Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 852: 4 homes

Kane asked Carla to go to the Everglades training camp with the evil spirit cell worm, and chose a parade of SEALs named Rennes to wait for General Ross to come home to start the Hulk capture event.

After that, he began to enjoy arbitrary and corrupt life.

Carla is the downline of his new development, and his life is miserable, but Kane's admission is to see his will not give up until the last moment of life.

Carla worked for him as a direct foreign affairs agent, including errands. At this time, he failed to anticipate what kind of "great cause" Kara would do with the power he gave Kara and the freedom to be happy with nothing. Instead, he wanted to set up a few homes for himself.

He ran to Mojave to live a simple and happy life with Annie.

Mojave is not only a desert, but also farmland on the Colorado River, and the typical western scenery.

I live a farmer ’s life every day and drive to see the western scenery if I want. It ’s also a good day. In particular, there are sweet girls like Anne who are so cozy and the people in the town are relatively simple. After adjusting his appearance, he will not cause any inconvenience.

Soon, the locals knew that old Adams had a good son-in-law, who made a lot of money in the city, people were generous, invested money in public facilities, and brought a lot of benefits to the town, and he was willing to live in this backcountry. In it, if you are fine, you will come to the only bar in town to have a drink, chat with people, ask for a few rounds of wine, and do not look down on anyone ...

As for the design of the descendants of the European mysterious family, it was not thrown. Mysterious European family, naturally rooted in Europe, living in a luxury hotel, renting a Gulfstream business machine, this is a consumption behavior, there is no real estate here, so you have to go back after playing enough.

After a period of time as the owner of the farm + voluntary nature park patrol, Mrs. Hydra's gold robbery was almost ready. Kane said goodbye to Annie and went to New York to prepare to act as a cash collector.

He also has a sister in New York, Olivia Carlson.

But this girl is going to socialize with super handsome and rich people. He also went on stage to open a few stage plays and sent flowers to the background.

Olivia has no way to perform on a high-end stage like Broadway, at least not get a role.

This means that, like Kane, even in the eyes of the Broadway stage queen, it can be regarded as the top thigh man, unusually attracting butterflies. The plastic sisters of Olivia almost came up to tear their clothes and licked them.

It's an exaggeration, but in this world of money worship, among the top gold worship countries, among the most money-loving cities, it is really no longer true.

The mentality of these girls is also far more mature than their appearance. They understand the concept of 'changing age and taking advantage of opportunities', which is a very profound kind, so using their original cost is bold and can't bear it.

Some simply point out that this is an exchange, there will be no tail, and it is no problem to play together.

It can only be said that concepts and concerns are really different. No wonder many years ago someone said: If you love him, send him to New York, if you hate him, send him to New York.

If you have money, you can do whatever you want. The reason why you get stuck is that the money is not enough.

Clark Kane, the descendant of the ancient European mysterious family, is actually not enough to be classified as money. After all, New York is a city where the wealthy Americans live concentrated, and Los Angeles can't compare.

If you do n’t have enough money, your face will come together, and your face will be justice. How many ladies are willing to wield cheque books to think of Kane, a Greek **** with a resurrected Greek sculpture and a perfect figure in the golden ratio. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to encounter the bee butterfly.

Olivia is under a lot of pressure. When she had dinner together, she mentioned to Kane that someone asked her to pimp, and she was still a good sister. What she said after being rejected, the sad ones make people believe the world. I have a real friendship.

"Speaking of things, this is fine. Even if there is no friendship, there is also morality. Close as a girlfriend, close behind, think about the embarrassment after being broken."

Olivia couldn't borrow this word. It was really embarrassing to meet him.

Kane laughed: "So you see, human nature can't stand the test, and once it happens, it can also measure something. Have you ever thought that this wave has passed, how should your life continue? "

Olivia smiled bitterly. Why didn't she think about it?

The most common situation of plastic sisterhood is when you are miserable than them, you will get comfort, care, and even friendship, but if one day suddenly reversed, the taste will change.

