Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 903: Finger-mouthed

As the chief person in charge of emergency response to the "New York Super Virus Spread Incident", Nick Fury divided the humans in the disaster area into three categories.

A, etc. are uninfected.

In half an hour, the security facilities will be established and they will begin to withdraw.

B is an airborne infection, but has not yet mutated.

According to observations, it takes ordinary people from 30 minutes to 200 minutes from air infection to mutation, and it can be carried for 4 hours.

This kind of person called ‘infected person’, the safest way to deal with it is by injecting green skin blood, which has never been the first to become a person.

After the infected person becomes green skin, the skin is dark green. In addition, they are relatively thinner and more sensitive, but their strength is not as good as the ordinary green skin of the top five and three thick, with grass green skin.

C is a special person, such as a virus immune person, or a cow who has received the beneficial part brought by the virus, and an evolutionary who has no side effects of soul hunger and thirst.

The handling of this type of person is containment, and the two female guards sent to Maria Hill by Kane are responsible.

These two female guards were also created by Kane when they were studying Hulk. The female Hulk and the Red Hulk were constantly transformed, but they were not as strong as the ordinary Hulk. The physical figure of a wrestler, just looking at the appearance and skin color, like an Indian, actually has nothing to do with a dime.

And the female guards don't wear colony, their own cell structure is beyond the colony.

Maria Hill is really doing her best to save this time.

Although Kane was not optimistic that the Super Zombie Virus could be controlled, Hill did not give up.

She did not believe in Kane, nor was she lucky, but thought:

For the whole world, it is still in its infancy, and it is also the only time to have the opportunity to talk about the concept of 'control'.

Once it spreads, it is not ‘controlling the spread of the virus’ but ‘rescuing the survivors’.

She feels that without a source of infection now, she can delay for a while. This is equivalent to giving more time to countless people.

Moreover, the longer the delay, the better the refugees can be accommodated.

She knew that Kane had always said it was done. Since she promised her 10 days later, there will be a space city with a population of tens of millions, even if it is still on the way back.

So the question is coming, even if Kane not only helped build the space city, even the transportation is also taken care of, but there must be a selection plan, and it is best to prepare early, and these will require more time to complete.

Hill didn't even think maliciously: "Don't let the rulers of various countries see despair, they may not really engage in the plan of national inheritance, but let them see despair, and if they don't have enough time, they will also fail. It must be said that a bunch of officials and the relatives and friends of the rich must not be dealt with in the end. "

There is no apprentice to the people. Hill also knows that officials can't really be expected to be selfless, but there is also a question of proportion.

She allows this kind of situation to happen properly, but if the end result of her efforts is just to give the current rich and powerful people and their relatives and friends a chance to escape, then she would rather extinct human civilization in this wave of mutation , Or towards the new century.

At present, she has not told Kane's views to Nick Fury, Space City, or the colonial satellite. She knew that Nick Fury was so motivated now that she did n’t want to hit him too early.

Conversely, at this stage, she will do her best to help Nick, and the "Green Skin Gene" is what she requested from Kane.

Of course, Kane agreed, and there were also suspicions of watching the bustle.

Kane believes that human nature can't stand the test and flew when disaster comes. Human flashes of salvation and sacrifice are only sporadic phenomena. Therefore, although the "green skin gene" can make people have one more choice, there must be people. What it can do is of little significance.

To be more specific, in fact, people have not been rescued through the 'green skin gene'. Instead, they have created another species branch to make the future situation more complicated.

Undoubtedly, his vision is more ambitious and long-term. He conducted a rough assessment and analysis of the practice of humans turning green skin in order to resist viruses.

But for now, the green skins are doing pretty well. As for whether they will be unscathed to kill donkeys or become a new race and cause more bad things, it is still difficult to determine, except for people like Kane, Did not care about this.

Most people in the affected areas are now concerned about the safety of themselves and their families first.

With the arrival of early morning, many people realized that something was wrong. Nick Fury made an emergency printing of a batch of flyers, and then put them down at a low altitude through a Kun conveyor, and also repeatedly broadcast announcements through loudspeakers.

