Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 915: Diverse species

Albany is the capital of New York State, with a population of less than 100,000, which is relatively low.

But in small places, there are not necessarily people who are not powerful.

After experiencing the initial shock, the Albany police took the lead in trying to use the reasoning method against human crimes to analyze the thoughts and ideas of zombies.

This operation is very simple to say, but in terms of the background at that time, it is definitely a bold choice. After all, if it is wrong, the big explosion like Washington will most likely be reproduced in Albany.

Of course, this method was not conceived out of thin air, but was used before the convening order. Facts have proved to be effective.

Almost immediately, George and Jessica were caught. Now that I want to come, the detectives first feel happy.

The loss was not met, otherwise the virus spread has already started.

According to known information, there are many ways to spread the super-sacrifice virus, but there is a premise that individuals must have the corresponding capabilities.

Airborne transmission requires stinky guys, and body fluid transmission requires spitting. In addition, it is basically only close-range bites, scratches, etc. to spread.

And this suspected special mourning George, the latter kind of reality.

The most important thing is that he is very careful about the virus infection, habitually completely destroys the physiology, or simply eats it to prevent the mutation.

According to the analysis of the investigating investigators, this special zombie with wisdom still has a simple view of good and evil. It has strong self-control and self-discipline characteristics.

In response to this phenomenon, the police detective suggested that the case should be investigated, but it was too urgent to monitor it secretly and wait for him to leave on his own.

Of course, not everyone agrees with this plan. After finding his whereabouts, he confirms his identity and informs the senior officials of Washington, or simply reports it up now.

In the end, the chief of the Albany Police Department and the mayor jointly decided to deal with it by themselves and temporarily not report to the summit. And told the case handlers to keep a distance, not to succeed.

As a result, the actual situation is more dramatic than they thought. Jessica took the initiative to call and let the police go to the black den to wash the floor ...

This is the change in thinking. The people Jessica touched are more mixed, knowing that the police are far less glamorous than they seem. For most police officers, they are only doing a job that can support their families, not how much mission.

In this context, the police will also be lazy, pass, and close their eyes.

Of course, the serious cases are generally not very easy to provoke. One is that they have a hard task. The second is that when the serious cases are involved, they are basically stepped on the line. , In fact, this is the reason.

Jessica also knows that the actual situation is much more complicated than it is said, especially here is full of interests, emotions and even impulsive factors. Cooperation and betrayal are common things. So be careful.

But Jessica still felt that venting to the police was better than George's bitter and sloppy work.

She believes that George will only get narrower and narrower, and finally get into a dead end.

To have a bright future, two things are urgent.

First, communicate. If you are bored, you have to interact with other people. You can have the same kind or a different kind. As a special funeral, they now have an advantage, and their strength is their best bargaining chip.

If you have the power to let others know, they will be in awe and fear.

But this is not enough. Communicate and communicate to let others know their own ideas and preferences. After all, people are always habitual to treat existences that they do not understand or cannot understand as monsters.

The second point is to stand in line.

Jessica felt that George had not done well in this respect. He was obviously reluctant to join in with most zombies, but failed to establish a good interaction with humans. Obviously it was an exiled funeral dog, but in the eyes of other humans Here, they are monsters lurking among them.

It is true that human beings will not really accept zombies who eat cannibals, but most of those with authority are realistic, and they pay more attention to cooperation and utilization.

Since George doesn't like zombies, his heart is towards humans, so he shows his attitude and believes that there will be humans sticking out olive branches.

But behind the olive branch, it may be a trap for pitmen. So Jessica said to George privately, showing his attitude, but take the initiative.

She believes that, with regard to the characteristics of George's ancestors and the strength of the two, there is no need to kneel and lick anyone, and even who will not be born and die for whom to sell their lives, even if there is cooperation, they must be dominated by their own.

For example, this time they smashed the black den and asked the police to wash the floor. This model is very good.

Of course, Jessica took it for granted. From the point of view of appeal, she only hopes that the official will treat it differently and provide some services, such as intelligence and aftercare.

In fact, in the eyes of the officials, these two are just smart weapons that do not walk alone, and do not have the qualifications for peer-to-peer negotiation and interaction.

However, the official is actually a hodgepodge, especially in times of crisis. Many members will naturally hope that they will have a good ending, principle and morality, which is often lowered than usual. This is the reason for the legendary water muddy.

