Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 902: Rescuer, self-rescuer

The result of the constant research of the President of the Lighthouse State and his friends is the use of nuclear weapons to solve the problem of virus infection.

Specifically, it uses neutron bombs specially designed for killing lives, and the technical military officer promises to ensure that with the characteristics of neutron bombs, the miniaturization of the nuclear power of the lighthouse country, and the accuracy of fighter bombs, the effect will be very good. Ordinary buildings are far from enough. Personnel provide protection.

Nick Fury did not know what theory these people used, and convinced himself to use this method of eliminating problems, but he completely disagreed with this operation.

Not based on conscience, the work he did determined that it was at least the standard to throw away that kind of thing.

Of course, it's not that you lose your conscience to do a good job, but that you have to sacrifice your conscience without a better choice.

Nick Fury believes that there are three problems with the use of neutron bombs:

First, the technical military officer overestimated the power of neutron bombs. This weapon has only been tested on a small scale, and it is questionable whether the relevant data is reliable.

Niko felt that the technical military officer was too full of words, as if a veteran who had shot 500,000 rounds was talking about shooting, but in fact he estimated that he had never been to the test explosion site, but was bragging here through information.

Second, this group of people feel that this is a way to create emotional deflection, instead of being fair and objective.

Nick believes that they despised and even ignored the preliminary analysis and speculation about the special funeral elements in the virus report he sent. What if neutron radiation also becomes a blind element?

Thirdly, the neutron bomb is to strengthen the radiation bomb. It has the advantages of small radioactive pollution, short duration, high penetration of high-energy neutrons, a 1,000-ton equivalent explosion at 120 meters altitude, and a radius of 2 kilometers from the explosion point. The inside is basically inevitable. 50 cm of reinforced concrete and 30 cm of steel plate are not enough to resist.

But the problem is that for most of the targets hit, they will not die in the first place! Most of his death time is one month later.

Although Nick Fury is spicy, he still uses conversational skills. He did n’t spray the President and his team ‘you scumbags making decisions on your head! ’, But emphasize the third point-not so long.

The President heard the news and said that it would be impossible. It was already early in the morning, and New York was about to wake up. If it was not a nuclear explosion, it was already a car coming and going. Officials also have their limits of capacity. A metropolis is no longer difficult, but impossible.

Nick Fury just said what he said to the council members before, and told the gang a lot, perfunctory a lot, and outlined what can be done, what is already done, and how to do it? Sorry, keep it secret!

The President and his teammates were shocked again by tons of psychological harm!

After 24 hours, I was really surprised. From the morning of December 31st:

First, the third aircraft carrier combat group was destroyed.

shock! There are even terrorist organizations in the world that master these black technologies?

Then came the nuclear bomb seizure and the presidential palace attack.

shock! It turned out that the destruction of the third aircraft carrier combat group was just a guise. The real purpose was to acquire nuclear bombs while hijacking the supreme leader, causing the established facts of coercion and subversion of the kingdom. If the non-special person saves the field, the other party will be completely successful!

Then there was the 350,000-meter nuclear explosion in New York. The first damage radius was 170 kilometers. Even Colorado, in the middle of the lighthouse country, had electrical appliances affected, and problems such as false alarms (more sensitive electronic equipment) occurred.

shock! No one knows who did it. Most people in the lighthouse country think it is a Hydra, but the Hydra has issued a condemnation statement and has produced a bunch of empirical evidence, including the seizure of nuclear weapons, not for the purpose of use, but worried that the lighthouse government is frustrated. . The reason is very simple. The Hydra can win the army of the lighthouse country with regular strikes. Why do we want to destroy the fruits of victory that will come?

However, with the electromagnetic nuclear explosion, the information suppression system of the Hydra basically collapsed, and the Midwest is also good. At this time, the official power was revealed. After all, it is the manager of the society. There are so many civil servants. At the same time of disaster relief, the traditional assembly announcement or impromptu speech is used to publicize it. The effect is just right.

This is also the reason why most people in the lighthouse state think it is a Hydra, the official hard-working propaganda-the Hydra robbed nuclear weapons for use. After all, from the end of World War II to the present, the fact that more than 60 years of non-nuclear strikes are iron-clad shows that the government still has control and long-term vision. Now one nuclear weapon was used the same day it was captured, which is naturally the suspicion of the Hydra.

Just as the loss of trillions of dollars was overwhelming, the ultimate bad news arrived, and a genocidal virus infection broke out in New York.

shock! The house leak coincides with the continuous rain. This conventional attack, the second nuclear weapon attack, and the three biochemical attack is to use the lighthouse country as a light bulb! What a hatred this is! ?

The President and his team members thought this was already shocking. As Zhou Xingxing said in the King of Comedy, when a person receives too much stimulation in a short period of time, there will be no more expression reactions.

I didn't expect anything to surprise them-there are magicians in this world, even gods ...

The psychological shadow is instantly infinite!

Once upon a time, they thought they were at the pinnacle of life, and they were the most successful handful of intelligent life. In order to achieve this goal, in addition to their efforts, they also paid a lot of hard-to-understand costs.