Especially in the business she pursues, it is very necessary to cooperate with each other. As soon as the others are in order, the ugly mistakes will happen frequently. Even the head of the troupe ca n’t keep a lost person, even if Knowing that those are naughty, unless it is the kind of technology to get people or already famous pillars, it is difficult to continue to work together.

From this perspective, Olivia is only lucky. When the company that was turned into a rich service initially gave Kane a profile, she felt that a young bird like her was more likely to please Kane, so she introduced it, and Kane was really satisfied. Knife.

In fact, whether it is appearance or heart, it is better than Olivia, there are several around her.

It is difficult for people to accept people who are not as good as themselves, and the results are better than themselves, especially by luck. The problem with Olivia ’s plastic sisters is mainly this, not that those girls have shallow eyes and have never seen such things as being maintained by the rich.

Kane looked at Olivia's expression and knew she was expected. Tao: "In this way, things start to happen to me, and I will help you smooth this wave."

Olivia asked carefully: "How?"

"Invite them to eat, drink, and shop together."

"that's it?"

"Of course more than that, I will tell them why I chose you, not a simple one-night stand."

"Can you tell me first?" Olivia whispered, biting her lip.

"When we say together, the effect is better" ...

So there was a group play, a beautiful day, I rented a villa with a beach, first went to the luxury store to spend, then went to the villa to play in the water, eat barbecue, and made some award-winning games to help In the evening, a bunch of pretty girls wore clothes and shoes bought in the daytime and so on.

After eating, I went to pick up the field of peers, went to Broadway to watch a show, and then stayed in a high-end hotel, what should I do the next day.

In the meantime, in front of the women, Kane told why he would like Olivia.

"In my opinion, people are like banknotes, they are squeezed out when they are printed. And when I met Olivia, she was a new banknote, both in mind and body."

"Some people may say that Olivia has been in love in his hometown, and it is likely that there is a young boy with a green plume. But I see it as a necessary process for printing."

"A blank sheet of paper, I want beautiful patterns after it, and I want to be square and tangible. Naturally, I need to cut and print. Thanks to the simple folk style of Olivia's hometown, thanks to Olivia's rigorous family style, and thanks to New York. Refinery. So I do n’t have to go to township schools to find new banknotes, or even get some patterns and anti-counterfeiting watermarks myself. "

"I even think that even if I am willing to go to the countryside, I may not be able to do what I want. After all, I have not passed the refinery in New York, and most of the girls are still dreaming of princesses."

This statement is naturally very straightforward. Olivia is a relatively conservative Catholic (no X behavior before marriage), education is not very high, but also barely able to calculate the knowledge of the book, after the social beating, some unrealistic ideas have been polished, but there are still The dream, already intending to jump into the pit, just jumped in his hand. So Kane was willing to give her a chance, which is why it changed from one-night stand to maintenance.

A girl said boldly, "Resources like you are only used by one lady, it's a waste."

Kane laughed: "This topic is suitable for private conversation. I promised Olivia that I would give her a home with only one hostess. Although many people say that I am home everywhere, but in New York, One home is enough. "

There is still not enough EQ. I really tried to contact Kane afterwards, of course, it is impossible to get Kane's reply.

If you want to steal something outside of Olivia, you can find it through the service company. Why should you find someone around Olivia?

This is at least respect, so that Olivia can have a reason to be an ostrich, otherwise it is really green, and it will only be him who is troubled, people have long figured it out, only the pleasure of revenge.

Shortly after that meeting, Kane bought a house in Washington Heights. It was a promise to give Olivia a home, and his home in New York. After all, living in a luxury hotel is not cheap.

Although Kane does not lack anything, diligence and thrift are rooted in his soul. Although he is not like a rich man, he will not spend money in order to spend money, even if he can do it through various methods. To more.

