After spending more than ten minutes studying it carefully, the middle-aged expert opposite finally made a judgment.

The things must be old. Although some places are strange, the overall appearance and texture are undoubtedly from the Han Dynasty.

Although it is not a particularly valuable national treasure item, it is still worth seven or eight figures.

"Young man, do you think this is inherited from your family?"

The expert praised twice, put down the magnifying glass, and looked at Gao Yi, who was sitting across the table.

"Yes, it was left by my grandfather. I don't know the details. Why don't you let professionals take a look at it?"

Clever words can dispel the vigilance of others. As an investigative reporter, Gao Yi has long been accustomed to lying to this extent.

In fact, let alone the things left behind by his grandfather, he had never even met any of his relatives except his parents, otherwise he would not have been sent to the orphanage directly.

In this case, where did the Western Han Dynasty pot in Gao Yi's hands come from?

The answer is actually very simple...

[Item: Transformed Kettle]

[Quality: Rare]

[Type: Drinkware]

[Special effects: The appearance of this kettle can be changed at will, so you no longer have to worry about finding the water cup you like! 】

[Note: As a reminder, it can only be transformed into different kettles. Attempts to transform it into banknotes, cash and beautiful girls have failed]

After bidding farewell to Xiaohong yesterday afternoon, Gao Yi went to the Nankang Museum and an auction house as a reporter to investigate and compare.

In the end, we came up with this antique kettle that was priced a bit high, but it didn’t reach the level of a national treasure and attract too much attention.

Of course, this pot does not really become an antique. Its durability is slowly decreasing at a rate of three percent per hour.

Another day and it would be completely damaged.

However, Gao Yi didn't care much about this. He came here not to make money by selling antiques, but to find out about the organizer behind this [Super Treasure Appraisal Conference].

There were more than just the first person across the table. Experts from the next tables also gathered around to watch. It seemed that such family antiques were indeed rare.

After thinking for a moment, the middle-aged expert raised his head and looked at Gao Yi again:

"No problem, we can issue a certificate here. If you want to auction it, you have to wait until the next auction at the headquarters, which should be in Jinghai City?"

"Well..." Gao Yi turned to look at the camera, pretending to be communicating with Xiao Hong, and then turned around hesitantly:

"We are actually from a TV station. We mainly want to film the scene of our treasure appraisal conference and understand the various processes. Can you introduce it to us?"

"No problem, no problem."

Gao Yi's request was not too much. Being able to "appear on TV" was also a good thing to help with publicity. The middle-aged expert quickly agreed and waved to call the assistant beside him:

"Take this gentleman to get the certificate issued, and then introduce our process to him."

Putting away the antique-like [Transformed Kettle], Gao Yi turned around to follow the assistant.

But at this moment, a thin man in a suit and leather shoes and wearing earphones came over and showed a professional smile:

"Sir, let me show you around."

Gao Yi raised his eyebrows slightly and looked down at the name tag on the chest of the other person's suit:

"Manager Wei, right?"

"Yes, it's an honor to serve you." The smile on the man's face was meticulous and polished over time.

Obviously, the high-priced antiques in Gao Yi's hands and the high-profile camera behind him still attracted the attention of the managers.

And this is exactly his purpose.

Gao Yi wrapped the box in his hand again, with a bright smile on his face:

"Then it'll be hard work."


Under the leadership of the supervisor surnamed Wei, Gao and Yi quickly walked to the back of the venue and registered the "antiques" in their hands.

The supervisor's service could be said to be meticulous, but Gao Yi could faintly sense his defensiveness.

Is it because of the camera behind him, or...does this person know something about the secret behind this [Super Treasure Appraisal Conference]?

The details of the organizer have not been discovered yet, but Gao Yi has noticed that the participation of "Jinhuang Security" in the venue is obviously not low.

The surrounding security personnel all have the word "Jinhuang" on their uniforms, and they are obviously hired.

On one side of the stadium, in the indoor football field, a master in blue cloth was sitting cross-legged above the goal, preaching something to the elderly spectators sitting on the ground.

Although the neighborhood is extremely noisy, [Easy Chair Detective]'s abilities have obviously improved, and his super hearing has solved all problems.

"Safety always comes first, our safety, the safety of our friends, the safety of our families."

"Now that society is in such chaos, what is the most valuable thing?"

The long-bearded old man dressed in civilian clothes raised his hands, and the audience below responded in unison:


A large number of old people in their 70s and 80s, with long tones and smiles on their wrinkled faces, looked like a group of primary school students answering questions in unison.

"That's right~" The master stroked his beard, and then told the MLM talk that made no sense:

"All of our Jinhuang Security products are designed to serve security. You may think that you don't need to buy them if you can't use them for the time being."

"Hey, that's wrong. Remember, safety is the most valuable thing now. You can buy it and give it to your family and friends. If you don't need it, you can wait for it to appreciate and sell it later."

"We are all old and can't be a burden to our children in the future. Buy our safety projects now, protect safety, and get some retirement money. What do you think?!"

As expected, the old people below responded in unison, laughing very happily:


Take a deep breath, Gao Yi warned himself in his heart to distinguish between priorities.

Swindlers are hateful, but you can't show hostility here.

After stabilizing his emotions, Gao Yi turned his head to look at Wei, who was still talking nonstop, and suddenly asked a question as if he remembered something:

"By the way, what unit is your organizer? I heard it's from Jiujiang?"

"That's right...but we are just cooperating. The treasure appraisal conference is not in the same system as them."

Wei nodded hesitantly, his eyes were obviously a little weird, and he didn't seem to want to mention it.

Not a system...

Gao Yi actually expected that there would be so many experts and scholars, antique appraisal teams.

Whether it is the connections or the structure, it is obviously not something that can be formed overnight. The group of players obviously found a ready-made team as a cover.

But the question is, what conditions did they give to make such a large treasure appraisal company willing to cooperate with them?

"So, what unit are they?"

Gao Yi raised his eyebrows slightly and insisted on asking.

After a few seconds, the manager Wei slowly added:

"Jiujiang... Rock Music Society"


"Rock, Music Society... Are you sure?"

Gao Yi repeated this weird organization name. He thought of countless possibilities, such as the Knights, Tarot Club, Round Table Conference, Ten-Man Council...

Who would have thought that the organization that mobilized so many resources and held a player auction across provinces was actually called "Jiujiang Rock Music Society".

Just when Gao Yi was digesting the information, Manager Wei's face suddenly changed, and some instructions were obviously transmitted from the headset.

After a moment, he stopped and stepped back.

At this moment, the throbbing of encountering players exploded in the hearts of Gao Yi and Xiao Hong.

Players appeared around.

Gao Yi remained calm and turned his head slightly with a relaxed look.

On the right, a tall blond man walked quickly and came to the front in two steps.

He spoke Chinese not very fluently and extended his right hand to Gao Yi:

"Hello, guest, welcome to the auction, I am "Goodbye Jack"."

Well, at least it is confirmed that foreigners can also become "players".


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