Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 851: 1 vote to retire

In Kane ’s eyes, Hulk ’s story is a typical story of guilt.

What is the most irritating point in this story?

The reason is that there are always some silly X + teasing X, and the concept of ‘state institutions are also made up of people’ is unclear.

As soon as this kind of thing is mentioned, it is stated on the upper line that the country ’s heights will not be exhausted and will not covet coveted personal wealth.

It ’s actually true to say that, at least, a top-ranking organization like the country has mentioned in its relevant rules how to treat special talents and the technologies they master in an attitude.

However, this does not mean that those who occupy the positions of state institutions will abide by the rules and act in accordance with the regulations.

What did that sentence say: There is no such thing as loyalty, only the benefit is enough.

The general interest is indeed not enough to allow some people to smash their own people to set up IP. After all, it is also hard to save. The value of a time is converted into money. It is not enough to give a finger. Satisfied amount, the fool hit his credibility signs.

But this amount is sometimes not as high as people think. Because that person secretly didn't know how many times it was sold, it was just a good cover, most people didn't find it or noticed it.

A person who has started selling rhythm when power is climbing, whether it is active or passive, selling is already a fact, and even has become a habit. Is his rhythm still worth believing?

It is even said that this is the trend in the industry. Everyone is selling. The only comparison is who sells smarter. The handle is small and the signboard is not exposed. Is this group of people worth believing?

Needless to say, 80% in an organization, that is, more than a dozen percent of people like this, is already quite smoldering. Open your eyes and look at the details that happen around you. Are you sure that there are only a dozen or so percent of officials who have no discipline?

It is nothing more than a multi-faceted and intricate bite to form a balance. Whoever breaks it will be targeted by the public and it is very difficult to see the death. It constitutes the glory of the general surface. In fact, what is the internal dumping due to power and profit Crazy, far beyond ordinary people's imagination. Rather than believing that corruption is everywhere overnight, it is better to believe that weeding out the roots.

Of course, it is indeed deserving of sin, as the sentence said: The arrests are all dead, there must be wrongs, but killing one after the other, most of them **** but escaped.

Many people understand this truth, such as Bruce Banner.

As the saying goes, it is the most boring reader.

After being armed with knowledge, many issues can be seen transparently, and it is painful to live.

Like the US team, a special era and a special life experience have caused him not to think of so many things and nothing, and the low starting point makes him more satisfied.

He can accept even his job as a vase literary soldier, and it is his duty to cooperate with the research. Experts said that for his own good, but also for the motherland, the people, and the cause of freedom he loved, he believed that he was full of dedication and was proud of being studied.

Of course, it will not be sliced. It is just an exaggeration. It is too extravagant and too wasteful. This is a prototype. Even if the second super soldier is successfully manufactured repeatedly, it will not be easily destroyed. Who dares to guarantee the mass production of super soldiers? Is there a problem? Even if it's really no problem, it's still a prototype, so shallow eyes? Have to experiment to death?

In the face of the obedient soldiers who are both willing to lie in the laboratory and can be used as cannon fodder on the front line, any organization with a little brain will play star making, lift up the hero, and bring his face close to him, flickering more people as cannon fodder . This is the best use.

Bruce Banner does not belong to this category. He has several doctorate degrees. He is too clever, pondering, and has a high starting point. He believes that the set of freedom and equality that the United States usually uses to fool the public is true, and as an experimental participant, I saw it. Many dark things, and I have tasted it myself.

How can such a person obediently be a mouse + thug?

And all of this was covered by anger. Bruce himself felt that once he became a Hulk, his six relatives in the state of anger did not recognize it, and it was easy to hurt innocent people, even those he loved. General Rose took this as a reason to define Hulk as an uncontrollable hazard, as a public reason for arresting Hulk.

Oh, and another reason, American property. The laboratories, pharmaceuticals, and technical solutions are all from the United States, so even the **** after the accident is also from the United States. The specific research is a military investment, so it is the military, regardless of life and death. At this time, I will not talk about respecting life or anything, and emphasize that it is Dad who spends money.

But in fact, General Ross is lower than the average person thinks, and don't want Bilian.

When Amy Bronsky, seconded from the Royal Navy, looked at Bruce Banner ’s apparently picturesque and elegant picture, asking if it was a warrior.

