Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 830: Go to war

Or out of divine instinct, Kane had thought about what it would be like in the last battle in this world when he ate and then found himself forced to ascend.

Perhaps it was to start a battle with the Catholic Black Ark Fleet, and then to fight against the high-end evil things that came out of the Myrtle Palace.

Perhaps it is torn against the high-end supernaturalists of the Justice League. They took out the end of the year, collected and repaired the magic weapon from a certain secret area or simply a foreign country, and then hit a dark ground.

There may also be those cultists who have always pretended not to exist, such as the Naoyuan Club, although Dang Biao only made a deal because of Jimmy, the ground snake in Paradise City. But the feeling for him is not simple.

These guys are more calm than Kane expected, but Kane firmly believes that they have real things, or they are unknown, and once they do things, it may be a big move for God to demote.

He calculated that as of the end of September, the global population dying because of the extraordinary crisis has exceeded 1.7 billion, and the mortality rate continues to rise, there is a growing suspicion.

In this context, there is already some negative spiritual energy. If there are people who want to collect it, it is enough to make a big news.

He set up fire camps around the world to guide headhunters to hunt down the spiritually vulnerable people who might become demons. A hidden intention is that these people with mental fragility, split personality, and extreme thinking will generally become demons, but they are also possible. Become a priest of the evil **** because of the radio wave.

These naturally-born priests of evil spirits are much sharper than those black priests who desire to do their own private things with the power of evil spirits.

Because the benchmark of the Faith Department is purity, and so is Cheng Xian, including the Eastern Taoists, but all the kind of drilling deep in the mountains and old forests, which are gas-gathering and swallowing medicine, have fallen down. Being immortal, it ’s obscenity. For various reasons, I ’m in a state of affairs, and it ’s a matter of course, so I ’m going to rise. This is the fairy. What I want is the state of being and the pure heart to the Tao. This pure and true In fact, it means faith.

Whether it's relying on positive energy or anger, anyway, this kind of near-spirit-level thinking has a characteristic that there is no intentional heart, only the state of ecstasy, and then the radio wave, it becomes.

The conditions for the birth of the evil priest are so harsh. Once it appears, it is also a legendary start. If you get in touch with the evil god, you will immediately be highly synchronized and inherit its divine power. The Holy Land and the apostles are not to mention.

The key is what they summoned, the success rate is extremely high, and the summoned will not be the various castration versions, either they can't stay for long, or they can't exert their power. The priests of the true evil **** are basically at the level of the gods, and most of them are unsealed.

Therefore, Kane also guessed that if the extraordinary crisis is regarded as a super-giant **** sacrifice ceremony, then the true **** can now show almost half of his body, which is higher than the upper limit of the maximum power of the main position plane. Overturn the river. He estimated that his farewell battle might be due to this sanctuary with a plus sign.

Unexpectedly it would be Veronica.

But after a rough scan and analysis, he was basically sure he was here.

Everything has a cause, Veronica is his robbery. The world will arrange this battle and let him clean up the mess. In turn, he is also a Veronica robbery. After the robbery, he will be revenge. The robbed will be recaptured, and the extra income is very expensive. It is also a kind of perfection and can leave this world.

To understand this, he didn't save any trouble. The goal of attracting the other party is not a fluke like me. The world is often difficult. The rest of the day is 100 days, although it is more than ten days away, in general. made money.

Of course, the production of legal card-style cards became more and more powerful later, and Kane was also reluctant to terminate it easily.

This time he was ready to smash the stall to a certain extent. Unless Veronica's destruction rate exceeds the production capacity, he will fight against it, anyway, every day of delay, there will be an extra day of profit.

So Kane was preparing for the war intensely, but did not take the initiative to start the war.

He and Veronica are not the same in expressing power.

He is a typical knowledge is power, and one person is civilization. Therefore, the manifestation of the power expansion is to create high-performance war bugs in a technical way.

