Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 829: Veronica

The night was deep, and after the nightmare, the stars in the sky all weakened by one brightness level, so that the night sky was much dim and empty.

Veronica stood on a special puppet like a floating island, looking to the east.

It is at least 10 kilometers away from the island of St. Nicholas in the Channel Islands system, which is part of the fire-holding system, but for Veronica, it is not a problem to see the scene over there.

Veronica has a beautiful face and plump body, but has an inhuman temperament, especially eyes. Her eyes are only a little bit like the tip of the needle, but they are bright, and they look at it like they are staring. The laser light emitted by the laser pointer will obviously feel that it is shaken by the strong light, the eyes are blackened, and even the retina is damaged.

In this world, Kane has done a lot of bad things, such as the exploration on the island of Sino, the grudges with the black light of one of the ten wizards, and the grudges with the Catholic Church, even even Earlier, there were some unclear entanglements with the Witch Secret Society and Zhiyuan Society in Paradise City.

Veronica is one of these bad things. She came from the Catholic Church and was originally a holy land. In Brasov, Romania, she and her partner attacked Kane who dealt with God's sins. As a result, she was slain, wounded and fled, but she was taken away by the spirit of God's sins.

So now Veronica can be called Veronica. After all, her body is of a fertility level, and she is occupied by spirits, and she is not enchanted. It is entirely because of the special ‘variety’, not because it is not strong enough.

Veronica's biggest problem is confusion.

It's mainly Cain's pot.

He calculated Veronica with a "spiritual bomb" and subjected it to a large amount of negative spiritual energy.

The evil spirits are extremely hostile, and finally rely on the accumulation during the seal, so that the time for normal thinking is getting longer and longer. After being engaged by Kane, not only has the accumulation of thousands of years been hit by water There is also a negative "back payment" of N, so that only beast-level instincts remain.

Also because of being designed, Veronica became a determined anti-Catholic fighter. How much love you used to have, how much you hate now.

Veronica is more powerful than the anti-Catholic warrior destroyer born in Montenegro, not that she is stronger, but more secrets about the Catholic Church.

Although she was crazy, instinct would still drive her to places that impressed her, and from time to time came to mind, such as a secret base in the Catholic Church, her own practice sanctuary.

In fact, it is not as clear-cut as the Destroyer, that is, to desecrate the Catholic relics and disintegrate their beliefs as the meaning of survival and advanced resources. .

Veronica didn't even know what she really wanted, so I went and talked.

However, the nature of God's sin makes her like those wines that are not good. When they drink more, they love to go out and cool off. When they go out, they will be like a drunk. They will want to see the living creatures. The bigger, because from the energy point of view, the energy level of ordinary people is ants, and the strong ones are jackals, lions, and even elephants, and the big ones naturally have a sense of existence.

Kane is also well aware of the urinary nature of God's Sin, so the successful calculation makes God's Sin the other nightmare that is crazy against Catholicism.

The Catholic Church has indeed been pitted. It should be said that they have been crying. The Destroyer + Sanctuary God, plus they also have to face the combined effects of nightmares and the random invasion of the world, the situation suddenly became very bad.

Before the Battle of Brasov, many Catholic members felt confident that the Catholic Church had survived the extraordinary crisis without suspense, and even had the ability to avenge Kane, but now they are basically desperate, showing that their What a loss!

However, from Kane's point of view, there is a sentence that is more appropriate, called: The organs are too clever, and wrongly killed Qing Qing.

Destroyers or gods and trash cans are all of the same nature. They belong to man-made monsters and cannot be controlled. They are unstable and full of variables.

There is only one, just give the dog a piece of meat and bones, and wait until he has time to fill up the lesson of surrender.

Two, this is a problem, not that they will cooperate, but that they will fight.

Gudou is not afraid, but he is afraid of negative and positive, the probability is naturally very low, but Kane has always been unlucky ...

Therefore, the encounter between the Destroyer and Veronica can be regarded as a meeting of Jinfeng Yulu, but it will win countless people.

Simply put, after a real melee fight, the Destroyer is dead, Veronica!

It's not all good. To be more precise, it has reached a balance in thinking. It is fighting with the two countries, chaos in the four countries, and the three countries can stand for a long time.

As soon as the IQ goes online, Veronica is no longer the stupid butcher knife, but the magic sword. Anti-social, anti-human, anti-transcendent, anti-life, anti-material ...

Because God Sin hates the sky and hates the air, it is synonymous with the negative of divinity, it is a more intimate, blasphemous and filthy divine garbage than the devil, and Kane has thrown a poison. The nature of is not surprising at all.

And to examine its chaotic and changeable personality, there is Kane's own pot.

He used extraordinary methods to pack his negative emotions into the poison bomb.

