In the empty venue, three players gathered here.

Reaching out his hand to shake the other party, Gao Yi took the opportunity to carefully observe the blond man in front of him.

The throbbing in his heart gradually subsided, but there was no doubt that the other party was indeed a player.

In fact, from the sense of strength coming from his right hand, he was undoubtedly a player with extremely strong physical fitness.

Blonde hair, high nose bridge, typical European white appearance, closer to Western Europe?

Chinese is not proficient, it should not be a native language, but the eye color is black, maybe mixed blood?

Two rings, necklaces, and a slightly protruding object under the shirt on the side of the waist, could it be equipment?

The observation ability provided by [Armchair Detective] seems to be slowly improving with repeated use. Gao Yi can now examine various external information of others in a very short time.

"You said your name is... Goodbye Jack? The 'Goodbye Jack' in that song?"

Gao Yi retracted his right hand, raised his head slightly, and asked questions according to the other party's self-introduction.

Although "Goodbye Jack" is no longer a popular song in recent years, combined with the name of "Jiujiang Rock Music Society", he still recalled it instantly.

"Yes, my friend helped me choose it, and I like that song too!"

The man's Chinese was obviously self-taught, with incorrect word order and missing subjects from time to time, and his accent was quite strange:

You can also call me Jack. "

The blond man showed a mouthful of white teeth and smiled, and the manager Wei had been waved away by him.

"Oh? You people in the treasure appraisal conference are used to entertaining guests with pseudonyms?"

Tilting his head slightly, Gao Yi observed the surroundings without changing his expression.

This is a vacant lot behind the venue, and there are no people coming and going.

In other words, if a fight occurs, there will be no witnesses for a while.

"Haha, excuse me, sir, it's just a name, a code name, not to mention... I'm facing this. "

The man who called himself Jack laughed again and pointed at the camera on Xiaohong's shoulder behind Gao Yi.

"After all, we are shooting news material. Since you plan to replace Manager Wei, why don't you take us on a tour now?"

Gao Yi didn't bother with the other person's name and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"If you just want to trade antiques, we welcome you completely, but if you want to buy some good things as a 'player'... we also have a great place."

The man who called himself Jack clasped his hands and smiled as usual.

As expected, there were indeed people in the venue who came to "invite" players.

After all, the post in the [Nankang City Player Forum] only mentioned the location of this venue, but did not mention the exact trading location.

But Gao Yi was not in a hurry and asked again slowly:

"How good is it?"

"If you are a Nankang player, it's good enough. "

The smile remained, and Jack's meaning was very clear.

The things they brought from Jiujiang were obviously not comparable to the gains in Nankang in just three months.

Although they had not yet collected enough information in the "open place", there was no reason to refuse the other party's invitation now.

After a little thought, Gao Yi turned his head, pulled Xiaohong aside, and whispered:

"I will go to the next auction by myself, you stay in the venue, keep in touch, and I can help you buy anything you want."

In the morning, Gao Yi had roughly introduced the situation and purpose of this operation to Xiaohong, and no additional explanation was needed at this moment.

"No... No, but what should I do up there?"

Xiaohong hurriedly shook her head, her expression still panicked, and lifted up the camera that had slightly slipped from her shoulder.

"Well... So, do you remember the 'Jinhuang Security' presentation you just saw? You are responsible for infiltrating their internal affairs and shooting videos. ”

This was originally the reason why he wanted a camera. Although it was different from the original plan, Gao Yi still gave the task to Xiao Hong.

Before the new intern reporter could speak again to express his incompetence, Gao Yi had already turned around and followed "Jack" to the other side of the venue.

By the way, he left the antique pot "worth tens of millions" and gave it to Xiao Hong to deal with.

Although Xiao Hong's personality was a bit soft, she was actually not stupid, and she was quite likable. She should be able to blend in with the group of old people...

In any case, at this time, he could only choose to believe it.

Following the blond man's pace, they turned around.

Passing through the indoor plastic corridor, the two entered the side door of the venue, which was connected to a luxuriously decorated bungalow.

From the facilities, it was the rest area of ​​the indoor gymnasium - the kind for VIP use.

The walls were mainly white, with complicated golden patterns.

Although it looked a bit rustic due to the ordinary workmanship and materials.

It seems that when the "Jiujiang Rock Music Society" rented this venue, it also bought this rest area.

"Don't you need to register or pay a deposit?"

Seeing that Jack had already stood next to a room with the words "Dream Cinema", Gao Yi asked while identifying the sounds in the room.

"We pay great attention to customer privacy, no registration is required! As for the guarantee..." Jack showed his cheerful smile again:

"We believe in customers!"


How could a group of people who went to great lengths to make money thousands of miles away lack basic preparations?

The organizers are definitely prepared for things like not being able to come up with enough money after the auction competition, or scamming and running away.

If it is not in the form of a deposit and certificate for an ordinary auction, then... some kind of equipment or feature?

A guess formed in Gao Yi's mind, but the expression on his face could not change.

The blond man hummed the prelude of "Goodbye Jack" and leaned over to fumble for something in a cabinet of a dining car. After a while, he took out several masks:

"It's the auction inside, and guests will wear masks to protect their privacy."

The mask is nothing special, just the kind of plastic product that can be bought on the street, with a small rope tied to the back for fixing.

Gao Yi didn't have many choices left. It seemed that many guests had taken the mask and entered the auction.

Gao Yi didn't hesitate much, and soon picked up a laughing Zhu Bajie mask and put it on his face.

After all, the vest he used before was [Investigator-Pig], and he had to maintain his personality.

If there are special circumstances, [Mist Mask] is used, and the real identity can be preserved under two layers of cover.

After getting ready, Gao Yi took a deep breath and walked towards the "Dream Cinema".

Pushing open the brown solid wood door, the throbbing in his heart reached its peak.

As Gao Yi walked in, the auction was briefly interrupted, and everyone in the room turned their heads and looked at the sudden visitor.

In the dim room, there were at least 20 to 30 players sitting on the sofa, holding number cards.

This was the largest number of players Gao Yi had seen since he participated in the "game".

It was a memorable day.


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