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Chapter 104 Dreaming of the Tang Dynasty

To be able to pretend successfully, luck is not the key.

When you walk into a luxury store, the salesgirl looks down on you, and then calls to bring in several trucks of cash, forcing them to count the money on the spot...

This kind of thing is naturally unlikely to happen in reality.

As a clerk who has worked in a luxury store for a long time, you can naturally judge whether the customer has the spending power.

Besides, with the increasingly developed service industry today, even if the customer looks shabby, the staff will give basic respect in most cases.

So if you still want to pretend, what should you do?

Let's abstract the whole process of "pretending to be slapped in the face".

In short, there are two links:

"others' contempt" and "show of one's own strength".

As a person who suddenly appeared in the auction hall, Gao Yi was timid in bidding in the previous auction and showed all kinds of discomfort during the intermission.

Using the [actor] label, he successfully implanted an impression in the other guests present - this person wearing the Zhu Bajie mask does not belong to our circle.

In fact, choosing the Zhu Bajie mask is also to some extent to consolidate this impression.

How to show your strength?

It's not impossible to take out the game coins directly.

But financial resources alone are obviously not enough to scare the rich people at the auction.

When communicating with Zhao Qian yesterday, Gao Yi had already made preparations.

Since the other party said that he was familiar with the "moderator" of the forum, he should do more for him.

So, the notice of the completion of the bounty, which was very obvious in the forum, appeared on time this morning.

The last thing left was to find an unlucky person who was "slapped in the face".

This Ultraman man just shouted out, and there were no less than five people who had the same idea as him.

In order to let the other party take the initiative to mention the source of his game coins, Gao Yi also used a little simple guidance.

[What? I just earned a thousand game coins in the forum recently, is it not okay? ]

"Forum", "one thousand game coins", as keywords, let the other party mention the wanted order himself, adding another brilliance to his own stage of pretending.

Of course, if the other party didn't expect it, it doesn't matter. At most, Gao Yi can mention it himself.

In extreme cases, he could also take out the [Scarlet Raven Coat], but it would be a bit troublesome later.

In the end, with sufficient preparation and on-the-spot performance, Gao Yi completed a successful "pretending to be slapped in the face".

Of course, he did this because he wanted to "feel good".

After all, he spent so much effort and cost to kill a famous wanted criminal, it would be a pity that he didn't even have someone to talk to.

But there are two more important purposes.

First, it is to promote the popularity of his vest.

The news that Zhang Tu was killed will definitely spread. Instead of letting other players guess randomly and worrying about someone impersonating him, it is better to take the vest and take it.

[Investigator-Snake] is not famous yet, but it is obviously wanted by the Investigation Bureau.

With this [Investigator-Pig], it should be easier to conceal the truth and spread the fact that [Investigator] is an organization.

In the future, vests will be needed to appear, and transactions will appear more deterrent.

The second is to target this "Jiujiang Rock Music Society".

Even though he had already obtained a lot of information after entering the auction, Gao Yi still remembered his purpose.

[Investigate the background, organizational structure and name of the player group that held the "Super Treasure Appraisal Conference\

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