There is even the power of Cthulhu ’s nightmare in Kane ’s soul.

Cthulhu is also a bit out of touch. I did n’t expect Kane ’s skill to be so high. The nightmare seed failed to pit Kane once. He was also used by Kane many times. Many people used his force to fight. Find teeth everywhere.

As a result, it was the **** of the highest forced trash bin, which became a demon.

Tonight, Veronica, who created two special weapons, Extermination Sword and False Hammer, came to the scene.

As for the warfare underneath, it is relatively unremarkable, but it is a construct made by binding water to the mind.

Of course, the existence of a super-soul of soul as a sacred body, even a temporary fabricated structure, is actually not trivial.

For example, Shennian not only brings extraordinary persistence and fineness, but also greatly changes the characteristics of the material, giving it additional properties, making the most common material harder than the alloy, but also than the spider of the Brazilian spider. The silk is tough.

But even so powerful, Veronica still dare not glimpse the salary.

Salary King's power is the type of layman who looks cool and hilarious, but the layman feels cold from the heart. The more high-end, the more you can see the salary king's accomplishments in energy use, turning complexity into a peak, reaching the peak. The seemingly simple energy type is always the most active in releasing power, majestic, and refined. Controlling, erupting, and three-in-one seem to face the might of nature, knowing what it is, but can't help being taken away and shocked.

The salary king with such technical strength, even the industry under its control, shows a deep sense of power, just like a dormant beast, even if there is no power, it can still be vaguely guessed. Once it breaks out, it is definitely not good. versus.

From an energy point of view, even the small island of St. Nicholas is rigorous and magnificent. It is a perfect energy field, which will affect the energy penetration of any situation. Even Veronica cannot fully see the internal situation.

Veronica, who is calm, not only has IQ online, but also has an experience that ordinary people can't imagine, and even has the characteristics of Kane to a certain extent, cautious, cold, and deep.

After some observation and reflection, she finally decided to drive the puppets to open the curtain of the battle in the form of battle fronts.

So she slowly sinks into the war doll, and the desperate sword specifically for the spirit and the false hammer specifically for the material, like the same red and blue naughty swimming fish, entangle her body.

Because of the part of Cthulhu's nightmare, Veronica has a god-level affinity for water properties, which is not inferior to the sea clan sanctuary, or even stronger.

The ocean is her home field, and naturally it is very convenient in the sea.

She can swim at a speed of more than Mach 1 in the water, but there is no effect of splitting waves, as if she is not a real object, but only the part of the light refracting into the sea.

She soon came in a trench.

It has been separated from the continental shelf along the North American coast, with a depth of more than two thousand meters.

In this valley in the marine world, there is a forward base for Hai people.

The construction was completed before the Battle of the Shallow Sea, and later has been tasked with monitoring the fire.

Of course, in fact, there are some false names, self-deception, Kane started super nuclear fusion, the second legendary, second sanctuary of the sea clan also feel afraid, they secretly hope that the evil **** will help them rule.

But in fact, Evil God is also very embarrassed. Weakness is equivalent to food delivery. If it is stronger, the law card of the main material plane will be used. It is said to be the highest level of the main material plane. There is nothing wrong with the series of operations of Evil God, but it is only at the same level as Kane, and it cannot be crushed in layers.

If it comes in person, it will naturally work. Why?

The deep dive is just a servant? As soon as the servant cried, the master would put his sleeves off? This is inappropriate.

What's more, Cthulhu is an evil spirit, and is a kind of evil spirit that is very nerve, very second, and at the same time very gloomy and abnormal for ordinary people.

Cthulhu is not the dark gods in the DND universe, whether it is the **** of extreme, mad, self and neurotic conspiracy and lies, Shirek, or the goddess of darkness, loss and secret, or the mysterious old Yinbiye Lattice is far from comparable.

The behaviors and ideas of these dark gods can be speculated and deduced. The high-end people in the old dominators are basically unable to do so. Ordinary people are completely unable to match their radio waves. Even their family members have no relationship with them. How good is the relationship between ants and bear children? Do n’t think that there is bread crumbs to reward today, and tomorrow will not give the next pot of boiling water.

Anyway, since the Battle of Shallow Sea, the Hai clan has also engaged in several large-scale sacrifices, but they have never seen the sharp gods coming, and they are also very depressed.

The social system of the Hai ethnic group is very loose, not to mention between various types of intelligent sea creatures, that is, the deep-divers, unless they mate and sacrifice to Cthulhu, they rarely gather together.

The nature of non-external influence that will not die makes them very different from humans when they look at and deal with each other's concepts of emotion and time.

