Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 811: Global Fruit Picking

Constantine saw that his identity had been discerned by Adina, and was a little discouraged, but he was a mixed-bodied, with a thick skin, and after embarrassing for two or three seconds, he pretended to continue to focus on the main topic:

"You have also seen the situation. There are so many undead, and the place of trouble is a mysterious place like a church, or it is still in the middle of the night. The other party is estimated to be strong and bad. I am afraid it is difficult to deal with. You can call for support. Let me go. Now. "

With that said, Constantine turned around and withdrew.

Constantine said all his heartfelt words. After becoming a headhunter and adapting for a few days, his heart was a little swollen, but after all, he was born in a hodgepodge, and more profound parameters were used for strength comparison and self-positioning. Like the situation in front of him, he felt that he was afraid that he would not provoke it.

He is more inclined to avoid risks than Aiwu and Wu's cross-cutting. After all, it is the first and foremost thing in his heart to work hard for headhunting for his family's firepower and citizenship. Now there are official figures like Atina taking over The incident is enough to be worthy of his conscience.

However, Atina obviously didn't want to let Constantine go like this, and stretched out his hand to hold him.

"There is trouble in the department, and ordinary people have no experience dealing with this kind of scene."

Constantine glanced at Atina: "I think you at least know the truth that you can be better at doing things? You are not a firefighter, nor a fire here, even if you have the courage to sacrifice yourself, the minimum account Do you have to count it? Plugging the train wheels with your body means disgusting the train at most, but it is difficult to effectively block it? "

"I have a weapon that wins the blow." Artina retorted firmly.

Constantine glanced up and down at her as if she knew Atina again. "I don't see the gambling shown by your attitude once or twice. I lost many of them to the ruined family. I always think that I can fight back."

"The things behind this are too complicated, and I will not tell you in a moment and half. I do n’t ask for more, I just ask you to help me clear the road, so that I can get into the church quickly and throw a bomb, I do n’t even I ask you to make sure to retreat. I did not expect that the other party would summon the body as awe in advance. "

Atina's remarks made Constantine feel a little annoyed. She said that she got into trouble, and she can develop seemingly feasible tactics. Without ignoring it, she said that she is calm and rational enough. , Is really mysterious.

"Lao Tzu is now recognized as a superlative with a superlative skill, and has become a transcendental person, and he is equipped with a full set of equipment. He does not dare to say that he has a high win rate with other transcendents. Why? "

There is a hearty answer: "Without my blessings, you can't do it even if you can't get close to observation, and you will be discovered by immortality. Where else can you quickly break into the church?"

Think again, forget it. The situation in front of me is obviously not the time to pull the skin, either to dry or to go. Too much speech B is a waste of time, and most of you will taste the taste of remorse.

So he said: "I have a family to support, and will give priority to self-protection."

"Okay, anyway, I represent ..."

Constantine interrupted: "Just in front of this situation, you should know that no one can actually represent you except yourself."

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for anything to be said by Atina. She exerted force under her feet, and like a cannonball, she rushed towards the church.

'laugh! laugh! laugh! Constantine fired while firing, the appearance was a real gun, but the sound of the gun was like a water gun.

There is no doubt that this is a magically modified weapon mass produced by Kane's card system.

Its production efficiency is comparable to that of floating disc clusters. It generates a ‘Magic Reformed Firearms Family’ card and then stamps it to produce piles of magically modified weapons with energy.

It is by a similar method that Kane can mass-produce all kinds of magical artifacts and even ordinary high-precision parts in a short period of time.

Of course, the legal card is as good as it is. The only beauty is that it consumes too much energy. This kind of energy consumption is not just a kind of extraordinary energy, but is needed in all categories.

Therefore, only the super-magic environment of this world, this set can be played in the early stage. Otherwise, there is no way to solve the problem of energy supply, and when there are a large number of energy conversion devices to produce extraordinary energy in batches in the late stage of farming, the system will be put on the suspicion of farting.

For example, in the SC universe where Kane Zhao is located, it is good to rely on the clone proliferation of the technology side. Where else needs to open another system? From the overall efficiency and progress, it is obviously not cost-effective.

