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Chapter 105 Guaranteeing the completion of the mission

"To put it simply, before coming here, Zhao Qian mentioned to me that he had some grudges with some organizations in Jiujiang, and I was wondering if you were one of them..."

Gao Yi sold his employer very easily and tried his best to erase this "employment" relationship with his words.

Of course, this is also a helpless move.

When Xian'er mentioned that their boss wanted to see him, Gao Yi realized that the organizer had doubts about his identity.

This is not surprising, after all, he was not invited to the auction, but appeared suddenly.

There was quite a commotion again during the auction.

The Ultraman man who was "slapped" in the face by Gao Yi probably has no interest in being in the limelight in a short time.

The rest of the guests would probably also have lingering fears.

Overall, it will definitely be detrimental to the subsequent process of the auction.

As a "destabilizer", it is not surprising that he has received extra attention.

With the expectation that he would be asked about his identity, Gao Yi walked into the room, saw the moon necklace on the other person's chest, and instantly made a judgment:

This group of people is indeed the organization that Zhao Qian is worried about and has some conflicts with him.

Rather than being slowly discovered by these people from the "Jiujiang Rock Music Society" and convinced that they are in the same group as Zhao Qian, whom they are hostile to, they would rather expose themselves directly.

But what Gao Yi didn't expect was that the "conflict" between them was not a common conflict of interest...

"How is Yiyi doing now?"

The woman named Sister Tang took a deep breath, calmed down her slightly excited emotions, and opened her mouth to ask questions.

I really didn't expect this question. Gao Yi was stunned for a few seconds before he slowly answered:

"Uh... I saw Yiyi last time, and it seemed... pretty good?"

Yiyi is Zhao Qian's paper daughter, whom he talks about every day, and she met Gao Yi once in a tea restaurant before.

"That's good...if he dares to make Yiyi unhappy, I will make him die ugly."

Sister Tang's tone revealed a hint of murderous intent, and there was no hint of joking at all.

Judging from the other party's tone...well, I really couldn't judge such complicated feelings, so Gao Yi chose to ask directly:

"So, what on earth did Zhao Qian commit?"

"What have you committed?" This Sister Tang seemed to have heard some joke, and her tone became fierce again:

"Obviously the custody rights belong to me, but he actually ran away with Yiyi and hid for several months!"

There is so much information that I don’t even know where to start if I want to complain...

Gao Yi suppressed the strong desire to complain in his heart and forced himself to show empathy.

Looking at the paper mask on Sister Tang's face, I felt that some of my previous questions had been answered.

"That's...that's not right. So you are here to find Zhao Qian?"

After stabilizing his mood, Gao Yi developed a look of sympathy and opened his mouth to express concern.

"That's not true, it's just that the business just happened to come here... I knew that boy Zhao Qian was hiding in the south, but I didn't expect it to be in Nankang."

The woman who was fighting for custody rights with Zhao Qian raised her hand to support her chin, as if she was remembering something.

Of course, due to the bloated and complicated mask on her face, this "supporting" movement seemed a bit forced.

"Your name is... Gao Yi, right?"

Sister Tang raised her head slightly, looked through the mask and looked at Gao Yi opposite.

"Yes, should I call you Sister Tang too?"

Gao Yi leaned forward and showed his signature kind smile.

I was a reporter who came in with a camera, so I should have expected that my identity would be exposed to the organizer.

Anyway, I will only be operating in Nankang for a period of time, and let them go as far as Jiujiang goes.

"My name is 'Menghui Tang Dynasty'. They call me Sister Tang as an honorific title. For doesn't matter."

The other party's words finally answered Gao Yi's doubts about which song title "Sister Tang" was.

"I understand, Sister Tang."

Gao Yi slapped his chest, looking understanding.

Of course, he won't bother with the title here.

"So, you can find Zhao Qian?"

The lady who claimed to have "dreamed back to the Tang Dynasty" tilted her head slightly, and the huge paper fox mask was also tilted.

On the other side, Gao Yi had already put on the labels "Ruthless" and "Actor" at the same time, and he had a face full of bitterness and hatred:

"Oh, don't mention it. I was also harmed by this Zhao Qian. The first ticket to become a player came from him."

"Others started with a novice dungeon, but as soon as I started, he tricked me into a level 5 dungeon..."

"Not to mention, after that, he arranged for me to enter another sword dungeon and have a fight with a wanted criminal. I almost died there..."

Gao Yi distorted the facts and tried his best to tell the other party that he and Zhao Qian, who had taken away her custody rights, were not on the same road.

"Then how did you hear him mention that he had a conflict with our organization?"

Sister Tang on the opposite side changed her previous emotional style, suddenly fired a cold arrow, and keenly grasped the contradiction in Gao Yi's words.

"He told my fortune before and mentioned it by the way when he told me that my fortune was dark..." Gao Yi had already thought of his words and then added:

"I can help, don't worry, as long as I know where Zhao Qian is, I will definitely contact you!"

Gao Yi patted his chest, looking righteous.

The room fell into silence for a few seconds.

It was unknown how this "Dream of the Tang Dynasty" could see through the mask, but Gao Yi could clearly sense his scrutinizing gaze.

After a few seconds, she slowly spoke:

"Did you buy something before?"

The paper mask rose slightly, and Sister Tang leaned back, as if she had turned to the next topic.

"It's the [Gentleman's Cane], and this gentleman bought it for one thousand game coins."

Xian'er, who was standing by the wall at the back, took the lead and answered.

"But... I don't have one thousand game coins, and the bounty hasn't come down yet... I can also make up the difference with potions."

Gao Yi actually only had more than nine hundred game coins, and the price of one thousand was just to scare everyone in the auction, so he hurried to explain at this moment.

"Then how much do you have now?"

Waving her hand indifferently, Sister Tang asked casually.

This kind of questioning.......

Gao Yi instantly understood what the other party meant, frowned slightly, and said as if recalling:

"More than 500... The bounty should be received today..."

"How about this, I'll give you a 50% discount, and charge you 500, and you are responsible for finding Zhao Qian for me!"

Sister Tang interrupted Gao Yi's deliberate hesitation and gave a very tempting condition.

Sure enough, this auction item is just a display, and the main thing is to let the rich people in the venue know the importance of game coins.

For their organizers, a few hundred game coins are not worth mentioning.

Of course, for Gao Yi, it is a completely different matter.

He stood up suddenly and replied very sincerely.

"Guarantee to complete the task!"


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