General Rose said: "He was wanted by the US government for stealing military secrets. He killed two scientists, an officer, an Idaho paratrooper, and two Canadian hunters. He's on his head. So don't care if he is a soldier, anesthetize him, and it's right to bring it back. "

In addition to Amy, other elite soldiers from the SEALs were involved in the arrests. They are very cattle, but cattle are in the profession of soldiers, not how clever.

The military has never been a place of reason, but discipline. The command must be implemented and the order must be observed. Such an environment has created a batch of qualified tools for giving up thinking outside the profession.

And these soldiers will think that Ross is a general, a real big man, with various medals getting soft, heroes recognized by the country and the people, would they still deceive them?

These are the contents of Kane's prophetic message.

He even knew that these soldiers were the ones Ross ran to the Everglades training camp and borrowed from his old men.

He thought, pick a soldier and make a puppet, and then he lay comfortably at home, remotely controlling the puppet like a silo game, and waiting for Ross to come to the house and take him to see Hulk.

Kane felt that it was much easier than spending his energy, gathering intelligence, and then going to Hulk.

After all, the Prophet ’s message only let him know that Bruce Banner is in Portoveld, Brazil, and that place is simply a super slum in the mountain version, a paradise for parkour sportswear and a show. Looking for someone in such a city, how can there be Is it convenient to use the strength of the American military?

In this way, he let the novice clerk Kara go to the Everglades training camp and take the lead in layout.

Something happened sporadically while he was waiting for Rose to come and start the Hulk arrest.

For example, SHIELD is looking at him.

He also understands that such a rich young man with a high degree of recognition, but in the past was blurred, as if it had popped out of the stone. With the professionalism and keenness of SHIELD, it is impossible to ignore it.

To put it another way, upper-level people are actually very sensitive to the people in their circles. They also have the ability to make inquiries and confirmations through their own channels and means to avoid making jokes and losing money.

Therefore, S.H.I.E.L.C.'s Cha Kane also has the figures of these high-level people behind him. After all, S.H.I.E.D.L. is no more powerful than a functional department. It needs the help of the big gold master, and the big gold master is composed of the rich and powerful In a word, S.H.I.E.L.D. could not escape the destiny of serving capitalists.

The so-called function of maintaining world peace and public safety can be understood as guarding against pastures by wolves. After all, once the society is in turmoil, first of all, the capitalists ca n’t play happily. For sheep that have already been shorn of wool, or even bone marrow, the loss is the same, but the sheep themselves are more sad. It's a big deal.

But it was still a step slower. The hole had been filled, and the character performance was normal. Just like Kane told Little Pepper, extreme sports like trekking, rock climbing, etc. are not keen on serious careers. A noble person, even a little bit out of society, does not interfere in the fight for power, relying on the ancestral family business, and mixing some soup with the capital tycoons, this is not enough, it is too difficult for the strong.

So the hidden attention gradually came down. Many people and things deserve the attention of SHIELD, there is no need to waste manpower.

In fact, as Alexander Pierce gained extraordinary power, and began to reduce the power transmission, the global terrorist events showed a small rebound.

This is because the insidious and cunning Hydra with high success rate suddenly stopped playing, so that it was withdrawn from many cooperative projects.

Without Hydra's intelligence, technology, and weapon supply, many criminal actions immediately fell off more than one level, and instead they showed a surge, but most of them failed, and some even seemed very funny. This is the shortcoming of lack of professionalism. In today's era, there is no culture, no capital, and criminals are not qualified.

Vicious crimes have proliferated. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. are busy building meritorious service, and for a time there have been many outstanding agents, including Hydra members.

Because Alexander Pierce, intending to withdraw, is arranging the aftermath as much as possible, including laying out a new batch of clean eyeliners.

Pierce realized early on that after all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is under the control of the International Security Council. If people are stuck on their funds, S.H.I.E.D.E.L.D. will have to be obedient. After all, special cases are accepted. The advantage is that it is a cooperative organization, which is recognized by all major countries. This is what it seems to be able to call the wind and the rain, but in terms of technology and force, it is not unique. You have to do it.

In the past, Hydra was a parasite. Money, technology, and personnel used the platform of others to do private work. This is basically the way to play.

Now that Kane has given Pierce advanced and perfect technology, he can completely seize the market and become a truly powerful capitalist. Where else is he interested in working for others and selling his lives?