Kane's vision is at least planetary. Naturally, he will not focus on the development of one place, but on the core and the periphery.

He knows that with the turbulent situation, it is inevitable that a large number of secular populations will decline sharply. Naturally, he will not easily miss the opportunity to collect qualified embryos.

After all, there are precedents of diligence, frugality, and careful searching.

In Guangcheng, in the metropolis, in Quebec and Newfoundland, he is like an old farmer who refuses to let go of the broken wheat grains and spends his life carefully.

Does n’t he know that he can pick up the fatty meat that he likes and eats in a pot full of pots?

No, no.

Not only because of the bottom line of principle, but also because of the habit brought by order, and the habit of thrift and careful calculation developed by the Han people.

But diligence is not equal to old-fashioned, since the world's extraordinary powers, for the cake of the world, the swallowing or storage in the emergency moment is weak, and the eyes will be wasted. Sagin, this is understandable.

It can even be said that it is helping these extraordinary forces to ensure the integrity of the cake and allow them a longer collection time.

The reason for this is that the headhunter not only selects excellent transcendent primordial embryos, but also eliminates the potential demonic primordial embryos.

In essence, this operation is the same as the violent anti-smuggling he carried out in the Huo Lao Ling collar, except that one is dark, one is bright, a knife cuts the flesh, and one sets fire flat A.

From a strategic point of view, this kind of operation is also consistent with his usual ‘money is used to spend’ form.

The violent anti-corruption operation led by Huo Lao collected 105,000 basic embryos within 48 hours. Among them, the potential of fire eaters is less than 10,000. Even if they are fully prepared and caring for the fire makers, they can only get thousands of fire eaters.

What about the remaining 90,000 basic embryos?

Throwing in the space warehouse of space defense, etc. They turned into zombie meat?

Or transformed into cannon fodder in cannon fodder like bonfire, candle man?

Kane was dissatisfied with both treatments.

Too low-level, head-on combat is really not needed. This has been proven in the shallow sea battle.

Even Fire Eaters can only be used as qualified soldiers after they are equipped with MA and become warships.

Switching to a bonfire and a candle person is the end of the Hai clan warrior's move. In the marine environment, it is not even as powerful as the Hai clan warfare.

And whoever dares to tear against the collar of the fire must have enough high-end combat power.

The sacred area of ​​rewatering is also a sacred area. It is not difficult to open a field that is beneficial to oneself. Once the field opens, it will form an environmental crushing advantage similar to the marine environment. Is that still a thing?

Therefore, low-level weapons such as bonfires and candles can also be installed in a secular environment.

The problem is that there is no need for so many silly big-headed soldiers to patrol inside the fire prison collar, and he is not interested in further expanding the territory at this point in time with evil spirits and their clan as the main hostile target, provoking human extraordinary power, but focusing Yu farming.

Therefore, the basic embryo has another usage-self-propelled fuel, which is the stickman in Constantine's eyes.

Stickman is easy to manufacture and has sufficient quantity, which can be laid out globally.

With the campfire energy system using stickman as fuel, the establishment of the fire camp has a key support.

Each fire battalion has a branch minister and zero.

The Minister of Support was selected from the secular staff and required expertise in personnel management and certain experience. It is not difficult to produce, after all, the work content is relatively single, the superiority of the business strategy is extremely high, and few do not buy it.

The No. 0 is the leader who is promoted from the slaves. It is far stronger than the headhunter by all-round reinforcement, and has a contract in hand, which is enough to suppress the headhunter.

The rest is nothing. The logistics aspect is because the world's super magic environment supports high-energy superb casts such as long-distance transmission. Therefore, in addition to the first effort, the later stable channel opening will save much time and effort.

Relying on high-end technology and generous investment, the fire camp is spreading rapidly around the world. As if overnight, the outlets have been distributed in all densely populated areas of the world.

On average, thousands of excellent embryos and multiples of ordinary people can be delivered to the fire-holding collar every day.

It can be said that after one week of operation, Kane has completed cost recovery. Every subsequent day is a profit. The strategic significance of the extraordinary basic embryo reserve thickening is particularly significant. It means that as long as Kane can digest it successfully, there will be no bottleneck for further expansion of power.

