In the tea restaurant, Gao Yi and Zhao Qian sat at the corner table, looking at each other in silence.

After a while, Zhao Qian broke the silence:

"Brother Gao, do you mean you have figured out who sent the players from Jiujiang?"

Zhao Qian across the table still looks the same, with black sunglasses, a folding fan, and bright red clothes.

The difference is that the clothes on his body are no longer a Chinese tunic suit, but a set of cotton clothes that look quite retro, as if they came out of an ancient painting.

It is worth mentioning that, just like yesterday, Zhao Qian did not bring his paper daughter.

"Yes, I figured it out completely, and I also found the person you mentioned, the person wearing the moon necklace."

Gao Yi deliberately slowed down and casually whetted the other's appetite.

Then he called the waiter and started ordering.

Of course, Zhao Qian on the other side was not so calm. He leaned forward and spoke in a rather urgent tone:

"Really? Are you sure?!"

"Yes, she said that the custody rights were clearly hers, but you took Yiyi away."

Gao Yi said casually, turned to look at the waiter who came, and started ordering from top to bottom according to the menu:

"Come for the God of Cookery's ecstasy rice, the secret pan-fried chicken chop buns, the ham and egg sandwich, the fried chicken nuggets and hash browns, and finally, the lemon 7-up..."

After the waiter finished recording everything and turned to leave, Gao Yi slowly turned to Zhao Qian.

And this man dressed as a magician is no longer as leisurely as he used to be.

"Nonsense! Yiyi wanted to follow me!"

Zhao Qian slapped the table, quickly lowered his voice and asked again:

"Are you sure that person is Tang?"

"It's called 'Menghui Tang Dynasty', and their organization is called Jiujiang Rock Music..."

"Okay, okay!"

Hastily interrupting Gao Yi's words, Zhao Qian sighed deeply and supported his chin with one hand:

"Damn, if I really catch you, I won't have to move again. Yiyi is just used to this place..."

"What is your relationship with that Sister Tang? Are you so afraid that you don't even dare to meet her?"

Gao Yi tilted his head, his curiosity a little uncontrollable.

Zhao Qian, who was opposite him, returned to his usual indifferent state, threw away the fan and fanned himself:

"Hey, the old relationship is not over yet, and it keeps getting messy after cutting things off. I was eighteen that year, and she was eighteen too..."


Gao Yi decided not to ask about this complicated love and hatred, and instead asked for his reward:

"Everything that needs to be checked has been checked. Where are my things?"

"Don't worry, I won't miss you."

Zhao Qian did not hesitate, turned around and took out something from the small bag on the side:

"Repairing spray, my friend sold it to me at a high price. Five bottles of D-level evolution potion. The price of each bottle is not low, totaling 700 game coins... Is there any problem?"

Zhao Qian listed the sprays and medicines in order, calculating the accounts while placing them.

After taking it out, he raised his head and looked at Gao Yi.

"No problem." Gao Yi smiled and was kind.

"Then your reward is one thousand, minus one thousand..."

"Wait a moment." But when Zhao Qian was halfway through the calculation, Gao Yi interrupted him again, "If you want to settle accounts, then I also have to settle accounts."

"Huh? Do you still want me to reimburse you?" Zhao Qian raised his eyebrows slightly and shook his head nonchalantly:

"Okay, tell me how much you spent this time."

"It's not much, just a thousand game coins..." Gao Yiyi's expression didn't change.

"How much?!" On the other side, Zhao Qian was no longer calm, "Are you kidding me?"

But Gao Yi put on an innocent look and spread his hands:

"I'm sneaking into an auction. How can I get information without spending money?"

"What can sell for one thousand game coins?"

Zhao Qian still didn't believe it. He sat up straight again and put back his fan.

"this one."

Gao Yi lifted the [Gentleman's Cane] placed under the table and showed it to the other party.

Pushing the holder of the sunglasses to the tip of his nose, Zhao Qian's eyes crossed the top of the lenses and began to carefully look at the black and gold cane.

After a while, he sighed and slowly lay back on his seat:

"It's really a good thing..."

"Right." Gao Yi put his cane back in place and sounded pleased.

"But why should I reimburse you for this? Didn't you spend money to buy equipment?" Zhao Qian grasped the key.

"Then I don't do this job, and there's no demand for it!" Gao Yi refused to give in.

"Buying equipment is part of the mission, and you don't have to buy it to get information. That's your problem!" Zhao Qian changed his perspective.

"Then you can get the potion without spending any money, so why do you have to charge me?" Gao Yi retorted.

The two haggled for a while, refusing to give in to each other. They continued arguing until all the dishes were served and they each ate half of the food before reaching an agreement to reimburse 500 game coins.

"Okay, okay, then the seven hundred medicines and sprays are worth five hundred, and one thousand is reduced by two hundred..."

Zhao Qian counted and piled eight hundred game coins on the table, and sighed as he returned them:

"I'm so sorry. I have pity on my Yiyi. She has to starve again tonight. Wuwuwu..."

As he said this, the man pretended to cry a few times, looking like he had been greatly wronged.

Of course, Gao Yi on the opposite side would not be deceived by this performance. After counting the coins in his hand, he raised his head again:

"It's not enough, there's still fifty left."

"Damn, can you count? Why is eight hundred not enough?"

Zhao Qian slapped the table and ate another French fries.

"And the fifty you deceived Xiaohong."

Gao Yi's expression remained unchanged, and he first put the 800 game coins in his hand into his backpack.

"Wen Xiaohong? What does it have to do with you? Besides, why did you lie? Didn't I tell her the information?"

Zhao Qian was obviously a little dissatisfied. He grinned and frowned.

"I don't care, she is now the new intern of our magazine, and I am responsible for her."

Gao Yi on the other side was very insistent. He spread his right hand on the table and raised his head:

"If you don't give it, I'll call Sister Tang right away and tell her you're here. See if she comes to catch you."


These words really choked Zhao Qian, and it took him a long time before he angrily took out fifty game coins and threw them into Gao Yi's hands:

"Okay, okay, I'm scared of you."

After taking back the money with a smile, Gao Yi stopped talking nonsense and began to eat his "food god's sad ecstasy rice".

After a while, Zhao Qian, who was chewing a sandwich, thought of something and shook his fan:

"Speaking of which, I still have a favor to ask you for..."

"What are you doing? I'm telling you, I don't need anything now, don't try to trick me." Gao Yi gave himself another bite of food.

"This is it......."

Zhao Qian said, took out a ticket from his wrist and pushed it to the table.

The action was exactly the same as when Gao Yi was given the tickets to [Xicheng Xicheng] that day:

"I want to enter a dungeon this time, and I need a reliable and powerful teammate..."

"No thanks."

Not even eating, Gao Yi pushed his plate away, stood up, and walked out the door.

"Yeah, yeah, you can ask for reward, money or game currency, or do you need me to help you find someone or find out some information...?"

Zhao Qian's voice was left behind, but Gao Yi had no intention of paying attention to it anymore.

Are you kidding? There is still one month left before the next time you enter the dungeon. How can you run for your life again?

Of course, destiny is indeed not affected by personal likes and dislikes.

Lady Luck has written the beginning of an interesting experience for Gao Yi again...


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