurines, shining like an energy heart, and leaking out according to different degrees of decay and light, thus forming a strange light.

Both Constantine and Adina knew that there was a cemetery on the left side of the church, which was surrounded by walls. Most of the source of these corpses was there ~ ~ They were naturally awakened. The purpose of awakening them is probably to participate in some kind of evil ritual.

Seeing these corpses figurines encircling the church, the place where the ceremony took place is most likely to be in the church, and most of the corpse figurines are also there.

"Okay, the general situation is clear. You should call for reinforcements. Having said that, how do you act alone?" Constantine said.

Artina said abruptly: "You know me, I wear plain clothes, but you obviously know my identity."

"Uh, that ..." Constantine realized his negligence and neglected his mouth. He didn't know how to lie for a while.

More importantly, he forgot to hide his voice.

"Constantine? It turned out to be you guys?" Atina is worthy of being able to stand out among the elite police, and immediately interpreted Constantine's identity.

Constantine feels a bit of a pain. Atina's detection ability and analytical ability are too strong, and his role-playing ability is at the elementary school level, completely crushed!

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