The Washington Heights is to the west of the Hudson River, and to the south is adjacent to the wealthy Upper Manhattan, surrounded by heather park, high bridge park, other community functional facilities like university hospitals, Catholic churches, schools, supermarkets, public libraries. It is a complete and mature community, and Kane feels it is a good place to stay here.

It ’s more suitable than Upper Manhattan. It ’s too noisy. People will naturally fall into the strange circle of comparison. He naturally does n’t matter. He really is better than this. If he is unhappy, it ’s okay to build a space city or a moon city. Who can compare? Anymore? Olivia is totally considered. After all, it is her who lives here. It is nothing to wear a famous brand and go in or out of a luxury car. It is embarrassing to not match it with her career. Kane did not want Ovilla to become a housewife who only spent time by showing off her wealth.

Speaking of which, Kane originally planned not to work, so he helped Olivia change the environment, and there is not only one song and dance troupe. Since they are all a group of Bichi, there is nothing to miss.

As a result, the effect of the party was good. The girls' psychological balance and attitude changed again.

Olivia later told Kane about it, and Kane said: "You have money among the little sisters, so let them get a little cheaper from time to time, this is the consciousness that rich people should have."

To this end, Kane increased Olivia's credit card overdraft limit by 100,000. Even if every month spent enough, the rest will be transferred to a fund. This fund is an institution that helps Kane manage wealth. Olivia opened an account, as did Rachel Anne Annes.

Kane also donated US $ 200,000 to the song and dance troupe unconditionally, and said that as long as Olivia is there, this number will be there every year. So the leaders of the song and dance troupe became affable, and the plastic friendship of the sisters continued.

In addition to the annual cost of newly purchased properties, what has been bought, Kane's annual investment in Olivia is about 2 million.

Jinwu Zangjiao, even if raised, the bid is more kind. It's not too thick. After all, according to the way most rich people play, the best age for women, the price is a little expensive. It's understandable. In the future, it really depends on ...

That's basically what happened between Kane and Olivia.

Kane did want to have a warm home, so he let the service company help and became a legal couple with Olivia. The property was Olivia.

In theory, Kane committed bigamy. But it was Kane Clark who married Rachel Anne Annes, not Clark Kane. So ... the rich want to play whatever they want, as long as they can recognize it. For example, a property dispute suddenly occurred one day.

Kane didn't think he would take a step back 10,000 steps that day, so he threw all the stalls, which is why the property is Olivia. Don't wait to hate the other party to the step that you don't even want to give.

The two did not have a wedding, and Olivia naturally knew why, it was impossible for Kane ’s family and friends to appear. Hiring an actor to achieve her decency, she did n’t have that compulsion yet.

Perhaps this incident stimulated Olivia, making her aware of her marriage, the crisis is lurking.

So Olivia did a terrific thing, invited guests at the NoMad hotel, pulled her good girlfriend Monica, and let Kane taste a double flight.

This may be a woman who is infatuated, ruthless, and absolutely more likely to go to extremes.

But in Kane's view, Monica is not easy, even perseveringly using his own method, the higher level succeeded.

Of course, this is because he also recognized.

Monica, in Kane's cognition, the name can always be associated with the concept of 'fascinating', perhaps because of Monica Bellucci, when Kane left the earth in the past life, Lu Qi is still at the end of the golden age of years, and the goddess is barely still there. As a representative of the amorous actor, it is normal to leave traces in the hearts of many men.

This Monica is similar, she does not have Olivia's pure capital, but other aspects have it, such as having a good figure, being very open, etc.

Monica's ability to enter the field is due to the needs of Olivia's solid pet and anti-mother wolf. She realized that she lacked professional skills, so she asked for a professional one through sharing.

What percentage of Monica's tricks succeeded here, and Kane was not interested in investigating. He just warned Monica in private not to ruin Olivia's design.