This expansion is not to occupy more sites and control more people, but to complete the foundation and connection as soon as possible, with the ability to get out of the planet, so as not to tear up the war in the middle and later stages, and his own foundation is pitted by the opponent in the gravity well .

Constantine of Brasov, Romania, is just a worker ant in a huge fire camp system, but this insignificant unit also has its own appeal and character, and decently interprets his life.

Due to the characteristics of the card imprinting system, even a handful of soldiers such as Constantine can get a premium-level extraordinary kit and can be upgraded.

The Fire Camp does not particularly encourage headhunters to kill those potential demons. After all, "whether one should be held responsible for crimes that he has a high possibility of committing in the future" is also a philosophical proposition. Minority reports} and other works have completed the analysis and discussion of the whole people. To be honest, Kane is not so willing to regard the slaughter operations related to it as a serious cause.

Only in a situation similar to the current one can he gain spiritual self-consistency on the grounds of race and civilization, so as to raise his butcher's knife against hidden dangers including children.

But even so, he has to be cautious about the possibility of "wrong-mouthed monks and chanting the wrong scriptures".

After all, in his hometown, he would die as soon as he caught it, and it would be rotten as soon as he was released. The order was good. As a result, it was distorted and profited at the executive level. This is a common problem and phenomenon.

The unique loyalty of the swarm system can indeed prevent the tunes from becoming ridiculous, but the periphery of headhunters is not easy to say.

Therefore, the fire camp does not particularly encourage the killing of the demon base embryo, but the equipped magical artifact function, in addition to the extraordinary base embryo within the display range, does have the function of displaying the demon base embryo.

The headhunters soon discovered that killing the demon basic embryo can significantly strengthen their own strength.

Although the fire camp has warned in advance that it is equipped with a data recording system similar to a black box, violations will be severely punished, but there is still a risk of taking risks.

In Malaysia, there have been vicious massacres of ordinary people, thereby gaining an enhanced vicious event.

Because this is a super-magic world, the proportion of ordinary people with psychic substances is also very high, and the mental power of extreme emotional states can also be absorbed and utilized by a certain proportion. Therefore, it is indeed a cannibalism system, and there is a reward for killing people.

As a result, more than half of the towns were slaughtered overnight, and they swelled to the point where even No. 0 was helpless. They could only call the law enforcement team of fire eaters to kill them.

Kane was naturally disgusted by such things, but it was reasonable to think carefully. Later, he created a software patch for this purpose. After this patch was applied, it was the device, not the operator, that was strengthened after the killing, and the power of the device was linked to the contribution. In this way, no more kills would be directly. The feedback on the improvement of the strength of the ontology, to a certain extent, curbed the indiscriminate killing of innocent behavior by greed.

However, to put it bluntly, the sense of independence and autonomy itself is the bane. Suddenly gaining strength, just like the poor getting rich, there are few mentality, self-expansion, pretending to be ridiculous, human nature.

And not all headhunters, like Constantine, have been beaten in the society, have a clearer self-positioning and persistent pursuit.

With a sharp blade, killing heart starts. Especially now that the world is so chaotic, there is no shortage of thugs. So the headhunters who suddenly gain strength, in addition to having revenge, will also be involved in the operation of removing Anliang.

Can the headhunter be severely punished for killing his enemies more than once?

Can the headhunter kill several rounds of women and rob the mob to kill it?

Where is the specific margin of violation? How can we avoid headhunters from taking advantage of loopholes? How to tell whether the headhunter is involuntary, acting as a hero, or stealing from others?

This is the tip of the iceberg that dominates the complexity of real people.

Kane was bored with these at first, and felt deeply powerless. He chose the swarms and puppets instead of the king's road and the people's banner.

But now I still can't help but get stuck in this muddy water, so I have to take care of this and face the various problems arising from it.

However, Constantine's side is not a prominent point that reflects that the good ruler is not good. He reflects the changes of land mythological creatures. In other words, take advantage of the fire.