Veronica is powerful, but her unit release efficiency is limited, so she builds a large number of war dolls to increase the "spit", just like cutting a lot of eyes on the balloon, while jetting, output per unit time The upper limit is naturally high.

So each war figure is like an extension of her limbs.

Kane had played similar operations before, but it was the reverse, that is, using puppets as external batteries, and N multi-cell energy gathering, for him to continue to hit a high-intensity, high compression ratio energy beam.

Veronica's tyranny is the mind, so her performance situation is not Kane's kind of plastic BIUBIU flow. She makes every warrior come to life and come alive. The war doll also presents a mixed structure of magic and technological machinery. This complexity brings greater combat effectiveness and comprehensive adaptability.

It can be said that Veroni pinched tens of thousands of warriors with Shennian, and then manipulated it like driving armor, just like the incarnation of the fairy family, and fully demonstrated the power of Shennian.

If there are any shortcomings in Veronica, the main reason is the lack of resources.

The material of Sanqi is also very precious to her. Her biggest family is the body of sin, but the accumulation of thousands of years has been taken by Kai Enhao.

This lack made Veronica's new body unable to match the spirit of the gods, forming a small warehouse with many stores.

This is another reason why she has to make war dolls.

But even if it has the ability to turn decay into magic, it can't ignore the value of materials and rare resources.

What's more, even Kane didn't dare to compare, saying that as long as I enriched information, I could make the soil an artifact. What's more, Veronica, as a sin, she can be said to be a model without learning.

Her knowledge mainly comes from two directions, one is blood lineage inheritance.

This is like a dragon or a warlock. Deeply digging into the power of blood can unearth knowledge. The knowledge of God's sins naturally comes from God. But it is not comprehensive, that is, it carries more than ordinary life.

Another source was obtained as a trash can. The negative emotions of hundreds of millions of people cannot be so clearly divided, and they are also mixed with some profound information. It is not surprising that many people put together.

And the mortal world of this world is the world of technology, so the gods also control the technology side, thus forming a mashup.

Therefore, her puppets have many similarities with the early puppets created by Kane.

Relying on the powerful ideology, Veronica's DIY is one by one, and all can be fine.

Kane is a magic industrial system, a super holographic printing style, and the effect looks very similar to out of nothing.

He did not deliberately change the template. In that time, he could produce two to three more rounds. The extra quantity can completely compensate for the problem that is not very targeted.

These war insects were originally intended to be thrown into the dark cyberbotan, into the abyss, and torn apart from an unknown existence. Now let's not put it in, but prepare for the war.

Kane has a certain estimate of Veronica's attributes. Knowing that she wants to build a soldier is basically a ten thousand doppelganger. Every one will not be too bad even if it is not as good as a fire eater. Faced with such a strong soldier, ordinary combat Even the large number of insects will be crushed.

So he opened a production line and made crazy equipment.

For this manufacturing, he took half of the extraordinary energy reserve, and at the same time, urgently mobilized a batch of extraordinary extraction devices established around the world, mainly to mobilize the three strange substances obtained in the process of collecting extraordinary energy.

Mass-produced magic instruments exist in the form of components, and they are equipped to war insects by way of embedding, which can be recycled and reused.

But this alone is only able to tear Veronica's head without falling down. It is best to be a situation that hurts the enemy by a thousand and damages itself by 800. After all, Veronica is equivalent to his ascension. Absolutely strong enough.

So, Cain deliberately used all the power of darkness that he had collected since he came into this world to create special equipment through business card making.

These dark forces were accumulated little by little through normal channels during the process of energy gathering. Originally, they were used for some of the most glorious opponents, such as Catholic gods in case they came back, or they sent holy ones. Divine weapon, angel army, then these dark powers he saved are very valuable.

However, with his attainments in the power of darkness, it is possible to change the gameplay to engage in black and black.

This time, he created a special card called "Death Painter" in view of the powerful characteristics of Veronica's mind and the power of faith. In the case of non-card, it can be understood as a special war insect, similar to the **** war insect.

