December 23, 2024, morning.

Beijiang District, Huarong Street, inside a steamed bun shop.

Gao Yi and Xiao Hong were eating breakfast in the store.

Well, maybe Gao Yi is eating it mainly.

Xiaohong on the other side of the table was still cautious in her movements. Gao Yi had already finished a whole basket, and she had just bitten off half of it.

"Eat more, I will be busy for a long time today, so I may not have time for lunch."

Gao Yi ate another big bun stuffed with beef, and couldn't help but sigh that this restaurant was indeed the right one.

The buns in your hand have thin skin and lots of fillings, and are full of meaty flavor. Every bite is full of happiness.

"But..." Xiaohong seemed hesitant to speak, pointing to the huge camera placed at the other end of the bench:

"I still can't use this..."

At Gao Yi's request, Xiao Hong no longer wore that cheap suit today, but changed into a set of casual clothes suitable for sports.

The overall look is much more refreshing, and the red hairpin on the top of the head is actually back.

"Didn't Brother Zhang teach you a lesson in the editorial department? Besides, as I said before, shooting is not important. What is important is letting them know that there is such a camera."

After finishing the last basket of steamed buns, Gao Yi stretched out and handed a brand new press card to Xiao Hong:

"Hang it around your neck for a while. If you need anything, come to me."

With that said, Gao Yi lifted up a huge rectangular box wrapped in yellow cloth, checked out and went out.

The weather in Nankang in December is not too cold.

As a city with a subtropical monsoon climate, even in winter, the temperature rarely reaches subzero.

The dark down jacket Gao Yi was wearing was already the last few thick clothes he had on hand.

There was no shortage of clothes in the first place, but all the comfortable down jackets we had before were ruined in [The Strange Things in West City]...

Hey, this should be reimbursed by the Investigation Bureau. Let’s talk to Wang Wuzhou later.

With his thoughts wandering, Gao Yi had already led Xiao Hong across the street and entered the venue of the [Super Treasure Appraisal Conference].

It was just past ten o'clock, and the entire venue was already crowded with people. Many people were queuing up holding various bottles and cans.

This treasure appraisal conference seems to be renting a large gymnasium, and white lines can be seen on the floor depicting basketball courts and badminton courts.

Although the organizers tried their best to make some decorations, the interior of the empty venue still looked a bit crude.

But most people don't seem to care about this. After all, in their hearts, they are here to discuss business worth hundreds of millions.

"Am I fake? I think you are the fake one!"

While Gao and Yi were paying, a thin, bald old man was yelling and cursing in the appraisal area.

On the table in front of him, there was a large bright yellow bottle with many flowers and plants painted on it.

The expert sitting behind the desk was patiently explaining to him:

"You are new, and there is no doubt that it is new."

The word "new" seemed to break the uncle's psychological defense, and his yelling became louder and louder.

He seemed to realize that he could not convince the experts, so he raised the bottle, showed it to the people queuing behind him, and shouted:

"Fake? Did you see that my Qianlong vase with a wide open door, he said it was fake!"

The old man saw the camera in the crowd at a glance and stepped over in two steps.

I have to say that this old man looks quite young, but he is indeed in good health. He is holding a bottle in one hand and pointing angrily at the expert with the other hand:

"Take a picture of it for me, come over here and see how these experts deceive people!"

Xiaohong, who was carrying the camera, was a little at a loss and subconsciously followed the other person to the table.

"You have the guts to say to the camera that this is fake. Take a good look at this oxide layer."

The old man slammed the table so hard that the bottle shook.

"Okay, let me tell you in front of the camera, this is - new! And the counterfeits made in the past few years are still extremely poor quality."

It must be said that the experts are very well-educated. Even if they are pointed at and scolded, they are not anxious at all and just repeat their judgments.

Of course, it is also because the word "new" is really very lethal.

"Did you hear that? Did you hear that? This is just an expert. Take a picture of his face and let the whole country see it!"

Several security personnel have gathered nearby. The sign on their chest is "Jinhuang Security", and they are on guard a few meters away.

Of course, this group of security guards is indeed not very professional. They are generally around fifty years old. Judging from their body shape, they are obviously not the type to exercise regularly.

Not surprisingly, they are all temporary recruits to make up the numbers. I can’t imagine what they can protect...

The old man became more and more manic, yelling at Xiao Hong, and raised his hand to grab the camera.

We couldn't just sit back and watch this. Gao Yi, who had been observing from the side, suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the old man's wrist.

With just a slight exertion, he restrained the other party's movements:

"Didn't you hear what the experts said? This is fake. It's definitely not as valuable as my camera. You can't afford to pay for it if it's damaged."

Gao Yidai has been exercising regularly, and after becoming a "player", his physical fitness has improved even more.

Judging from the increase in the experience value of the [enthusiastic citizen] label just now, his behavior is undoubtedly recognized as "acting bravely for justice", and his combat effectiveness will also increase accordingly.

With multiple bonuses, his strength has reached a level that is clearly beyond that of ordinary people.

The old man's wrist hurt from being pinched, but his anger remained unabated. He raised his other hand and hit Gao Yi's arm, but the hit caused a dull pain in his little finger.

He raised his head tremblingly and looked at the young man in front of him. He felt that he was not hitting the opponent's arm just now, but hitting a piece of iron.

The onlookers let out a burst of exclamation and said that they wanted to call the police.

Seeing that the deterrent work had been completed, Gao Yi slowly released his right hand and patted the old man's back gently:

"If you don't believe it, you can still ask other experts to take a look. There is no need to be will shorten your life."

With such a step that was not a step, the old man snorted angrily, wrapped the vase on the table, turned around and left surrounded by security guards.

The expert behind the table kept watching the show. It wasn't until the old man left that he turned to look at Gao Yi, who was holding a box, and said with a smile:

"Young man, are you from the TV station? Are you here for an interview?"

"Ah, that's it..." Gao Yi did not correct the other party, but just put the box he had been holding on the table and smiled:

"I have always had a pot like this at home. The old man at home said it was an antique and wanted to take this opportunity to have it appraised."

This was of course a complete lie, but with the help of the [Gambler] label, Gao Yi's answer did not arouse any suspicion.

Let Xiaohong keep shooting, reach out to untie the fabric, and open the box.

Before Gao Yi could take out the pot, the expert on the opposite side slapped the table and suddenly praised loudly:

"Hey, open the door at first glance, and you'll see it's a treasure. This is the real thing!"

Naturally, these words were heard by the old man who was leaving, and he cursed again while surrounded by security guards.

The middle-aged expert laughed evilly and turned to look at Gao Yi again:

"Young man, I just said it casually. Now let me help you look carefully."

I have to say, this expert is quite wicked.


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