
On the way back, Xiaohong, who was carrying a camera, held it in for a long time before he finally managed to speak and caught up with Gao Yi in front of him:

"I'm sorry, I still haven't done anything well..."

Her voice became smaller and smaller, and by the end it was almost inaudible. It was obvious that she was really remorseful.

Gao Yi walked in front, playing with the newly acquired [Gentleman's Cane], waving his hand to interrupt Xiao Hong's increasingly quiet apology:

"No, why do you think so?" When the guilty intern looked up, he continued:

"Actually, you completed the task well. You also took the video and recorded the audio... I didn't succeed when I went there by myself before."

Gao Yi was not just trying to comfort the other person, Xiaohong did a good job.

The task assigned to her was to "infiltrate into the briefing meeting and shoot a video."

Although she looked a little embarrassed when she met Gao Yi, Xiaohong did successfully enter the gathering with the nature of a pyramid scheme and gained trust.

In fact, Gao Yi's previous attempts to enter similar activities carried out by "Jinhuang Security" always attracted extra attention and made it difficult to obtain evidence.

Now think about it, these fraud organizations that target the elderly are naturally very wary of young people trying to get close.

After all, compared with the elderly who are not very good at using the Internet and find it difficult to defend their rights if something goes wrong, young people are mostly full of energy and are good at making trouble in various aspects.

Xiaohong's somewhat "soft" character really deceived the MLM "master" and made him a target of fraud.

By the way, even Gao Yi, who came later, looked down upon him.

In any case, after following a group of old men and women for a long time and listening to the confusing logic of the lecture, and learning a few "Jinhuang Dances", Xiaohong finally completed the filming and recording of the target.

This is all solid evidence of fraud, the kind that can be used in the news.

However, the editor-in-chief Pan Tian probably would not agree, and would have to say something like "insufficient evidence" and "too much risk".

It cannot be said that what he said is unreasonable. As the editor-in-chief of Nangui Magazine, his focus is indeed different from his own, and he has to consider the overall situation.

Hey, I'll figure it out later...

Shaking his head helplessly, Gao Yi rubbed his curly hair again.

It's really too long, I really need to find time to cut it.

Seeing Gao Yi lost in thought, Xiao Hong hurriedly followed a few steps and walked side by side:

"What's inside that venue...don't we need to take care of it?"

"Why, are you worried about the safety of that 'master'?"

Gao Yi raised his eyebrows slightly and asked jokingly.

Before Xiaohong could shake her head to deny it, he waved his hand and added:

"Don't worry, I have restrained my strength. I won't beat the old man to death. It just makes him unable to deceive people for a while."

"But... won't they call the police?" Xiao Hong still looked a little worried.

She really didn't want to send the senior who was taking care of her into the bureau on her first day at work.

"Don't worry, they sell 'security' products. How could they call the police after being punched, without looking at the people next to them and saying that the old man was okay..."

Gao Yi didn't care. He turned the cane in his hand and stopped a taxi with his hand.

"Then...what are we going to do next?"

Xiao Hong still seemed a little entangled in her first field work. It took her a long time to calm down and asked Gao Yi on the side:

"There's nothing important. You go back to the editorial office first, return the machine and export the video..."

Gao Yi said, opened the taxi door, stood aside, made a "please" gesture, and then said:

"After you're done, you should get off work early and have a rest. You haven't had lunch yet, right?"

After explaining the aftermath to Xiaohong, Gao Yi put her in a taxi, not forgetting to pay in advance.

Yes, now he finally has money to take a taxi.

If you can go home by yourself, you can just take the light rail. No matter what, you can't let Xiaohong carry such a big camera too far.

Watching the taxi go away, Gao Yi also let out a long sigh, raised the new cane in his hand, and looked at it twice again:

"This ability is really interesting. It should be said that it is purple equipment..."

What Gao Yi said makes sense.

This new purple piece of equipment has a very interesting passive effect.

Hitting someone with this cane will weaken the enemy's spirit and give them some kind of phobia or quirk for a short time.

What about fear of flames, pica, severe obsessive-compulsive disorder...

Although the specific effect still requires special experiments, it is not too weak no matter how you think about it.

The active ability is also very powerful. As a cane specially designed for "gentlemen", if it actively taps the ground three times, it will cause mental shock to all surrounding creatures within a certain range.

Of course, this also includes the users themselves.

As for the negative effects of long-term use, it seems that the mental weakening will also slowly affect the user.

While holding this cane, Gao Yi found that he had become a little hypersensitive.

Although it is not serious, it will obviously gradually accumulate. If it is used for a long time, Gao Yi himself may not be able to resist it.

But then again, this heavy [Gentleman's Cane] did solve his current lack of weapons problem.

Not only does the melee attack carry a spiritual attribute bonus, but there is also a range of group damage skills.

Even if we don't mention these, just using the cane to hit people, combined with the combat skills given by the [Weapon Master], it is estimated that it will not be weak.

What is the name of what Holmes used... It seems to be Patton Technique? I can learn it later...

As for the negative effects, I should be able to use the mental resistance of the [Mist Mask] to neutralize it, and try not to make myself mentally ill.

However, I still lack a long-range weapon, so I can only search slowly later...

Anyway, it looks pretty good.

Thinking about the possible uses, Gao Yi just felt happy.

So far, he has three purple equipment and one orange equipment in his hands.

Although his level and evolution rate as a player are still low, in terms of combat power, he should be the first echelon in Nankang City without a doubt.

Of course, there are people who are better than you, and the strength of the "Jiujiang Rock Music Society" alone is likely to be higher than his own.

"Still can't relax too much..."

Gao Yi sighed and concluded.

But soon, he adjusted his mentality and showed a cheerful smile.

It doesn't matter, there will be more fun things to come.

Just now, Gao Yi has sent a message to contact Zhao Qian and will chat with him soon.


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