The attention that Gao Yi attracted when he entered the venue did not last long. The auction in the dim room resumed after a brief pause.

This room is a small cinema, as the sign at the door said.

Of course, the guests were not sitting on the folding seats commonly seen in public cinemas, but on single sofas provided for VIPs.

At this moment, in front of the room, in front of the big screen, a brown-haired woman was waving the auction hammer:

"Five hundred thousand once, five hundred thousand twice, is there a higher price... Congratulations to the lady behind, 1177!"

The host's pronunciation was clear, his voice was loud, and his bidding was ups and downs.

In the blink of an eye, a bracelet with a blue glow had been auctioned. The staff in cheongsam put it on a tray and sent it to the female guest called 1177.

Gao Yi, who was sitting in the back seat, tilted his head slightly, and his eyes followed the bracelet in the staff's hand to the guest wearing a black butterfly mask.

The woman who got the auction item turned her wrist and put the equipment into the tattoo on her left hand, obviously putting it directly into her backpack.

This action also directly cut off the interest of the other guests in watching.

E-level players can store five equipment in their tattoos, while D-level players can store seven.

Only equipment stored in backpacks can be brought into the dungeon, but in reality, as long as you have the financial resources, you can carry dozens of equipment with you.

But the problem is that the equipment you carry will accumulate different negative effects.

Gao Yi originally thought that a ring equipment would not affect you as long as it was not worn on your hand, but this is not the case.

In the experiment, it can be basically determined that as long as the equipment is "held" by yourself, it will slowly accumulate its negative effects.

A single negative effect may be tolerable and resolved, but if there are many negative effects, the accumulation will bring extremely serious consequences.

Zhang Tu, whom Gao Yi met in [Western City Strange Things], is a living example.

The equipment and characteristics of the wanted criminal caused his combat effectiveness to plummet after continuous high-intensity battles, and he was eventually defeated.

How to plan the combination of equipment and characteristics and deal with different negative effects are also things that "players" need to think about.

On the other hand, in real life, killing other players will not "explode" their equipment.

After putting it in the backpack, as long as you don't take it out actively, it can basically be guaranteed to be safe.

Of course, if you are kidnapped and tortured, and forced to "hand it over", that's another matter.

The price of 500,000... as expected, it should be cash, which is indeed a bit expensive compared to the blue equipment.

Even in Nankang City now, it has exceeded the market price.

You should know that Gao Yi only spent 300 game coins to buy the [Stunt Belt].

"But this is an auction, and it seems that all the people present are rich. It's a little more expensive..."

Gao Yi shook his head, but didn't bother about the price.

But... why use cash instead of game coins?

Just when Gao Yi was thinking, a cheongsam staff member who was also wearing a mask squatted gently beside the chair and handed over a menu-shaped plastic paper.

Many doubts were solved.

[Exchange game coins for cash, 1:1000]

[E-level evolution potion recycling price: 60,000]

[E-level evolution potion: 80,000]


Below, there are also recycling prices for various equipment and potions of different levels.

As expected, all are purchased in cash.

"So that's it, it's equivalent to using the auction to obtain a large number of game coins and potions..."

Gao Yi muttered to himself silently, making notes in his notebook.

The purchase price provided by the organizer is not low.

But if I guessed correctly, the value of these potions and game coins in Jiujiang City is far more than this.

Otherwise, there would be no need to go to Nankang to hold this auction.

Under the plastic-wrapped price list, Gao Yi also got his own number plate. [1199]

The large screen on the stage changed the picture again, and another brand new equipment was placed in front of the stage. Obviously, the next auction is about to begin.

Gao Yi also flipped his wrist and checked his property.

There are still over 900 game coins, which is more than 900,000 if exchanged here... but it is not worth it.

Although this is the current general price, as the game progresses, the game coins obviously have great room for appreciation.

Then there are the equipment, which naturally cannot be sold at a low price.

Gao Yi has already formed a preliminary combat style with this set, and has gradually begun to adapt. Unless there is a better choice, he will not give it up easily.

As for the potion... it is not that it cannot be sold, but the E-level ones are indeed not good enough.

But why are they willing to buy it at such a high price? This seems to have exceeded the price Gao Yi saw on the forum yesterday.

In other words, evolution potions and healing potions are very valuable?

The answer gradually formed. Obviously, these two potions that can be used by ordinary people have a larger market.

Before, Gao Yi used a bottle of [E-level physical healing potion] to basically cure the landlord's broken ribs.

And a bottle of [C-level physical healing potion] completely repaired his own open puncture wound on his left arm, and also solved a lot of accumulated chronic diseases.

Although higher-level medicines have not been tested, can cancer, leukemia, AIDS, and even more diseases and wounds be solved by medicines?

And how many people are willing to spend a lot of money to buy their health?

The profit is unimaginable.

Just as Gao Yi was thinking and taking notes, a man on the sofa in front of him shouted loudly in dissatisfaction:

"What good things have you been bragging about? In the end, you came up with this garbage to fool people?"

Judging from the voice, the man who shouted was in his twenties, with a frivolous and straightforward tone. Obviously, he was the kind of person who could be domineering in society.

What protected him was either wealth or power. In any case, he was not the same kind of person as Gao Yi.

The host on the stage was not annoyed at all. He kept smiling and bowed slightly:

"Dear guests, please be patient. The warm-up session is over. The next one will be blue equipment, and we promise that the auction items will only get better and better."


Gao Yi found that he had just made a completely preconceived notion. Combined with the price, he subconsciously thought that the last equipment sold for 500,000 was blue.

But in fact, the lady wearing the butterfly mask spent 500,000 to buy a white equipment?

And, she only regarded this as an appetizer?

The financial resources of this group of people seemed to be far beyond his imagination.

Gao Yi leaned back on the sofa, looking at the ceiling, and slowly muttered to himself in his heart:

"Did I come to the wrong place..."


Chapter 100 of the text!

Worth remembering!

Sprinkle flowers!

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