Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 1 Inner persistence is worth a thousand gold

Nankang City, night.

It was pouring rain.

Under the night sky, at the entrance of a magnificent four-story building.

Gao Yi, wearing a white shirt, was being pushed out of the door by several strong men.

As soon as he stepped over the threshold, a pair of big hands behind him suddenly exerted force.

With this push, Gao Yi, who was already unstable, staggered and fell into the puddle in front of the door.

"Next time I see you, it won't be as simple as a beating!"

The strong man with the name tag "Gold Medal Sales" on his chest said, took out a recorder from his pocket and smashed it hard on the ground filled with water.

Then, he raised his heel and crushed the already fragile metal shell of the recorder into two pieces.

Gao Yi did not say anything to stop them, but just lowered his head, and silently picked up the items that fell out of the fall amid the laughter and ridicule of several people.

Fortunately, several signature pens, mobile phones, empty wallets, and half a box of business cards were not soaked in water, but the notebooks that recorded various reporting materials were not so lucky.

The white shirt on his body was borrowed specifically to get into this fraud company, and now half of it was covered with mud and water stains.

What should I do? I don’t have money to find a laundry shop now... I have to wash it myself.

Compared with these, the scratches and broken skin on my elbows and palms are trivial.

Gao Yi arched his back, held the items in his arms, and tried his best to use his body to block the rain to prevent the loss from increasing again.

Seeing that there was no more fun, the thugs of the fraud company said a few harsh words and went back to the building to take shelter from the rain.

Looking at the arrogant backs, Gao Yi shook his head helplessly.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded in his ears.

[“Reporter” label, experience value +30]

[Label has been upgraded: Reporter lv2→Reporter lv3]

Well, it’s a gain anyway.

Gao Yi has been a reporter for two years, and this kind of undercover investigation is not the first time.

In most cases, he can get away with it and take the report back to the editor-in-chief to take credit - although most of the content cannot be directly reported in the news.

And today?

The main reason for today's failure is the extremely inadequate preparation in the early stage.

Gao Yi had no idea that this fraud group had a collective slogan-shouting activity after dinner every day.

Shouting slogans is fine, and several "executives" have to patrol in the middle to catch "passive employees" who can't remember the slogans.

When they shouted "The company is my home, and the boss is my parents".

Gao Yi, who was just filling in the numbers, couldn't hold it in and was quickly caught.

Now think about it, the problem is obviously not with me, but with the system that suddenly appeared last week, which issued tasks without any preparation time.

After packing his belongings, Gao Yi found an open space under the eaves to temporarily shelter from the rain, and then focused his consciousness slightly.

[Name: Gao Yi]

[Equipped label (1/1): Reporter lv3 (Normal)]

[Label ability: ① Night Walker: Higher probability of exposure to various unexpected events and breaking news; ② Truth First: Get a random confidential document every week]

[Daily label task: Undercover a criminal group with more than 100 people and obtain evidence of its crimes (completed)]

[Unequipped labels: Debtor lv1 (Normal), Brokenhearted lv1 (Normal), Good Guy lv1 (Normal), Professional Internet Surfer lv1 (Normal), Friend of Elderly Women lv2 (Rare)]

[Possessing characteristics: None]

"Why does my life label look so pathetic..."

Complaining, Gao Yi's mind moved slightly and refreshed the picture in front of him.

[Label task completed]

[Obtained characteristics: Deception (Normal)]

[Obtain a chance to draw a common item*1]

[Do you want to use it? ]

Looking up at the sky, the heavy rain continued.

"Go ahead and draw. Maybe you'll draw a Batmobile, and I can drive it home."

Telling a joke without an audience, Gao Yi waved his hand and turned the transparent roulette wheel in front of him.

Of course, just like in the past, the goddess of luck never favors Gao Yi.