They told themselves that it was all worthwhile, especially if they really succeeded, after reaching that level, after gaining authority, wealth, status, etc.

But now, the inherent cognition is subverted relentlessly.

For them personally, this discovery of ‘mystery is never a legend, and there is a higher level of life’ ’s consternation, and the sense of loss that followed, is the biggest harm.

It is far less intense to learn that most of the 8.5 million New Yorkers are going to be finished.

Nick Fury has long been accustomed to politicians, bureaucrats and capitalists.

There is a good saying, the horizon determines the pattern. The reason why Nick likes to do this job, even if the original historical line of SHIELD was abolished due to the "Insight Plan" made by Alexander Pierce, he still volunteered to do similar work, not because he likes to take risks, but because of his sense of responsibility.

This sense of responsibility comes from the recognition that "life should do something meaningful", and this recognition is because Nick has been exposed to many strange life, objects and events through his work, so that he has a much more vision than ordinary people. .

Therefore, he always has a sense of superiority, and sees the so-called top-level dignitaries, including leaders of various countries, with a dominance. One or two live fly camp Gou Gou, the best is to make a show ...

It ’s a rhetoric, but in fact Nick nearly greeted the President and his team in the end: “The Security Council will come up with a plan in the near future. I hope you can talk about it. The most difficult first battle is for me to take command. Looking at your performance, I hope we can do our best to each other! "......

Just as Nick Fury was pulling the necessary eggs with the Security Council, the President and his team, the Avengers, as well as the SHIELD, the Mystic Masters, and the Hill Star Warrior team were all working on specific Disaster relief operations.

Saying that 8.5 million New Yorkers are going to be sacrificed is just an overview, and there are a lot of details to say.

For example, in the five districts of New York, the core area of ​​the disaster is Queens, and more specifically, it is close to Brooklyn in the southwest. This means that the two areas are the most serious in terms of target problems, so the distance between them is far away. It is actually safe on Staten Island, southwest of Brooklyn. Conversely, Nassau County, east of Queens, is less safe. At least west of Hempstead must be blocked, just in case.

As another example, the Bronx is not a big problem. The core point is south of Queens, and the Bronx is separated by a wide East River. Even if it is airborne, it has not spread.

Queens has a population of about 2.2 million; Brooklyn has a population of about 2.4 million; Manhattan has a population of about 1.5 million; Staten Island has a population of about 500,000; Bronx has a population of 1.9 million. This is the general structure of 8.5 million.

Then, ignoring Staten and the Bronx, there are still 6.1 million, but to add half of Nassau County about 300,000, this is 6.4 million.

These 6.4 million people are not allowed to leave. Others will demand their evacuation.

Since the Hill is sitting in the air, it is not necessary to consider the wind-containing air containing the virus flowing with the wind. This is a very important point, otherwise the mystic mage is in place. It has been more than 4 hours since the virus first broke out. The division of the affected areas must not be such a simple and crude method.

Then, these 6.4 million people were not killed by a single shot, but were classified as A.B.C third class. A class representative should be fine. Priority transfer.

For example, a considerable part of Manhattan, the southwest of Brooklyn, the most west, and the south of Kennedy International Airport in Queens, and the south of Jamaica Bay on the west.

The more famous ones like Atlantic Beach, Long Beach, Lido Beach ... These places are not so serious because of the geographical particularity.

Here, I have to say a situation that makes D silk suffer. Even in the last days, the powerful people have more advantages in survival.

Not to mention the ability to withstand risks brought about by contacts and money, let's talk about the advantages brought about by work and life. New York is a haven for the rich, a **** for the poor. And because it is an old capitalist country, it has many characteristics such as class solidification that divide people's work and life circles. In general, there will not be too many intersections in various circles.

George and his daughter decided the location of the initial virus outbreak, and those infected were basically in this area. There were no rich people living in Manhattan or Long Beach. Most of the night came to the bar to drink. Especially in the context of nuclear explosions.

Infected people often mess up in areas they are familiar with.

This is the benefit of wisdom, and its behavioral thinking is more logical.

If you follow your instincts, you will basically play with probability. Maybe you will eat it all the way. You will nibble all the way and kill New York for a few hours.

But often there is no wisdom. Even hunting is more about success rate, strategy, and even elegantly and calmly achieving the goal, rather than being scarred and embarrassed.

For this, you will start in the familiar area nearby.

But many of them are not like this. In addition to the black witch, and the special funeral George in the special funeral, other special funerals, including George ’s daughter First Flying Demon, are distorted by the excessive alienation of the body, they are more like smart monkeys, dogs, dolphins In this category, they can occasionally utter utterances, but like parrots learning tongues, it is not very clear what it means, that is, the scattered memories are squandering, and the mouth is balding.

This is one of the reasons why Hill ’s interstellar fighters are assigned to give priority to killing these special funerals.

In addition to being more destructive because of special funerals, there is also the most difficult to estimate their behavior and the most harmful type of existence.

Minimizing their number will help slow down the spread of the virus. At the same time, it is also for other disaster relief forces to be safer. After all, not all those involved in disaster relief can kill special funerals like the intergalactic fighters and cut vegetables.