From the card data, the death painter's offense and defense is 0/1, which is the lowest type of unit, but it needs 2 energy gems to put in. An artifact card like a glider, 0/2 offense and defense, or flying Empty units have zero consumption, while also providing artifact attributes, occupying only 1 card slot.

Since the offense and defense are poor and the cost is high, then it must have a sharp enough special ability, otherwise there is no value at all.

The special ability of the death painter is to paint with the essence of spirit flesh. If no unit dies on the battlefield, it will draw 1 energy from the opponent for the owner and return 1 energy for the owner.

This card is imprinted and copied using spells. It will build a blood-sucking legion. Any cannon fodder or derivative on the battlefield can be drawn from the opponent to the energy of a powerful unit directly hit once, and the damage is vicious.

Kane created such a unit, in fact, it is to use the characteristics of the power of darkness, combined with the life soul system, intends to extract the soul of the soul of the soul.

Last time you drank the three strange substances of your body, you are still alive and well, okay, this time even the soul is also drained, let's see how to install it.

If this is successful, it will be completely destroyed.

This is also normal. After all, it is torn to this share. It is impossible to withdraw at such a high level.

In the end, no matter who wins, it will end the mutual grudges.

Both sides exploded their soldiers, battle clouds, and a series of abnormalities caused by the fire. Even other kinds of forces were aware of it, and they speculated about major moves. Although they no longer have the mood to watch the drama, they can still make the salary kings like this. Solemnly, it must be the annual drama, and the outcome can determine the kind of future trend, so the observers of this school still have to be sent.

Both sides are also very efficient, Kane keeps producing with static braking, Veronica is not too greedy, it is enough to fully develop her magical skills, and attack 34,500 combatants.

These war avatars fully embodies the characteristics of the memory of the memory of God's Sin. The style is very weird. Simply speaking, it is like the four different things. Everything is a little bit and it is all plausible.

It is roughly humanoid, but with long arms and legs with reverse joints, it is not a common muscle-like knot of a demon. The ratio is normal, but it looks very long and comes with a little rickety. There are wings of tentacles behind the shoulder blades, which are two rows of tentacles, swaying flexibly, like a silk ribbon, and like a whip-like light plume.

The wings of tentacles are modeled after Veronica's own design. When she is fully open, there are tentacle wings in the energy state behind her.

The warhead's head is a human head, but there is a problem with the ratio of facial features, such as the stone statue on Easter Island. It is said that it is an abstract school, but it is realism.

This is actually a subconscious interpretation of God's sins on its own roots. It is not a human being, but an ancient race that lost its era.

Compared to Veronica ’s Alien Legion, Kane ’s War Bug Legion can be said to be quite satisfactory, and it seems to be a more common humanoid machine in the state of power armored clothing in science fiction works.

Because there is no need to carry life inside, the overall ratio looks more pleasing to the eye. The long legs and the upper body of the inverted triangle have a simple and bright style. It also makes people feel thin. After mounting additional armor, it looks a little bloated.

Kane called them crusaders, because the helmet's face armor part has a bright red cross, and after the additional armor is hung, the outside world does indeed have the appearance of a middle-aged armor knight.

The footsteps of the Crusader Warworm and the northern part have special designs. The footsteps can expand the hook claws and have a better grip ability. In the north, there are folding auxiliary arms, which can be reached from the shoulder or from both ribs. Can quickly change weapons. Of course it can also be used for combat.

The Crusader War Bugs do not use swords, but use enchanted alloy tomahawks and pickaxes. They are dual-armed and equipped with a 15MM caliber magic orbit gun. The strike effect is dual-attribute, extraordinary energy + kinetic live ammunition.

Since it is a mixed team of science and demons, naturally there will be no shortage of heavy weapons and casters.

One of the heavy weapons is the nuclear super-heavy attack aircraft. Because it is unmanned, it also has magic, and it is a nuclear power-powered plasma jet engine. It can fight normally at a speed of Mach 15 and fly directly out of the atmosphere without pressure.