"People are different from people, you earn this money. You can say you don't do it anymore, but if you get fooled, I promise to destroy you completely, including everything you care about. I will only say this once, I I do n’t want to have a chance to mention it in the future. Conversely, even if one day you find new happiness, I will give you a generous gift. Also, do n’t try to play Olivia ’s **** in my house, otherwise I wo n’t spare you."

So Monica also had an income of 50,000 monthly salary.

After tax, the annual salary is 600,000, and the United States takes a lot of this money, but the tired hands are much lower than that of the money. Monica is quite satisfied with selling herself at such a price.

In fact, she is only a third-hand, and she still needs to count as her first love. This is absolutely self-righteous in America and in the entertainment industry. However, it was the uncle who spent the money. Kane's first condition was pure, and she had to be relatively mature. She didn't reach this line, and she could only do nothing.

Monica is three years older than Olivia, and her family's genes are typical of Europa. At the age of little attention, she becomes a bucket waist aunt.

So Monica is more stressed and more urgent, which is why she bullies Olivia, who is relatively honest, especially after the party, the more she realizes that Kane is indeed the more positive among the rich Kind, more particular, say one thing, have promises, be relatively honest, don't play tricks emotionally, and look like a god-like appearance, you can't catch the opportunity, it is absolutely impossible to meet again.

She exerted all her efforts, and she just opened the gap from Olivia's side and achieved her goal. She admired herself and felt deeply that it was not easy. How could she easily spoil the achievement?

With Olivia and Monica, Kane did not make other laces anymore. People have limited energy and time every day. Even if Kane looks like a donkey, he does not plan to make life too complicated. .

For the rich, there are too many beautiful girls for picking. What needs to be worried about is the waist. Kane does not have to worry about the waist, but he is not interested in being a stallion.

Like all Kane, he also has a sense of emptiness in a foreign land. Although he had no hometown complex because of memory problems, the desire that was imprinted in his heart could not be wiped out.

This is why he quickly became a daughter-in-law after playing beauty girl. For him, the feeling of home is more mellow and longer than physiological, just like Chinese people love to drink tea.

Olivia also knows that Kane loves to drink tea, so he just goes out and plays, and does not forget to bring a few bags of authentic Kwan-yin Guanyin that Kane likes to drink.

On this day, the three had just played in Central Park No. 1 (Light Luxury Hotel), sweaty Olivia and Monica went to rinse, and Kane, who had no sweat at all, was sitting by the window in loose shorts and drinking Tea, overlooking Central Park in the sunset, Pierce contacted him, and the golden robbery planned by Mrs. Hydra opened tonight.

In fact, in this world, wanting to get rich is more cost-effective than grabbing gold.

For example, Zhenjin, 1 gram of Zhenjin raw ore exceeds 100 million US dollars. So if the earth is the most tyrant, Black Panther recognizes the second, Tony? Stark dare not recognize the first, other people's black panther's armor, but the whole Zhenjin.

Of course ~ ~ Zhenjin material is not as expensive as the original ore. This is because Zhenjin can grow like crystal. The wealth of Wakanda is because it is the only Zhenjin mine in the world. It is not appropriate to say that it is not suitable for people to plant trees and descendants to cool off. In this life, even the son's life, it is impossible to be a mine owner. It's just that this thing is more valuable to real rich people than land. If civilization is not destroyed, it can't be worthless.

Compared with Zhenjin, a common truck that can run indoors and pull earth and concrete is about 14 billion yuan. Looking at this gap, we know that it is really going for money, then Zhenjin is more suitable, and Hydra also has the strength to beat Jin's idea.

But it is still ready to work hard as a stupid man, naturally because gold is linked to the currency, and the Fed has hoarded gold from various countries, and grabbing this will definitely be big news.

One night without words, the action stage was the next day, the first night was set up, including sliding door locks, loading explosives or something.

The next morning, an explosion in a high-end clubhouse made all New York police nervous, and then a phone call directly went into the office of Director Gomez. The other party admitted that the clubhouse bombing was the cause and planned to play a game with NYPD ...

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