Although white equipment also contains abilities beyond ordinary people, the bonus is actually very limited.

You know, white-level equipment has no active effects, only the continuous passive ability.

This leads to a significant reduction in the upper limit of its operation as equipment.

Like the blue equipment in Gao Yi's hand: [Stunt Belt], [Reckless Arm Guard] and [Enemy Detection Glasses], the strengths are all their active skills.

Well, [Enemy Detection Glasses] is a thing of the past...

It was not until the purple-level [Mist Mask] and [Scarlet Raven Coat] that the passive effects had a strong presence.

In the previous forum, white equipment was roughly priced at a few dozen game coins, and some were even only worth a few bottles of E-level potions.

It can actually be sold here for 500,000...

You know, the debt that tortured Gao Yi to death in the past few months is actually about this amount.

"Could it be that the people here are the type who don't lack money?"

Gao Yi grinned silently, and an ominous premonition emerged in his heart.

The subsequent faster and faster auction process confirmed his thoughts.

"One million and eight hundred thousand, is there a higher price? Okay, the next one is one million and nine hundred thousand."

"Three million once, three million twice..."

"Four million and three hundred thousand, deal! The lady behind, 1177..."

In less than an hour, the auction equipment above came one after another, all blue level.

And the guests below were bidding more and more crazily.

Although there were no items priced over ten million, there were already millions of bids.

Gao Yi realized that because of his poverty, his previous expectations of this auction were completely wrong.

First of all, the more participants the auction has, the better. The financial resources and quality of the bidders are more important.

For the organizer, a rich man is obviously more valuable than a hundred poor people.

The post on the [Nankang City Player Forum] is just a wide net, allowing ordinary players to participate in the recycling of potions and game coins at most.

This kind of auction will not let them in.

Why did the "Goodbye Jack" appear in the deserted place at the end? It must be to look for possible "rich people" who have escaped the net.

In fact, Gao Yi didn't have the aura of money, but he had an antique worth tens of millions in his hand...

The other guests were probably invited in advance, so they gathered here so early.

I was just an outlier who accidentally sneaked in...

Gao Yi was still calculating how much money he could get from exchanging game coins for cash.

And now others told him that for some people, game coins may be scarce, but cash will never be scarce.

Damn, rich people.

But at the same time, another new doubt came to my mind.

Where is the value of game coins reflected?

As of now, players only use game coins as a tool for mutual trading, and have not found other uses.

The system does not provide a mall for people to buy.

Maybe as the level and type of the dungeon progress, the game coins will have different functions?

Otherwise, why did the organizers who came from Jiujiang to Nankang go to great lengths to exchange cash for game coins?

But in this VIP auction, when all the guests are using cash, the organizers don't seem to make enough game coins.

After all, these VIPs who spent millions of dollars at a time did not need to exchange game coins for cash.

In order to earn the game coins in their hands, there will definitely be items auctioned with game coins later!

As speculation slowly formed, Gao Yi also relaxed temporarily.

He was not afraid of spending. After all, in addition to the nearly 1,000 game coins in his hand, he also had the double bounty from the Investigation Bureau and the forum.

Even if he shared the spoils with Wang Wuzhou again - the other party would definitely not want to take too much, and might even refuse completely.

The remaining game coins in his hand would not be less.

Game coins cannot be used for financial management, and they are just a pile of red coins.

Only real equipment, features and potions are truly your own things.

Soon, the blue equipment was auctioned off, and the intermission began, and the venue fell into a brief silence again.

The brown-haired host in front of the screen temporarily stopped his action, as if waiting for the next instruction from the headset.

During this interval, the cheongsam staff who had been on standby around were carrying drinks and fruit plates and shuttled between seats for guests to choose from.

When called, they would half-squat beside the seat, keep a professional and bright smile, and obey the instructions.

Most people in the auction are accustomed to this "privilege", but Gao Yi finds it difficult to adapt.

But I have to admit that this feeling of "superiority" bought by wealth is indeed fascinating.

This is the charm of money.......

While Gao Yi was trying to adapt to the "upper class life" here, a male guest near the screen left his seat, walked to the front of the stage and started to chat with the host:

"Girl, what's your name?"

The man looked to be in his forties or fifties, with a slightly fat body and wearing a black and yellow Peking Opera mask.

"Xian'er, my name is Xian'er."

The brown-haired female host on the stage smiled slightly and also gave the name of a song as a name.

It can be seen that this is exactly how the members of their "Rock Music Society" are named.

That is to say, this host is also a member of their organization and a player?

That kind of mutual induction between players only occurs when they just meet.

When there are too many players nearby, it is a bit out of place.

Although the female host who calls herself "Xian'er" wears long sleeves and the condition of her wrists cannot be seen, it should not be difficult to guess that she is a player.

However, the uncle wearing a Peking Opera mask didn't care at all, and smiled obscenely as he approached the stage:

"Good name, good name... You young sisters are getting more and more beautiful now"

The host maintained a formal smile, but the uncle's hands became more and more unruly, and soon climbed up to the back of Xian'er's hand:

"Uncle, I..."

Before he finished speaking, a strong current exploded in the air, and the static electricity brought about by the uncle's hand bounced violently.

Judging from the reaction of the Peking Opera uncle, it should not be very painful, but more like a warning.

At this time, two cheongsam women slowly walked to the stage with trays covered with red cloth in their hands.

The soothing music sounded again, and the intermission was over.

The self-deprecating uncle also snorted coldly and turned back to his seat.

With the bonus of [Armchair Detective], Gao Yi could see it very clearly.

The electric current came from the watch on the right wrist of "Xian'er". If nothing unexpected happened, it should be an equipment.

Directly create electric current in the air? What level of equipment would it be.......

In any case, these players who came from Jiujiang are not the "little characters" mentioned by Zhao Qian.

After the new auction items were sent to the stage, the staff around began to collect the plates and wine glasses, and the guests quieted down again.

Looking around at the crowd, the electric current around "Xian'er" on the stage had dissipated, and the familiar smile returned to his face:

"Ladies and gentlemen, the next auction item will definitely satisfy you."


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