"This guy's strength and mental state are enough to go to Gotham and become a super villain. Do you want me to deal with him?"

Gao Yi stopped when he saw the new mission and turned around in disbelief.

Triggering the mission does not mean that he has to accept it. He has missed a lot in this week, but there is no punishment.

Last weekend, Gao Yi suddenly discovered that Gold Finger had arrived in his account. He suddenly felt that the world would sing for him. He labeled himself as a "debtor" and planned to make money first.

The first task was to tell him that he had too much debt and asked him to strive to reach 1 million in debt.

Gao Yiyi calculated that if he couldn't make money, why would he still owe money? He already owed a huge sum of 400,000 yuan and ran around, and managed to reach 800,000 yuan in debt on the first night.

However, after twelve o'clock in the evening, the task that caused him to owe money was wiped out, and the new task required Gao Yi to clear the debt.

After confirming the evil nature of this system and the fact that I still can't get money.

Gao Yi turned his attention to his own job and began to wear the [journalist] label.

After that, I finally completed two tasks and raised the label to level three.

In fact, there are no restrictions or cooling on the replacement of tags, but the daily tasks are confirmed based on the tag worn at zero o'clock.

Just like now, Gao Yi thought for a moment, replaced the [Reporter], and put on the label of [Lovelorn].

[Tag: Lovelorn lv1 (normal)]

[Experience value: 0/100]

[Tag ability: ① Ex: Gain stronger empathy and be able to comfort people who are in extreme emotions]

He first squatted next to the aunt who was knocked away and made a preliminary check on her condition.

The good news is that this warm-hearted aunt is still alive, but the bad news is that her body cannot move very well, and she may have fractures in her ribs and arms.

Gao Yi, who had no professional medical background, could only say a few words of comfort, then lowered his body and walked slowly towards the man at the back of the car.

The passengers who ran to another car still maintained the nature of modern humans. After feeling that they were temporarily safe, they took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures and videos.

Seeing Gao Yi walking towards the man in the black sweater, several people started to cheer him on, making him look like he was going to fight.

"Kill him, kill him!"

"Come on, big brother who doesn't have a coat in the winter."

"My family, who knows? I finally took the subway today to experience life, and I happened to meet someone fighting..."

Who are these people...

Gao Yi, who had already reached the middle of the carriage, grinned, turned around and made a silent gesture.

Immediately, he pointed to the aunt lying there and whispered to everyone to call the police. The situation was finally under control.

This labeling system that suddenly appeared is full of bad taste and inhumane.

But the tasks released so far are all highly capable, or theoretically possible.

Whether it was owing a million yuan or investigating evidence of criminal organizations, it did not exceed the limit of his abilities.

Now that a special mission has been issued, it must mean that the system believes that Gao Yi has a chance to subdue this man.

Of course, it wasn't a cheap sense of justice and courage that made Gao Yi determined to take care of the super villain in the black hoodie.

For an investigative reporter like him who is always lurking around, the sense of justice is like underwear, hidden under the clothes and just stick to it silently in his own way.

They usually wear it on their heads and show it around, for fear that others will not know about it, but they are the most unreliable group of people.

To put it bluntly, the key to attracting high-level players is the mission reward.

[Portable tag +1, rare characteristics *1, common item lottery chance *3]

Exclude [Characteristics] whose uses are unknown

This ordinary item lottery has not yielded anything good yet, but it is still better than nothing.

The most attractive thing is the portable tag +1.

This is a true qualitative change level bonus.

Having two labels not only allows the effects of different labels to cooperate with each other, but also allows two label tasks every morning.

With two tasks, you have a choice, and there is no need to follow the tasks stupidly.

This was enough for Gao Yi to suddenly change from passive to active and become the master.

In retrospect, this labeling system came about during one of Gao Yi's worst days.

A friend raised money to run away, which led to him being in debt. He broke up with his girlfriend of four years. The news he had spent several months working hard to collect information for was only to be plucked out by his boss.

Even Gao Yi, who was very good at self-regulation and stable mentality, felt a hint of despair.

At this moment, a legendary encounter like a novel appeared.

This labeling system brought him immeasurable turnaround and future.

If under such circumstances, he still insists on retreating and giving up the task if he feels there is a risk, then Gao Yi will really only deserve to live a relatively failed life.

"Hey, the worst I can get is a beating. It can be even worse than that time when I went undercover in a mental hospital where patients were abused, and the two nurses beat me even harder."

Giving himself a boost in a strange way, Gao Yi took a deep breath again, quickened his pace, and stood slightly two meters away from the man in the black sweatshirt.

After the distance was shortened, Gao Yi was able to observe the other party in more detail, and some details that he had not noticed before were also revealed.

The man's body was visibly unhealthy. His wrists, which were exposed from his sleeves, were almost skin and bones. His eye sockets were sunken, his lips were pale, and his cheeks were morbidly thin.

But his poor physical condition was still far inferior to his poor mental state.

The man held his head with both hands at this moment, and trembled and muttered to himself in a strong southern accent.

Gao Yi tried his best to listen, but could only catch a few words.

"No, the Holy Grail is too scary", "There are still a few minutes left in the game" and "Someone come to save me."

Gao Yi instantly realized that, in contrast to the powerful fighting power shown by the other party, this man was not simply crazy, but also entangled in extreme fear.

This was a good entry point.

"Brother, brother, what's wrong with you?"

Having learned from the aunt's lesson, Gao Yi did not directly make physical contact, but just whispered one meter in front of him.

The subway was still running at high speed, and it was difficult to maintain his body shape without support.

But Gao Yi still lowered his body as much as possible, half-crouched down to communicate with the other party, and ensured that his height was not too much higher than the other party sitting.

This is a means to reduce others' vigilance, a simple communication and negotiation skill.

The man in the black sweater raised his head, his bloodshot eyes were obviously full of murderous intent, staring straight at Gao Yi.

"I have no ill intentions, I just want to help. If you don't need me now, I will leave immediately." Gao Yi spread his hands, showing an unguarded state, and then said:

"But at least tell me what you encountered, okay, I can explain to others what happened for you, otherwise there will be all kinds of police and security guards to bother you later."

"You know shit! Who cares about your shitty security!"

The man roared hoarsely.

Very rude, very arrogant, but at least he opened his mouth to speak, which is the basis of communication.

At the same time, the system prompt also proved this point in time.

[“Lovelor” label, experience value +5]

Seeing this, Gao Yi struck while the iron was hot and sat directly opposite the man. He slapped his thigh and agreed:

“Although I don’t know what you have experienced, I can really understand your feelings now. You know, my life has been particularly miserable recently...”

I don’t know whether the effect of the [Lovelor] label has worked, or Gao Yi’s long-trained communication skills have worked.

The man in the black sweater really calmed down a little and began to listen to Gao Yi’s narration.

[“Lovelor” label, experience value +10]

Very good, very good, the initiative of the conversation is in my hands, and then I will ask what the so-called “game” is.

But at this moment, the crowd watching in the next carriage made a commotion, and the wall of people was squeezed open to a gap, and two men in subway security uniforms came out.

They looked at this side of the carriage, regardless of the consequences, and ran towards this side while shouting to Gao Yi and the others:

“The police and the investigation bureau will be here soon, you quickly put down your weapons and surrender to me!”


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