After all, Hill ’s Star Warrior Group has too few personnel, especially after giving the cloak to the Mystic Masters, there are more than 30 people left.

After completing the sample collection, all of them replaced their weapons. Under Hill's instruction, they carried out pure hunting on the special funerals, all of them were solo, but they still seemed to be insufficient.

In addition to them, the special team of SHIELD is active on the front line.

These elite warriors with the cloaks produced by the Avengers are mainly engaged in blasting.

Exploding bridges, exploding ships, exploding houses ... The only purpose of exploding all the way is to further weaken the ability of everyone in the area to travel.

Once again give a compliment to the nuclear explosion EMP attack. It was a delay at the beginning, but with the passage of time, it has become a factor that is beneficial to disaster relief. The vehicles ca n’t be used, which is really great, otherwise there will be mutations or virus carriers. If you leave the New York early by car or yacht, you will be blinded.

If vehicles and ships cannot be used, the ability to move is greatly reduced.

Of course, the zombies are capable of crossing the river. After all, they are 2-3 times more than ordinary people, and it is not difficult to swim across the river without crossing the bridge.

But there is the Hill in the sky.

Let Hill lock and monitor all the aquatic creatures in the area, it really can't be done, but a person like a person who dares to swim will be evaporated by the world, absolute efficiency.

Then through directional blasting, the overpass collapsed, the buildings were blocked and the road was blocked, and indeed the virus spread to a certain extent.

After the Hercules operation, the SHIELD Special Forces used about 460 people, all of which were filled into the pit.

The other unit in disaster relief is called the green-skin rescuer.

This unit is authorized by Kane and distributed by Maria Hill.

The source is the green skin of the medieval Warhammer world. Kane brought it out in this world for a comparative study, whether the light of the green skin and the cells and the Hulk's gamma cells have something in common.

The conclusion is that although both are greenish-green, they are not related to each other, but the two can be fused through evil spirit cells.

C Kane is different from his family. There is no such enthusiasm for technology research and development. After a rush, he is thrown away, and now it is also regarded as waste utilization.

The principle of its use is to seize the opportunity, before changing the zombie, the green skin first.

Cultist cells can naturally achieve their goals more perfectly, and even devour zombies, but Kane does n’t like to spread unscrupulous cells.

One of the reasons is that the evil **** cells still exist in the unknowable and uncontrollable nature of the old rulers.

Regarding this issue, there is a description in the small gift brought to him by Kai Wang.

In this regard, Black Kane has the final say. It can be said that since its birth, it has been fighting against the old dominators, including fighting against the divinity and the unknown in the swallowed old flesh and blood.

As a result, after fighting for thousands of years, after all, he still had to rely on the darkness to resist the influence of the old dominators.

Therefore, there are hidden dangers here. He has to consider the old expenditure in the present universe, or to pursue it, or to awaken without a repression, and then it will be full of uprising troops, which will be boring.

Therefore, his worm swarm has worked hard in this aspect of prevention, and at the same time spawning worm swarms is also for the possibility of a major war. It is too late to build soldiers when the old branch appears.

Greenskin potions are granted to voluntary participants in disaster areas, such as the army, the National Guard, police, firefighters, etc.

Anyone who has the ability to provide disaster relief and is unwilling to become a living corpse eating the same kind can choose to become a green skin.

Facts have proved that those who choose to become green-skinned monsters are more than keeping their original appearance, but they need more of the same kind.

"The impact of ethics on people has taken the top spot. Is this still a habitual habit of looking at the face to make decisions? Perhaps it is out of hatred for the initiators who caused all this? Unwilling to switch positions?"

In fact, the situation on the scene is not as complicated as Kane thought ~ ~ Although for individuals, this is indeed a major choice with far-reaching impact, but not all are complicated and repetitive when facing everything Determined.

Like soldiers, they are often the souls of the team, and a certain non-commissioned officer shouted his arm: "Brothers, we don't eat humans! The skin is green, and the debris is still done!" So it was green like a group dressup. .

Feelings are more important than looking at faces, including feelings of trust in your peers, feelings of nostalgia in the past, and feelings of hope in the future. By the way, there are occasional individuals who are not so reluctant, but the herds of herds will do it.

Of course, this is also related to the discipline and obedience developed by the military. Like the police, it is not so easy. The firefighters are okay. The firefighter training in the lighthouse country is still excellent. It is better than the police. It also has a family and has a mouth, saying that the green skin will be green skin.

The most complicated is the "enthusiastic citizen".

Although the green skin agent cannot compare the spread efficiency with the super zombie virus infection, the difference is not very large.

The green skin has no blood type difference, it is blue blood that can carry more oxygen.

The Greenskins provided information from the Hill to obtain missions, specific how to operate their own arrangements, and what ammunition supported, provided by the Kundish transport aircraft of SHIELD. Contaminated by the virus, and brought out of the quarantine area, then it is large.

The main task of the green-skin rescuers is to maintain order.

Simply put, as long as people stay at home as much as possible, then it is even a control of the situation.

What I am most afraid of is rapid infection, and then without food, spontaneous formation of corpse tide, millions of corpse tide, the impact of just thinking about it shudders.

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