It was a thousand game coins at the first sight. Gao Yi chose this crazy bid, and of course there was a reason.

From the embarrassed eyes of the guests around him, he keenly noticed one thing:

The organizer did not inform the guests in advance that there would be auction items that would be auctioned with game coins.

Why is this?

In theory, informing these rich people in advance that the auction would require game coins would prompt them to collect them in advance.

And then auctioning at the auction, wouldn’t it be better to earn game coins?

Doubts arose in his heart, and combined with the words of the "fairy" on the stage, Gao Yi sorted out the pros and cons.

[Everyone, it’s lunch time, we will have the last auction of the morning session]

Why use game coins to bid in the last auction of the "morning session"?

The answer is very simple. The organizer wants to use this auction item to let all the guests present intuitively understand one thing:

Game coins can be exchanged for good things here.

Saying that game coins can be used for auctions, even if the guests are asked to collect them spontaneously, they will not be too active and positive.

But if the benefits are put in front of them, they will have the motivation to collect.

These rich players who can sit in the auction naturally have more resources.

Whether they buy with cash or seize with power, they can collect game coins from other players in Nankang faster.

And finally, they spend it in their "Jiujiang Rock Music Society".

Now this [Gentleman's Cane] is the "sweetness" they show.

You know, game coins are generally still a scarce thing.

Putting aside the form of killing other players in the dungeon, completing a low-level dungeon's level I main task, the game coin income is at most dozens.

Under the premise that the average level of Nankang players is only about E Dacheng, most people's equipment can't fill their backpacks, and equipment worth 300 game coins is already out of market.

This is why Gao Yi can exchange for [Stunt Belt], and also why the seller is so wary of Gao Yi.

A person who can take out 300 game coins in this period of time is obviously not an ordinary player.

And bidding 1,000 game coins... even here, it is a bit beyond understanding.

The host Xian'er on the stage did not react much. She smiled and announced the bid of one thousand, and began to look around the venue and asked:

"Is there anyone bidding higher?"

"One thousand game coins for the first time... one thousand game coins for the second time..."

Just as she was about to swing the auction hammer and announce the end of the auction, a roar broke the calm in the venue:

"What are you talking about here? Do you know what one thousand game coins mean?!"

The one who shouted was the man who had complained about the poor quality of the auction items before. At this moment, he suddenly knocked over the glass beside him, turned around, and shouted loudly at Gao Yi.

He was wearing an Ultraman mask on his face, and his eyes flashed with anger in the orange-yellow eye circles.

Obviously, this man had no expectation of "his favorite things being taken away".

Unlike Gao Yi, who was accustomed to setbacks and difficulties, and "asking but not getting" became the norm, this man was obviously the kind of second-generation ancestor who had smooth sailing.

Gao Yi was not in a hurry. He leaned forward slightly and said calmly:

"What? I just earned a thousand game coins on the forum recently. Is that not okay?"

The man seemed to laugh at Gao Yi's tone, and the ferocity of his facial muscles was clearly visible under the mask:

"Fuck, the most wanted criminal on the forum is only worth this much. I will trust you if you kill him!"

"Did you see the bounty on the forum?" Gao Yi picked up the wine glass beside him and took a sip of orange juice.

The man snorted in displeasure, as if he was disdainful of Gao Yi's question:

"What else?"

"Then...why don't you open the forum now and see what the bounty of Zhang Tu is?"

Gao Yi deliberately prolonged his tone and made a suggestion quite easily.

"Fuck you..."

Halfway through, the corners of the man's mouth under the mask suddenly froze. He gradually realized that this new guest wearing a Zhu Bajie mask was not joking.

This man who suddenly appeared in front of him and had never seen before, could he be a tough guy?

While he was struggling to open his phone to check, the guests around him had already logged into the [Nankang City Player Forum] to check the situation in the [Bounty Area].

"How is this possible?"

"Is it true? Pig... is this person?"

"When did this happen? Why have I never heard of it..."

The rustling sound entered the ears of the Ultraman-faced man. In the dull air, he had to look at his phone with a gloomy face.

On the forum, the post about "The most wanted criminal Zhang Tu was killed and the bounty was withdrawn" has topped the list.

Countless Nankang players are speculating on what happened, and the heat of the entire [Discussion Area] has reached its peak.

In the [Bounty Area], Zhang Tu, who originally had a bounty of 1,000 game coins, had a red cross on his wanted order, and the three big words [Completed] were written on the side.

At the bottom, there was a line of words, "Completed by: Investigator-Pig"

Pig... Could it really be this person?

The Ultraman man put down his phone stiffly and raised his head.

In the back, the man wearing the Zhu Bajie mask was still sitting cross-legged on the sofa, with the wine glass swaying slowly in his hand, looking relaxed.

The man felt cold sweat dripping down his temples, and the low-quality plastic mask on his face could no longer hide his emotions.

Zhang Tu is one of the most famous players in Nankang.

He appears frequently in different dungeons and kills all players he sees unconditionally.

His equipment is extremely luxurious, and it is said that the kitchen knife in his hand is also of purple quality.

Both civilian player groups and members of the Investigation Bureau have tried to hunt Zhang Tu.

But whether in reality or in the dungeon, the ending is the exchange of the identities of hunter and prey.

It is said that Zhang Tu has killed nearly three digits of people, and is a veritable player butcher.

Such a person was actually killed by the "Zhu Bajie" in front of him?

[Investigator-Pig], is this the name of an organization?

Under the whispers of the people around him and the pressure of the man in front of him, the Ultraman man was a little at a loss.

He wanted to turn around and stop talking about it, but he was hindered by his face and the pressure from the other party.

Just when he was in a dilemma, Gao Yi finally finished the orange juice in the cup and broke the silence:

"Don't worry, the organizer will definitely check whether I have enough game coins. If I can't get them, this equipment will be auctioned again, right?"

The last question was cast to Xian'er on the stage. Seeing the other party nodding with a smile to confirm, Gao Yi turned to the Ultraman man with stiff limbs:

"Are you satisfied?"

The man had a gloomy face, and knew that if he continued to make trouble at this moment, he would lose more than just his face, so he had to turn around silently.

But just when he turned halfway, Gao Yi suddenly increased the volume, letting the sound echo throughout the room, and suddenly stopped his movement:

"I'm asking you a question - are you satisfied?"

He stretched out his tone, repeated the question word by word.

The man who turned halfway had to turn back stiffly again, and the uncertainty in his eyes was about to squeeze out water.

With the people around him looking at him with laughter, he had no choice but to lower his head and whispered with gritted teeth:

"Satisfied, satisfied..."

Nodding with satisfaction, Gao Yi stopped paying attention to this little character and raised his wine glass, looking at the cheongsam staff beside him, returning to a calm and friendly tone:

"Please give me another glass of orange juice... Yes, the kind just now."


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