[Item: Super anti-wolf spray]

[Quality: Ordinary]

[Type: Weapon]

[Special effect: Press the nozzle to the enemy to fire an irritating spray]

[Note: Are you still worried about encountering bad guys when walking at night? Are you still worried about the pervert in front of you? Come and buy this anti-wolf spray, don't pay 998, don't pay 688, just 199, and you can take it home! ]

"Wow, it's a good thing. My wet look does attract perverts..."

Gao Yi squinted his eyes and joked to himself in a half-dead tone.

This is also one of his few advantages. In situations where others would be pessimistic or even desperate, Gao Yi can always adjust himself well, keep calm and maintain a stable mentality.

Turning his head, the four-story building was still lit, and the host's excited speech could still be heard faintly.

This group of fraudsters seized the recent public security issues and targeted middle-aged and elderly people, specializing in selling various "self-defense underwear" and "bodybuilding tea".

When Gao Yi saw his label task for today when he got up, he instantly thought of the place he had preliminarily investigated before, and took action quickly.

It was also because the task was refreshed every day, and he had no time to prepare at all, so he made a mistake and was caught by several "executives".

But fortunately, the task was completed.

Looking down, the body of the recorder that was crushed was in the puddle.

Gao Yi spent all his last savings on this recorder purchased online, just for its automatic cloud upload function.

Those people certainly could not have imagined that their words, deeds and evidence of crimes had been recorded in Gao Yi's network disk.

Based on this, the system also judged that today's labeling task was completed.

"Go home and sort it out. The editor-in-chief should also be off work... Hey, I should bring an umbrella..."

Looking up at the cloudy night sky, the rain was getting heavier.

With a long sigh, Gao Yi hugged the bag in his arms and ran quickly to the subway station.


"Collective hysteria occurred in Chengnan Hospital, and the attending physician hanged himself before the police arrived."

"A fisherman caught a strange green fish by the river and posted it online to show off, and his family disappeared strangely."

"Eleven strange suicides have occurred in Xingfu Community, and experts suggest that citizens should not go there unless necessary..."

Gao Yi struggled to separate the stuck pages while reading the recent investigation content blurred by rain.

Since three months ago, Nankang City has suddenly seen frequent strange things.

Ordinary people may not feel much, but Gao Yi, as a journalist, naturally has a deeper understanding.

At this time, he was sitting in the subway car, wearing a short-sleeved shirt on a winter night, flipping through his soaked notebook, and his soaked shirt was folded and placed aside.

This scene was a bit strange, but fortunately there were not many passengers on the last train, and no one noticed Gao Yi's abnormality.

In other words, another more obvious abnormality in the car attracted the attention of all passengers.

At the end of the carriage, a man in a black sweater with his face hidden in a hood was restless.

Since Gao Yi entered the carriage and sat down, he has been shaking his legs and mumbling to himself.

Half a minute ago, the man's anxiety became more and more serious. He hugged the back of his head with both hands and buried his head in his knees.

The final murmur gradually increased. Listening carefully, you can distinguish some strange words like "I don't want it", "Why me" and "I don't want to go in again".

"What the hell, did the people in the mental hospital run out..."

Gao Yi complained in a low voice, watching an aunt with a basket approaching cautiously, patting the man on the shoulder, and asking with concern:

"Young man, what's wrong with you? Do you need me to call a doctor for you?"

But the next scene changed the situation from "weird" to "horrible".

The man roared, and seemed very unhappy about being disturbed.

He raised his right arm suddenly and "flipped" the aunt out.

The woman flew directly from the rear of the train to the other side of the train, like a piece of tenderloin hitting a pancake. She fell heavily on her back and was silent instantly.

The dozen or so passengers who were watching the excitement screamed and turned around to run to the next train.

Gao Yi, who was also startled, quickly decided to stay away from the crowd - this man's fighting ability was obviously not something he could deal with.

But at this moment, the annoying system voice suddenly rang in his ears.

[Special mission has been triggered: Subdue the out-of-control player and seize his game qualification]

[Reward: Portable tag +1, rare feature*1, ordinary item lottery opportunity*3]

[Time limit: five minutes]


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