The contents of the notices are different in different areas. Like the outermost ones, people are required to pack up a simple suitcase and go to a designated place to go through security and evacuation.

And the simple explanation also vaguely has a guiding intention, saying that New York has been hit by genetic weapons, making it easy to connect with yesterday's nuclear explosion.

Nick Fury believes that it is easier to get credit, and people are not too flustered or desperate.

In the infected area, people are required to stay at home as much as possible and wait for official personnel to come to the door.

The core area is mainly appeased, indicating that there are specific needs, you can talk to the official officials.

Humans in this area that have not yet mutated at this time can be said to be rare, and whether they can survive or not depends largely on luck.

Anyway, both Hill and Nick Fury are under a strained manpower, unable to play the rescue of the hardest hit area.

The President stated that please leave it to me.

He and his team are now anxious to reshape their image, not only for face, but also to save themselves and the credibility of the team's near collapse.

Hill and Nick Fury were too lazy to bother about this kind of ‘save the soldier Ryan’-style political governance, but the rules were followed and there was no preferential treatment.

For example, once entering the disaster area, unless Nick Fury approves, he cannot leave and can only go to a temporary shelter.

At present, the biggest refuge point is the JFK Airport in the south of Queens. Civil aviation is naturally grounded, and now it is allowed to take off and land vertically, such as helicopters, Kun-type and Harrier fighters.

CNN (Beacon State Cable News Network) reporter Robert and his royal photographer arrived here on a CH-47 Chinook transport helicopter known as the 'flying carriage'.

When I got off the plane, I received a warm greeting: "Which silly X sent you over?"

The person in charge on the front line is not like the commander in the rear, such as Nick Fury, who is angry and often scolds when he opens his mouth.

Jack, the Delta leader who led the team to play rescue, was also in the circle, humming expressionlessly: "Of course it's the silly X sitting in the office with air conditioning!"

The person in charge looked at them and his party with a kind of looking at the dead, and grinned: "Okay, no matter what the reason is, how high the remuneration is, you are all pitted, I hope you still have a chance to be green."

Captain Jack frowned: "Being green? What do you mean?"

The person in charge pointed to the left and explained: "The virus infection is too serious. In order not to become a cannibalistic monster, I chose to become a green-skinned monster."

Robert, Jack and others looked in the direction pointed by the person in charge, and there was a temporary camp area over there. Many people walked in and out. They looked very lively. They were a bit far away. Very real, but if you look closely, you can really see that the face is green.

Photographer Charlie whispered: "I thought it was a special paint."

Robert gave Charlie a white look: "It's winter now, the theater is a city, painted in green paint?"

At this time, on the runway not far away, two C130s landed one after another. Charlie interrupted and got a little excited: "Our car has arrived."

The person in charge turned his eyes and sneered. "It's all the same. Don't want to leave when you come."

"Why? Isn't this a safe area?" Robert felt that he had to ask this question clearly.

The person in charge pouted: "I knew that you didn't know anything and was cheated."

Speaking of picking up the walkie-talkie, a short while later, a young man with an apparently tender face ran over.

"BOSS!" The young man said with a grin.

"Alan, tell your people briefly and briefly about these situations, and answer all your clear questions, giving you 5 points."

"Ah! Good! Thank you BOSS for your attention!" Allen's look was really big this time, and he should be happy to take this task.

The person in charge turned to Jack and said: "When you all understand, come to me again. I'm in Terminal 3, Alan knows the place." Then he left on his bicycle.

Robert would like to ask the person in charge the concept of 'points'. He is sensitive to realize that it should be a news point.

However, as the leader of the rescue operation, Jack has more priority.

The young man Allen first talked about his own experience, then Jack asked questions, and then the face of the party was a little green, miserable green!

Not to mention Robert and Charlie, even Jack felt that he really fell into the pit.

What's this? It's too dangerous.

Piles of monsters that comprehensively crush ordinary people, and even more terrifying special monsters with various strange means.

In addition, there are armed monsters equipped with automatic rifles, grenades, and even rocket launchers.