Pierce intends to start a new life, start a new life, and a new career. After all, he now needs money and money, people and people, technology and skills, super ability, and is holding the handle of many people. The problem of life is about to come to an end has also been solved. Take a moment to squeeze your face again.

It can be said that all the conditions are met, why should he be the director of Laozizi?

Take a look at Tony Stark, S.H.I.E.L.D., the American official, don't you have to look at his face? Pierce believes that he will certainly not stop at the level of Stark in the future.

He will have his own corporate empire, and he can arrange the members of Hydra justly, so that the iron bucket built by this empire cannot be poured into the water.

Then, with powerful power and advanced technology, it will dominate the entire world and have more power than the current United States.

Interestingly, because he put down the Fly Camp Dog Goo in front of him, he became ambitious from the heart. Some things that he didn't usually understand, but suddenly realized clearly.

Pierce suddenly discovered that someone had secretly collected evidence of illegality from him and his men, such as the whereabouts of embezzled public funds, contact with some sensitive figures, and so on.

He had always thought that he and his subordinates were so clever that he hadn't been caught by the braid, and now he realized that it was not the case. The other side did not make trouble, one is because the evidence is not enough, and the other is because his contribution is greater than the bad influence caused by corruption.

This is also a ruler's way of rulers.

There is nothing that is not greedy, but when the water is clear, there is no fish. For talented people, we must learn to tolerate, and look at the whole, not the dead. Of course, it is also necessary to catch the braid. When it is needed, the bird can hide and hide, and it can invite people to get rid of it roundly, which makes people speechless. This is also technology.

Seeing this, Pierce's intention was even stronger. He also decided to take the crossbones away.

So he first got his future chief technical expert, Anim Zola.

Zola is the world's first genetic engineer. His main research direction is to extract and preserve thinking consciousness and memory, and transfer it to another body.

This research is not extraordinary, and it does not propose the concept of soul, but data and algorithms. Data represents memory information, and algorithms represent thinking patterns. This system is more like the sixth day of the universe ’s personality data output and import. technology.

Zola in this universe is not very brainy, but the algorithm has influenced the next insight plan. His body was finished in 1972, and his consciousness and memory were stored in a database of 200,000 feet long through his technology.

The specific location is at the barracks where the US team was originally trained. It later became the seat of the first headquarters of SHIELD.

Pierce ran in person and rescued Zola from the old-fashioned database by extraordinary means and poured it into the body of a volleyball Hydra soldier.

Zola was resurrected and accepted Pierce's control and leadership.

Shortly afterwards, Pierce managed the Madam Hydra alone.

This Hydra stunner nicknamed Viper, whose real name is Ophelia ?? Salkistan, is a white castle in se*s, Hungary, was born in the 1920s, that is to say, when the red skull was active, Ophelia Leah is a young man around 20 years old.

The Red Skull was looking for artifacts all over the world at the time. The Universe Rubik's Cube is its biggest achievement, but there are other things, such as the crown of the zombie found by Ophelia. Then he became a demon, and soon became a stroke of the American team and his roaring commando.

Later, she successfully escaped from prison and killed an inmate Viper, winning her title and uniform. She also controlled her gang Viper Party, recruited a group of villains related to snakes, and started playing on her own.

After a period of declining Hydra, Ophelia found out that his daughter-in-law had become a wife, and was considered to be a veteran of that year, so she jumped up and down and became a Hydra senior.

As an old monster that has been active for many years, Ophelia's experience is naturally enough to write a thick book. One of the two most commendable ones is the signing of a contract with the **** Xisuoen to keep youth forever. The other is a couple who had been with Wolverine for a while and made him obedient. The way she got Wolverine was to brainwash all the women who were close to Wolverine.

The general description of S.H.I.E.L.D. is arrogant, insidious and vicious. But in fact, this evaluation obviously brings a derogatory attitude and a justice perspective, which is not impressive.

Hydra is not an ordinary gangster who has no ambition, finds ways to make money, and then spends happily, but an organization that is armed with faith and wants to do big things, just like Pierce told Nick Fury after the insight plan was revealed Of: "As long as I sacrifice 20 million, I can establish a new order for 7 billion people. Do you have the courage to implement?"

Nick Fury said: "I have the courage not to execute." It seems that the answer is very good, but it's just a joke.

From a certain point of view, the Hydra dares to be the first in the world. The only biggest problem is actually failure.