From the name of its domineering, we can see the combat characteristics of this attack aircraft, 150,000 tons of fusion warhead missiles, mounted 20. In the belly cabin like a bomber, the door is opened during launch, lowered by a special mechanical arm, and then launched like a wheel grenade launcher.

This type of attack aircraft was originally designed for the Dark Cybertron War. Now that it has operations in the atmosphere, an armored shell with wing wings is urgently added to make it look like a penguin, fat, small wings, and some cute.

In terms of logistical issues, Kane ’s war worm weapon category is simple. In addition to the attack aircraft, it is the battlefield. It is a multi-purpose basic vehicle that can be used as a transportation device and can also carry weapons, such as rockets, artillery, missile vehicles, etc. Wait.

Because it is a mix of science and magic, the battlefield looks amazingly simple, like a piece of chocolate waffles flying. The area is obvious, the thickness is very inconspicuous, and it does not look like a ship, it is a platform.

Because flying often requires magic, to make it more flexible and fast, and at the same time protect the contents on the platform, so surrounded by the dim magic light, it looks like a cloud is flying.

What Kane didn't know is that this kind of thing made by this deity in the past is actually the wayward realization of childhood. Seeing the {Da Nao Tian Gong} as a child, Tian Bing Tian will battle the clouds to form a scene in the battle for Huaguo Mountain.

These battlefields can be separated or merged. They can be layered and arranged in the air to form a battle array, allowing light infantry and strike weapons to gain flight-level maneuverability.

And Kane also has problems with artillery, which was obviously caused by the brainwashing of the so-called "God of War" propaganda as a child. The artillery array + battlefield is also a sharp combination, especially the earth cannon + nuclear shells.

The salary king is against the evil, and the war between the two sides has basically no prelude.

Veronica led the soldiers out of the water, and Kane led the soldiers to heaven.

Observers of various forces around the world saw Kane's series of concave shapes, all of which were painful. This gameplay is too joyful, it is really self-willed by extraordinary power.

In comparison, the God of Sin is simple and clear. From the point of view of Shennian, it is similar to the thousand machine exercises of the scorpion in {Naruto}.

Of course, Veronica is not a little stronger than Scorpion. Just a warfare can make Scorpion called Dad.

Each of the 34,500 battle figures is an incarnation of God's Sin, strengthened by divinity, and gains unreasonable characteristics, which can enrich a large amount of information, so that the material and even the performance can reach the level of quasi magic soldiers.

This effect achieved by relying on a small amount of three strange substances can actually be regarded as Veronica releasing a 12th-level spell and continuing to cast spells.

The casas of carnage are only at this level. Veronica's mind is strong enough to be willing to push the 12th-level spell A that has been released. No one can say that this is not enough.

However, from the perspective of the tactics and tactics of the two arms. Veronica obviously suffered a bit.

Her armament is single, and her tactics are single, just like the three army divisions of the Delta Special Forces playing pigs.

And Kane's play style makes people who are familiar with the combat methods of the secular army feel full of sight.

Since the investigation can be said to be full of maps, there is no need to appoint any investigation troops or guide weapons. Directly, the attack plane threw a round of wild bombing.

Although each of Veronica's sides is a super-maneuverable unit, there is still a clear gap in flexibility compared to an attack aircraft flying at a speed of Mach 15 and dropping bombs.

Kane also held the mentality of flying up after the battle, basically let go of his hands and feet, nuclear missiles are used as shells, a total of three flight squadrons, this time dispatched two, that is, 48 ​​attack aircraft. A total of 960 fusion warhead missiles are carried, each with an equivalent of 150,000 tons, equivalent to a total of 144 million tons of TNT.

Although it was not thrown out all at once, the bombing still caused extremely terrifying effects. From the space, this area is like a fuse burning on a table tennis ball, shining and dying in comparison with the earth. Bright, and the proportion is not small, very prominent.