Anyway, the mayor of Albany is very special.

After learning about the existence and characteristics of the super-sacrifice virus, most people think about how to avoid being scourge. And this man thinks about how power can be smoothly transitioned.

In other words, compared with the loss of authority, whether he becomes a zombie is secondary to him.

So he had this weird idea. If nothing could be done, could he take the initiative to become a zombie and maintain control.

For example, you can think of aberrations as a vote of honor, and engage in a ceremony such as consecrating blood ...

The mayor with such thoughts, the slogan of solidarity proposed, is full of the taste of hilltopism. But his thoughts hit a lot of people's sensitive points.

In reality, New York, and then Washington, people are now losing their sense of security and panic. Instinctively want to hold a group to keep warm, with whom to hold a group? Naturally is an acquaintance, old folk father.

At this time, the mayor said how we are, it feels like we are partial to the locality, and we must guard against all bad external factors, which is exactly what we want.

In this way, Jessica and George were seen by the Mayor of Albany as an unusual crisis, where danger and opportunity coexisted. And some people have accepted this idea deep inside.

They started interacting with Jessica and George, saying that the aftermath of the Black Nest is already underway. If the two need, the Albany local government is willing to help.

In the end, the good interaction allowed the two to make a bold attempt. They stayed at the four-star Hilton Hotel here, and all expenses should be paid by the Albany City Government.

Many people who know this feel ridiculous. There are also many people who feel that this method of supplying bombs that can explode at any time is dangerous and stupid.

However, the facts hit these people, George and Jessica, and it did n’t take long for them to become the city ’s savior, or patron saint.

The third day of the two staying at the Hilton Hotel, on January 4, is the time when the lighthouse country's east coast is already sorrowful, let alone Philadelphia, which is sandwiched between New York and Washington, even Boston, Massachusetts, and North and South. The cities of the state of Carolina have fallen one after another.

The strategy of the lighthouse country ’s initial plan to block nine states was a joke. Before the road cards and blockade were fully deployed, Charlotte, North Carolina, was exploded by the Kamikaze. Too.

It turned out that after the big explosion in Washington, someone flew a small tour plane to escape, which is the type of propeller plane that takes more than 10 people.

This escape is quite a bit of a big feature, twists and turns, and the protagonist halo of the plane is temporarily upper body, flying against the treetops at night, successfully passing the level.

If it is really edited into a movie, it will be a typical happy ending until it smoothly landed on a highway in northern Charlotte in the early morning hours. The eight people whom they met because of the catastrophe have formed a friendship of mutual suffering through the experience of this escape, and then they have made regular contacts and opened their new lives.

The focus is on the captain of one of the two pairs of CPs + a big boss.

The love story of the two is very bloody, that is, an accidental encounter, and then experienced some events together, the big brother Qian Jin likes the handsome pilot, and the pilot also likes Qian Jin.

The big brother asked someone to investigate and found that the pilot was a man with a heart. Huaxinnan said that I am true love this time.

Then there is elopement and pregnancy. This time I want to go back to Washington to play with the wooden boat and to marry him. It's a pity that the young people's ideas are too naive. This kind of practice is useless except for the success of disgusting a gangster.

After dissatisfaction, the two planned to leave the next day. As a result, an infection broke out at the hotel that night.

Then came the escape journey, during which Qian Jin was unfortunately scratched by a brainless zombie.

Qian Jin said: "Hurry up and leave, I will soon become a zombie."

The pilot said, "I won't leave you even if you become a zombie. I know you won't bite me!" ...

The two showed off the nasty words of bitter love and sadomasochism for nearly 10 minutes. There was no change in Qianjin, so they wept with joy and hugged together.

It turned out that Qianjin is a virus immune physique that is scarce and extremely rare.

Like the protagonists of the world of survival, the immune body is also a very good virus carrier, which is very deceptive.

The two did not mention it. No one knew Qian Qian had been scratched by the zombies.

But the truth will not be biased towards those who weave and immerse in lies. The adults are fine, the children in their belly have.

Soon after arriving in Charlotte, Qianjin bloated like pain, and the pain was unbearable.

It's less than 5 months since she was pregnant. She's going to have a baby now, obviously a ghost.