The king defeated the enemy, and it was the United States, using various humanistic things to beautify the massacre of the Indians. Even restore some historical truths, but lighten the cruelty of the slaughter, and give some Indians at that time how barbarous and antiquity, just refuse to accept all kinds of good intentions, and then have the courage to deeply analyze their own black history, Anti-war loves peace.

If you are defeated, then you must have the consciousness of being dead and being whipped. Not even defeated, you have to bear the notoriety (for example, the Iranian official is actually a terrorist organization, a president said.)

Of course, Hydra ’s ground washes, and it ’s almost the same if he did n’t say bad things, he said that bad guys are suspected of vilifying the word ‘bad guy’.

It's just that Kane doesn't care. In his opinion, they are all gangs of gangsters, and they simply don't care about this kind of problem.

What he wants to say is that what can be done is not simple. Ophelia can be a mercenary and become a high-level Hydra leader. In the history of Hydra, he can rank among the top five leaders. Naturally, he has some abilities, high IQ, strategic master, leadership temperament, strong organizational ability, etc. Wait.

He took a fancy to this point and felt that Ophelia could be promoted to a heavyweight villain and play an opponent with Pierce.

However, Pierce played even better. He directly killed the door and used his extraordinary powers. He quickly defeated Ophelia, whose superpower is only equivalent to the level 2 mutant level, mainly relying on mortal combat skills.

Ophelia's combat strength was not particularly outstanding, not to mention that Hydra strictly said that none of them could fight. Pierce steadily eats any Hydra BOSS, even if the red skull returns.

Ophelia quickly surrendered to Pierce, to be precise she was scared. She betrayed the **** of thirst, but this does not mean that she did not know the power of West Thorne.

And Pierce ’s power is obviously greater than Sisorn ’s from a certain point of view, showing a higher priority. It comes from Pierce and is called the extraordinary power of God ’s Blood, which swallows Sisorn ’s power cleanly. Then, she reshaped her body again. She knew the knowledge. Although she felt incredible, the feeling that the body constantly conveyed made her know that most of this information was true. After all, it was too easy to identify and there was no need to lie.

Pierce borrowed Kane's words and beat Ophelia: "loyal to me and perform well, then you are still you. If I am not satisfied, your current consciousness will be replaced and cannot be resurrected."

Ophelia relied on his qualifications and used to hold Pierce. Now Pierce is refreshed. Unless Kane had explained, the two old bones of Baron Sitrak and Baron Zemmer could not escape his. Take control (now Baron Zemo, the villain of the US team 3, has not yet inherited his father's business).

Ophelia is also an old fritter that can bend and stretch, not to mention that she also realized that with this change, her biggest shortcomings of individual strength were replaced, and she also possessed the ability to control the target physically. The spell of charm is a perfect match. It's really the future.

However, Pierce would not let Ophelia use the new ability to do things everywhere. He asked Ophelia to cooperate with him to complete his ending work-Nirvana plan. UU reading

The general process of the plan is:

Ophelia first led her people to engage in world-class big news and robbed something fiercely.

Then Pierce came forward and sent someone to solve the case.

The two sides confronted, and those who were under the command of Ophelia, who had already been on the wanted roster, would all be killed in battle.

On the Pierce side, the crossbones and others also sacrificed bravely.

Through this fake fight, the backbone of the Hydra changed from light to dark and opened a new life.

According to the Nirvana plan, in the end, even Madame Hydra will become a legend of the rivers and lakes, that is, the kind of life and death unknown, seemingly dead, but the corpse has not been seen, and some suspense is left.

Pierce will also resign because of heavy losses on SHIELD.

Later, suicide revenge dies from Hydra.

In the next few years, it was to develop with peace of mind and take the right path.

In this way, the last attention left by SHIELD will also be removed. Pierce knew the operating mechanism of S.H.I.E.L.D., and understood that only in this way would it be safe. He would really be a new person, and no one would connect his new face with his previous identity based on details such as his habits and minor problems.

Kane felt that Pierce's plan to unravel the golden cicada was successful, and it also complied with his requirements for peaceful farming and silent development. There is no horizontal obstruction.

It didn't take long for Pierce to contact him. It turned out that after Pierce and Ophelia gained power, they were both so dizzy that the big news they wanted to do was to grab the Fed's gold.

The plan is that they are all done. The only problem is that there are some extraordinary means on the side of SHIELD. Gold needs a secret hoarding point.

After watching the plan, Kane said that the gold robbery could have ...

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