What's more troublesome is that not only bites are infected with viruses, but also cuts and shots, and even viruses in the air!

Don't expect any assistance there. There are already monsters' territories. At least more than 100,000 monsters are entrenched there!

Going to such a place to save people is like death!

Charlie couldn't help but ask, "Can I not go?"

Robert Yoche cut the rhetorical question: "What do you say?"

Psychology greeted all the relatives of his boss.

He also said before that it was finally time to run, and the boss was impressed by his credit and hard work over the years.

Unexpectedly, it was such a black pit. This is really heaven has no way to go, **** has no way to vote.

Jack was also angry, but he knew that it was too late to say anything at this time, and he had no regrets to buy.

He forced himself to calm down and then asked Allen about points.

The simple-minded Allen introduced the point redemption system impromptu.

Although he did not know that this system was developed by Nick Fury and Maria Hill, it did not prevent him from drooling about what points could be exchanged for. Especially some magical things that are impossible to buy on the market.

For example, the cloak, for ordinary people, with it, it immediately becomes a super warrior, and it is enough to fight 10 fights, and the opponent ca n’t break his own protection, even ordinary bullets, even sniping. Gun bullets are just bruises, as long as they are not being stopped, it will be fine.

Cloak can also make people better tolerate hunger, digest food more fully and so on.

Undoubtedly, in this chaotic and overwhelming situation, the cloak is simply a dream for ordinary people.

Others include advanced green skin serum, super fast callus medicine, super era weapons and so on.

In order to allow more people to participate in the disaster relief camp, Nick Fury is also bleeding, and many things of SHIELD are placed on exchangeable prices.

Not to mention the unreproducibility of these things, the cost of recovering such items from the people alone is extremely high. In the future, if the super virus is really controlled and eliminated, then Nick Fury is bound to bear a big pot for releasing so many super-era artifacts.

Jack is also jealous, but he now pays more attention to how to complete this task quickly and effectively, even if he is dealing with errands, he has to do a single meaning.

"Alan, how about being a guide for us? I pay you 10 points."

Allen's eyes brightened, "You also have points."

"We were ordered by the President, and seeing that, the two Hercules were specially transporting vehicles for us. We also have super soldiers." As Jack waved his hands, the two soldiers stepped forward.

"This is a high-end colony that shows off the prestige in the offensive and defensive battle of the Presidential Palace. Wearing him, the special elite is directly upgraded to a superhero. With these two of us, our trip is relatively stable, as long as there is a person who is familiar with the route ~ www ~ Jack hurries, but he doesn't need a guide so much.

The President of Beacon Country wanted to show not to abandon, not to give up, but it was not brainless and stupid, but contacted Nick Fury.

Nick Fury also hopes that the president ’s words can be better used to make the follow-up in New York siege smoother, so he acquiesced to the president ’s show.

Of course, during the period, some benefits are required. Nick knows the secrets of the country that many presidents do not know, but he has a perfect mechanism. He just knows that he ca n’t use them. But with the authorization of the president, the situation is different.

Nick matched the bridge so that the information support for this operation was the responsibility of Hill.

As far as the Hill Brain is concerned, it is nothing more than providing real-time intelligence feedback to a combat team. There are already hundreds of teams with similar authority, which is not bad.

There may even be survivors in the hardest-hit areas, all discovered by Hill Brain.

However, Jack's cognition and experience tell him that bringing a local guide who is not bad luck is a well-prepared option. As for points, as he said to Allen: "That kind of thing, as long as the boss discusses it, there will be it. We are directly responsible to the president this time, and points are no problem."

I saw the person in charge again and explained the situation. The person in charge did not say anything else, but just said to Allen: "Your kid is really dead! When you come back alive, the points are not enough, and the whereabouts of your girlfriend, I will also help you check!"

"Okay! I will definitely succeed in the last trip to the hardest hit area!"

Jack and several Delta Warriors had a stiff face.

Every line has its own superstition, and the one who serves the sword is one of the taboos of superstition. It is often the ‘last trip’ that often causes big problems, or simply cannot return.

A young man's unintentional words cast a shadow on the minds of a group of old men ...

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