Relatively speaking, the deep-divers are emotionally indifferent, extremely cruel, and have no desire to touch each other. In the dark abyss where time becomes meaningless, they often empty their minds, just like death, staying for a while. It is how many years.

With such characteristics, once the goal of identity is lacking, it will naturally go away.

Therefore, from the human point of view, the situation of the Hai tribe is really a bit cheap. At first, it seems to be a must-have. On Sino Island, one after another is to engage in Kane, then fail, and then it will be gone.

After Kane became active again and became the global focus, the Hai tribe remembered hatred and decided to avenge. As a result, Kane's face was swollen, but he ran to Alaska to emit a wicked fire, destroying Anchorage, and howling to destroy the human route around the world.

Then he was taught to be a man by the first mixed magic conversion fleet.

After that, he broke up.

Theoretically, the sea clan in the Pacific region and the Indian, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans are not in a generic relationship, but are in the same level. However, with the failure of the Pacific sea clan, the sea clan in other regions have shrunk, and even the scenes are not. , Just go back and live life.

Kane was quite uncomfortable, thinking that the Hai tribe was brewing a conspiracy, staring at his superiors to increase vigilance, until later the Eye of Space, on the basis of the global satellite communication network, was able to reach the global level from the perspective of extraordinary energy. After monitoring, I was convinced that there were no large-scale, high-energy extraordinary troops in the ocean.

Therefore, except for the first mixed magic modification fleet, it was just a fight, and later it was basically a small-scale sporadic crossfire of the level of security warfare, which was quite lackluster.

And the trench that Veronica patronizes today is not so much a surveillance as it is to help the Hai tribe to leave lazily and simply live here.

Then the end came suddenly, Veronica suddenly appeared, according to a giant hermit crab is a hammer. After being knocked by the False Hammer, this giant hermit crab began to pulverize from the hammering point, just like a fine sand leaking, spreading out while sinking, spreading to a certain extent, the whole structure collapsed, call! There was a pile of broken sand.

And not just this giant hermit crab, but all the giant hermit crabs in this area.

This is a relatively high-end application of the law. Root killing is like a genetic virus weapon. As long as it is this species, it will be completely destroyed by waves.

The Sword of Desire is similar. The sword, as its name implies, destroys the desire of life. When the desire is extinct, the meaning of survival is lost. That is to say, when the sword is hacked and the effect occurs, the soul immediately decays. Even if it is a god, the divine soul will die out, which is more complete than the usual death, and the dead in the astral world is completely destroyed.

If the believer reappears, such as digging a tomb for treasure, discovering an ancient **** and gaining some benefits, it feels good to start a faith. At the same time, Amway gives a small partner and preaching. Once the believer reaches a certain level, the corpse It will wake up, and then will protect the seedling-like purpose, let the believers develop secretly, restore vitality, wait for the right opportunity, re-rise, or dove to occupy the magpie's nest, and replace it.

The decaying soul will completely disappear, leaving some legacy, such as three strange substances, condensate of law and the like, slowly dissipating in the years, waiting for a destiny, but even if it is made, then the **** will never come back.

Therefore, Veronica, the law represented by this sword and one hammer, is considered to be the first-rate force even if it is among the gods, and it can really kill the gods and demons.

Among the advancing bases of the Hai nationality, it is naturally not enough to look at. The strongest is just a legend. Even if there is no chance of a concave shape, the flesh collapses and is directly accounted.

Then Veronica releases the mind, extracts all the extraordinary elements in the range, and builds war figures.

These war figures are not puppets on the pure magic side. That kind of solid stuff is just low-level goods, and even ordinary professionals can beat it. What's the point of making it?

During the battle in the shallow seas, Kane had taught the next ordinary soldier with no stunts, so do n’t use it as a fighting force. You should send it as much as you want. A nuclear bomb will die in an instant.

Veronica, who is awake, also knows how to collect intelligence. She intends to emulate Kane. After all, these war mates, to put it bluntly, is the extension of her mind, which is equivalent to converting her advantage in mind to a more straightforward battle. Power to bypass the problem of limited lethality per unit time after the war. Like Kane, the starting hand can be big.

However, Veronica had a major omission.

In other words, she underestimated Kane's power.

She always thought that the relationship between Kane and her subordinates is similar to the relationship between the evil spirit and his clan. There are five or eight you, and forty without you.

This should not be blamed for her misjudgment. The traits exhibited by the fire eaters are indeed like this. It is said that they brought a bunch of men, but in fact they brought a bunch of firearms and weapons. Open the essence of consumables.

This means that Kane is the one who really fights, and the others are guns or string puppets in his hands. Does not have the characteristics of high-end independent operation.

But the truth is that it was in the early stage. The expansion was too fast. The ‘material civilization’ reached the standard. The ‘spiritual civilization construction’ failed to keep up.