However, the people in love do not have much IQ. This pair of young parents do not agree to give up their children. They are completely ghosts. We also have to show the deep love of their parents. save the world.

When he got to the hospital, the child was born smoothly. It was not like a premature baby. It also brought weight loss benefits to his mother. He didn't even need to regain his body shape.

Then Le Ji was sad, their son did not drink milk, but human blood, and directly caught the nurse holding her to suck.

This is also a special funeral in the special funeral, Chaoying zombie, self-opening genre, blood sucking infection.

The biggest problem is that it is a baby, and the brain is like a blank piece of paper. It has already fast-forwarded time before being drawn, and it is framed.

This instinctive Chaoying zombie, in addition to knowing his mother by nature, does not even recognize her father, so a human tragedy happened. His father was sucked into a muddy puppet. Although his mother survived, she actually played a maid. The human role, because this super-ying zombie grows fast, does not need a nurse because of its slimness. It is just an instinctive attachment to the mother, which is engraved in the genes, the cubs know how to seek the protection of their parents, mainly the mother.

The super bereavement virus outbreak in Charlotte was later called the Battle of Blood Currency. The process was like a crazy money grab and being robbed.

Your blood is gone, so you have to get it from others. If you lose one, you have to get at least three to compensate, otherwise you will not be hungry.

And once infected, it immediately becomes a clever beast, greater than the IQ of a guide dog.

The outbreak began in the hospital and swept Charlotte in the early morning of January 2. At noon that day, it spread to Atlanta more than 200 kilometers away.

This type of special fungus virus, due to its wild violence and super high infection efficiency (only blood sucking, basically keeping the whole body, and soon changing into a new blood sucking corpse), quickly became an extremely eye-catching and numerous branch.

Vampires are relatively fragile and look like ordinary people, but they are second only to flying monsters in speed. Ordinary people encounter them. If they are in an environment such as a city commercial street or community, they are basically too late to react. , Was crushed.

However, after all, they are beasts with unsatisfactory IQ, and they will only instinctively chase the prey, and do not know how to plan strategically.

In addition, the performance of the vampire also made people realize for the first time that the zombies have a somewhat mysterious instinct, that is, to know the approximate location of the prey. The larger the number, the more eye-catching it is.

This characteristic has a certain degree of coincidence with the characteristics of zombies in the movie Resident Evil Universe, but it is more sensitive, it is a perception of a biological energy field, just like capturing high-energy particles with mental force.

The ‘visit’ of Albany ’s zombie is not a blood-sucking corpse, if it is, then George ’s ancestral sign is useless. The zombie who ran to Albany came from New York, and it had something to do with Nick Fury.

Since the catastrophe in Washington ~ ~ Nick Fury has no expectations of prevention and control, and instead carried out his Omega project to save seeds for human civilization.

Therefore, some new actions in New York seem to be a little free.

For example, he approved the use of super warm pressure bombs.

This weapon was built by the arms dealer Tony Stark, based on the existing thermobaric weapons of Stark Industries.

Studies have shown that after zombies, they still need to breathe oxygen, and the demand is greater. It can even be said that if the zombies are thrown into the Jurassic and Cretaceous with higher overall oxygen content, they will feel just right, without problems such as drunk oxygen.

In addition, the study also found that incineration is a cheap but effective means to deal with zombies.

However, the flame temperature is higher. If the ordinary person is coal, then the zombie is coke, and the ignition point is higher. Once it is burned, the effect is better, and it can be burned to ash without any combustion assistance.

In response to these characteristics, the super-combustion bomb with high combustion and high oxygen consumption was quickly tamped by Tony Stark.

This thing is already a weapon of mass destruction, and once used, there are few live mouths in the area, and the way of death is also extremely miserable.

Before such weapons could not be used, public opinion could not pass it. There were still many survivors in the affected area. Jack rescued them only as a representative handful.

But with the explosion of Washington, the full spread of the virus is a foregone conclusion. Even the standard of public acceptance has changed. Many people even call directly and demand ‘effective, vigorous and radical methods’.

So the super warm pressure bomb was put into use, and the effect was not bad.

The most worth mentioning is that it was used in Rex Island, New York ’s largest prison. At that time, the New York thugs who were commanded by the Stars were also there ...

Infinite Supreme Wizard

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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