At the end of the scene, I saw a large white blind, which was caused by the continuous appearance of a large number of plasma fireballs. The shock waves interacted with each other and formed a terrifying tearing effect, as if countless high-speed crusher cutter wheels were pressed Collision in a small area gives the impression that nothing can survive such a violent and dense tear.

However, this is just the beginning.

The main purpose of this attack by the attack aircraft is to entangle Veronica's Warring Legion.

Because they are super-maneuverable units, it is basically impossible to predict their direction of action in a timely manner. At the same time, Veronica's detection ability is also very sharp, and targets tens of kilometers away can be sensed by it.

Against this background, this wave of nuclear bombings also has the intention of interfering with Veronica's enemy capabilities through high energy.

What followed the nuclear explosion was the scour of nuclear shells over the Kane battle front. Although there are more than one hundred kilometers away, the name of the earth cannon is not called in vain.

Although the individual power of nuclear shells is not as good as fusion warhead missiles, the number is sufficient. Therefore, the tearing effect of the high-intensity nuclear energy shock wave in the area is continued.

So from a space perspective, the fuse on the table tennis continues to shine.

In the hit area, a huge amount of seawater turns into water vapor directly above the sky, forming a huge gaseous cloud. The seawater in the area has boiled, just like blowing the water surface with a giant wind cone, and a huge abyss appears on the sea. The pit, the water above is rowed in all directions, and the lower ones are gathered again, and then they are drained again ... In this way, a raging wave is formed. From a higher sky, it is super ripples, engulfing the original messy waves of the sea, with a clear shape , The violent and violent momentum is sweeping.

The nuclear strike did not stop until the constant-month observer on Kane ’s side confirmed that Veronica and her warrior had basically come out. The total duration was 214 seconds.

Since Kane was not restrained by the salary king this time, the explosive power for such a long time was completely digested internally, instead of most of them rushing out of the atmosphere and entering space as in the battle of the shallow seas, so it will inevitably bring significant global climate influences. Even if there is not much sediment and so much water vapor is sent, there will inevitably be heavy rain.

There are also hurricanes and tsunamis. Tsunami is formed by the power of nuclear explosion power on water, and hurricane is on air. The two also have a certain meaning of mutual completion. Super hurricane + heavy rain, the speed of advancing too fast and friction As a result of the discharge phenomenon, large thunderstorms were formed, and the cities on the east coast of North America first tasted the taste of this strong wind and heavy rain and lightning.

It is almost the same as the level of natural disasters. In the face of this kind of climate disaster, ordinary people only have a sense of self-insignificance.

However, Veronica's war-mates' war losses are not much, and Veronica herself is fart.

To put it bluntly, this is like the two gods each casting a 12th-level spell, and had a limited collision, and consumed each other, causing a certain amount of spell power to be consumed, but the spell is still functioning and has not disintegrated.

Of course, it is inevitable for Kane to take advantage of this, because he himself does not consume anything. There is even profit.

The death painter has already begun to paint ~ ~ In human terms, after the death of Veronica's war dolls, these units have extracted the essence of divine thought through special methods.

The so-called special way is a binding force of law, just like a negotiated contract, if it meets the terms of the contract, it will automatically take effect regardless of the distance.

For Veronica, the lost warrior is basically irreparable, because she has already displayed her combat power to the maximum. Every time she dies, she loses part of her combat power and wants to make up for it. In order to complete a round of rest, Shennian (spiritual spiritual power) can get a certain percentage of recovery. The reason for the dissatisfaction is because the body is not strong, and one round of time can not create enough minds.

Since you only need to rest for a few days, you can make up for yourself. Veronica does not care so much about the losses of the war mates. It is nothing more than too much loss. This time the competition will lose the chance of winning, so the contention is not life or death. It's about winning or losing.

Unless she is locked and can only fight forever, until one party is completely defeated, then every power is precious. Veronica doesn't think Kane can pull her into deathmatch mode now.

Of course, this is Veronica's illusion ...

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