But the real Jagged War Bug is not like this. The core of the Jagged War Bugs is group thinking, and the master is the heart and leader of the worms embedded in it. But if there is no master, they are still operational, and because of group thinking, one who has suffered a loss is equal to all have been eaten, and all have long memory, so the individual actually does not seem to be smart, but after networking Wisdom, every thinking is heroic.

The only way to deal with this characteristic group is to isolate the broken network, but this network is telepathic, especially when Kane became a god, giving him the top-level force, and trying to break this network is too difficult. .

To put it simply, when it reaches a certain level, the war worms will suddenly increase their IQ, and all will become wise. They have become smart, experienced, and adaptable.

Therefore, the completely mature Kane is a king of war relying on Bingping A. In the later period, even if it is an ordinary unit, he can quickly build up a soldier king by relying on the entire BUFF.

Now, he has the style of a king of war. Even Kane Zhao of SC Universe ca n’t compare with him, mainly because the extraordinary power of SC Universe is too scarce, and the pure explosives relying on the technology side ca n’t reflect the strength of the extraordinary science-magic hybrid technology. .

And this world can almost be demonstrated. Although the accumulation is not enough, the super magic environment is not just a talk. Many technologies can be directly applied, and the environment supports it, and no reserve is required.

Specifically, with the explosion of production capacity, Kane has manufactured a batch of extraordinary equipment for processing basic embryos and manufacturing war insects.

Once it could only become the basic embryo of the bonfires and candle men, after these equipment transformations, it was stabilized and became a low-end professional.

As long as they are professionals, even if there is no potential, they can be strengthened by external pendants. What's more, group thinking makes them wise overnight.

Some war bugs went to the Hengyue Space Station.

They will be responsible for the related use of climate weapons in the future. Currently responsible for monitoring and investigation.

There is a reconnaissance mode, similar to Ocean Druid.

Through the low-loss extension function of the floating disc's mental power, the Druid spell is cast on the sea creatures, temporarily controlled, enjoying its vision, and simply feeling its emotions.

This ability makes marine life its eyes and ears.

Veronica opened the field, which was originally concealed, but due to some frightened fish and shrimp, it caused the dutiful observers to be suspicious and finally exposed. One of them is in space and the other is at the bottom of the sea. At such a distance, even Veronica is very strong, and you can't find it. The strength of Kane's War Bug system after maturity is evident from this.

Soon after, Kane knew that his ability was not comparable to that of ordinary combatants. This is a qualitative gap.

Taking reconnaissance as an example, with his ability, as long as the target position is roughly determined, and the power is swept directly, the situation is generally clear.

Primitive gods like him, in the context of the world without a divine system, once become a god, the domain immediately sublimates to divinity and obtains a priesthood.

The king ’s divinity and priesthood are mainly the fire element of one of the four elements, but the forcing is higher, plus there is no other gods fighting, so the divinity and the priesthood are reflected in everything related to fire, including temperature and burning and many more.

Therefore, as long as he is willing to consume the intentional attention of the mind, across thousands of miles, he can also achieve the purpose of induction through the corresponding elements of divinity and priesthood.

This is similar to the fact that as long as the name of the deity is mentioned, the deity may know the truth. The real name of the deity itself is a powerful magic spell, especially when the deity is concerned, it can be used as a starting method for many divines. Transform into listening, visiting, coercive, divine and so on in a moment.

Therefore, those exorcists who succumbed to the demon and exorcism would praise the name of God. This involves the issue of losing contact, or whether God is diligent. Sometimes God is at ~ ~ but he just does n’t want to process information or is tired of interacting with believers, then it is possible to call No response at all.

Although Kane is very capable now, he is also careful enough. If the legend has the slightest possibility of killing the god, then the sanctuary greatly increases the possibility. The difference between the two is just like ants and children. The poison of ants has the possibility of killing, but the probability is low. Children hold sharp weapons. The possibility of killing people is much greater.

So it is mainly enough to beware of the heart and avoid the overturning of the gutter.

Kane is a veteran in this regard, and will not make low-level mistakes, so it ’s just a simple ‘done’.

Looking back, he combined with other intelligence information, and the result was almost there.

Demon God, he has repeatedly shown high-end technology and made two evil spirits. As a result, the pool of this world is too shallow, and the two evil spirits met and merged. It can be said that the opponent's combat power has approached him infinitely.

There is nothing to say, ready to go to war. Fortunately, he discovered that it was still early, and he really wanted to kill him while he was still working hard. The foundation of the fire might be affected and hit hard, and it will be difficult afterwards. After all, Dark Cybertron is a bitter cold. Ground, all count on the supply here.

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