Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 102 I offer one thousand game coins

"Everyone, the next auction item will surely satisfy you."

The woman who called herself "Xian'er" smiled and made way for the staff on the side.

Two staff members in cheongsam lifted the red cloth, and what was placed on the tray was indeed something new that had never been seen before.

The overhead lights lit up at the right time, and the dazzling light hit the stage.

And the auction item was a palm-sized rectangular block... a gold bar?

Just from the appearance of the shining gold, it really looked like the kind of gold bar that can be bought in a gold shop, but it was a little bigger.

But looking closely, Gao Yi clearly saw a few words in the center of the "gold bar".

[Feature: Martial Arts Grandmaster]

The big screen slowly changed the picture and showed this line of words to everyone present.

As the guests chattered, the "Xian'er" on the stage began to introduce:

"The auction item this time is the blue feature, [Martial Arts Grandmaster], but the buyer can take this 'cache gold bar' away with it."

"It can remove the player's features, store them, and give them to others."

"Of course, this gold bar can only store blue and lower features, and is not compatible with purple quality features."

There is such a thing?

Gao Yi did speculate before that "features" should not be immutable.

Theoretically, D-level players only have four feature slots. It is impossible that they can no longer increase or change them after obtaining four.

Now the "cache gold bar" brought out by the organizer has answered many doubts.

Moreover, this thing does not seem to be equipment... What form does it exist in, and how can it be obtained?

Before Gao Yi thought about it, the people in the audience made another fierce offer.

Soon, the auction price of this blue feature was raised to 10 million, and it continued to rise.

It can be seen that the value of the feature far exceeds the equipment of the same level.

After all, the characteristic ability will not be taken away, and it will take effect in daily life without any negative effects.

Only when the active ability is used will there be certain adverse effects due to physical overload.

Generally speaking, it is a safer choice than equipment.

Of course, the operability is not at the same level as the equipment of the same level, and the scope of use is also relatively small.

But it is really useful...

Not to mention, there is also a "cache gold bar" that can obtain more characteristics, which can obtain more characteristics in the future.

The bidding in the venue came one after another, and Gao Yi just felt that they were noisy.

As for the final transaction price, he has become a little numb.

Since the unit reached "tens of millions", the price quoted by these people is just a number to Gao Yi.

At the million level, he can still imagine a few houses, hundreds of cameras, and hundreds of thousands of duck feet rice.

And at the tens of millions level, it is indeed beyond the scope of understanding.

What's more terrifying is that for these rich people, money seems to be just a number, and they don't feel bad at all when they shout prices.

But then again, spending money to buy equipment and features is much better than buying those antiques and paintings in terms of use value.

After having these abilities, players will become stronger.

Especially every once in a while, you have to enter the dungeon full of death dangers. Buying things to strengthen yourself is basically buying life with money.

From this perspective, it is not difficult to understand the thoughts of these rich people.

"Is it because there are too many rich players, or the auction price of this level is still not high..."

Gao Yi muttered to himself silently, reshaping his worldview.

Born in cattle and horses, he really finds it difficult to understand these people born in Rome.

After this feature, the organizer took out a lot of items that had never been seen before.

Including but not limited to the "leave note" that can postpone the next time to enter the dungeon.

The "ticket voucher" that can be exchanged for a random "10" level ticket.

There is even a "repair potion" that can repair items....

Hey, I seem to need this.

But when he saw that its price soon reached 500,000, Gao Yi still gave up calmly.

It's okay, don't worry.

Although he has only made two formal bids in places where it is obvious that the price will be higher.

But Gao Yi knows that if his guess is correct, the place that suits him is coming.

After another intermission, the "Xian'er" on the stage smiled brightly again and asked the staff to bring another tray to the front of the stage:

"Everyone, it's lunch time, and we will have the last auction of the morning session."

"Unlike before, this auction will use "game coins" as the bidding currency..."

Sure enough.

Low-level items are exchanged for high cash, and high-level items are used to recycle game coins...

As the staff in cheongsam lifted the red cloth, the finale auction item on the tray also appeared in everyone's field of vision.

It was a simple-shaped cane, the whole black, decorated with golden patterns.

As Xian'er introduced it, its name slowly appeared on the screen:

[Gentleman's Cane]

"As a rare purple weapon, it is powerful, easy to carry, and can be played with at any time in daily life."

"Although I can't directly explain its effect here, I can guarantee that this equipment will not disappoint you."

"The starting price for this auction is 200 game coins, and each bid must be no less than 20 game coins..."

The sudden use of "game coins" as bidding currency caused some dissatisfaction among the people in the audience.

But a piece of purple equipment was enough to suppress their short-term dissatisfaction.

Up to now, the total amount of purple equipment held by players in the entire Nankang City should be maintained in the double digits.

Gao Yi finally obtained a piece of purple equipment by completing the third-level main task of the level 5 dungeon [Heart Strange Mist].

And Zhang Tu completed countless dungeons, killed people and seized treasures, and strengthened himself.

In the end, he accumulated two pieces of purple equipment.

For most ordinary players in Nankang City, purple-quality equipment is unthinkable.

At present, there is such an opportunity, even if the bidding requires a small amount of game coins.

But the temptation of purple equipment is enough for them to bleed once.

But just as everyone was thinking about how to bid, a guest who had hardly spoken a word suddenly raised a sign at the back of the venue, attracting the attention of the host on the stage.

"Mr. 1199, two hundred game coins?"

Everyone turned around and looked at the young man wearing a Zhu Bajie mask, wondering if they could participate in the auction.

But unexpectedly, No. 1199 shook his head slightly and spoke for the first time in the venue:

"No, I bid one thousand game coins."

Gao Yi slowly put down the number plate and enjoyed the shocked eyes around him.

In any case, he finally got it right once.


During the Qingming Festival, I wish you all a happy time!

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