Constantine ’s shooting technique is very general. After all, his shooting ability is fed with bullets, and Kane ca n’t instill professional knowledge like a headhunter.

There are prerequisites for instilling knowledge, mainly the endurance of the soul, and at the same time the toughness involving the physical level of the body. If the container is not good, the water will overflow and the hot water will burst.

However, Constantine ’s equipment is very powerful, and he himself diligently works hard, and his contribution is high enough, so the combat power provided by the equipment is considerable, and part of it is reflected in the technical side of the correction.

Several shots were fired, and the guns were deadly, all blasting on the energy core.

The ammunition of the magic weapon is blessed with the elemental power of fire, which is extremely destructive to the spell structure. The energy core is destroyed, the light bursts, and the corpse figurines directly become **** fly ash.

Constantine had already rushed into the corpse figurine group, and the powerful wand in the right hand held the wand of the flame to release a stream of flames. The chopping was like a hot knife chopping butter, and the surrounding corpse figurines were split into several sections.

Immediately after he started a wave of flame blasting, the orange-red extraordinary flame spread in the form of a shock wave, and the affected corpse figurines were blown and ignited, and some even broke apart in the air.

"Wow!" Atina was shocked by Constantine's three axe, but after a moment of stun, she woke up and went straight to the burning church door.

Although the extraordinary powers of all human beings who control secular cakes are very selfish, they only care about themselves when they are in trouble, but they are not sloppy in dealing with secular spokespersons.

After all, if you want to run a horse, you have to feed grass. Everyone knows this.

The specific implementation of the details is the large output of various alchemy supplies that can be used by mortals to strengthen the secular official's ability to respond to extraordinary side events.

The members of the special affairs department like Artina also have a significant increase in alchemy equipment.

For example, the fortified medicine, Adina who took the fortified medicine, within one hour, the body comprehensive index reached the limit of the human body, and the comprehensive quality is higher than Constantine.

Going all out at this moment is naturally different from the ordinary. It was fully completed at a speed of almost one hundred meters and six seconds. With a shoulder collision, it directly hit the heavy church door and rushed into it.

Atina did not flicker Constantine, she did hold the killer, the sacred ball.

Light attribute of alchemy products, Atina used his power to steal it.

As for the story behind it, it's actually not too complicated. It's just that some officials of the Special Service Bureau were bought by mythical creatures for personal gain. Then the justice policewoman fought against it with wisdom and courage.

After the sacred ball was thrown vigorously, Atina directly fell down.

The next moment, the sacred ball exploded.

Immediately, a blinding white light that was blind enough to bloom in the main hall of the church, the explosion sound was not strong, but the light was very violent, and there was a little blue light engulfing everything in the white, all the window glass of the church shattered, and the flame spewed out. Very far away, it was as if the stove that was blasting hard was spraying fire from the fire hole. Many corpses were sprayed and burned violently.

Constantine was also taken aback by the immense power. The instinctive cat squatted at the waist and guarded his face with his arms, then he took a peek.

The light came fast and went quickly, without causing great damage to the monsters already entrenched in the church ~ ~ The screams of the horror are constant, and Constantine listens to the outside of the church really.

The wailing soon became low, apparently, the last cry before dying.

Inside the church, Atina saw more. Most of the ugly humanoid monsters are finished. The energy shields supported by the stress outside their bodies are unable to carry the damage of the flame and the light. The energy shields are burned everywhere with loopholes and continuous fragmentation. Disappeared, the body was scorched and ignited, and the more it burned, the more prosperous, it was only twitching and wriggling in pain.

But not only this monster in the church hall, but also more advanced extraordinary creatures, also non-human, and also afraid of the extraordinary power of the light attribute, but they were not killed by one blow, but were injured, watching the miserable. In fact, there is still the power of a battle.

Their black robes had burnt out of shape, and their shabby deep hoods showed a hideous face, no skin, no hair, gums leaking, pupils like beasts, and black and purple smoke wrapped around them. It is the evil caster.

In order to avoid the power of the explosion of the sacred ball, Artina first fell to the ground, and then wanted to avoid the magical blows of several black robe monsters in time. Obviously, it is impossible ...

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