After leaving the tea restaurant, Gao Yi stretched his body deeply, feeling the aftertaste of the food on his taste buds.

It has been a long time since I have been so leisurely.

Debts are no longer a pressing matter, the rent can be paid, and there is no rush for work for the time being...

For a while, there was nothing to do.

This is the first time in the past few months.

Looking at the phone, it is only afternoon now.

I wanted to go home and rest, but the news from Wang Wuzhou also came.

It seems that the reward from the Investigation Bureau has also been received, and the efficiency is much higher than expected.

Under the bright winter sun, Gao Yi put the things in his hands back home first, took the light rail and headed to the city center.


In a bustling Sichuan restaurant, Gao Yi and Wang Wuzhou met in real life for the first time.

After squeezing through a group of young people drinking in broad daylight, the two sat down in the corner of the restaurant.

Gao Yi had eaten, so he only let Wang Wuzhou order the dishes.

While he was picking up the menu, Gao Yi also took the opportunity to observe him.

Officer Wang's image was not much different from that in the dungeon. He still had that serious square face, a burly figure, and well-defined muscles.

Although he was not wearing a police uniform, it was easy to tell from his sitting posture and eyes that he was not an ordinary person.

At least the group of young people who were drinking saw it, and even the voices of their chats became a little quieter.

After Wang Wuzhou ordered the dishes, Gao Yi learned about the incident from him.

After [Western City Strange Things] ended, it was already evening, so Officer Wang did not rush to contact the Investigation Bureau, but waited until the next morning.

Relying on his connections in the police station, he quickly contacted the person in charge of the Investigation Bureau.

Although Officer Wang described this experience very briefly, Gao Yi could still realize from his expression and demeanor that the Investigation Bureau was probably not very cooperative.

In short, it took a lot of effort to prove their killing of Zhang Tu, and to submit the item loss form and ask for compensation.

But to Gao Yi's surprise, the Investigation Bureau was so stingy...

"The bonus is said to be a total of 500,000 yuan, plus a certificate of honor... For the medicines and equipment you reimbursed, they mean to compensate you with medicines..."

Wang Wuzhou said, and picked up a dark bag at hand:

"It's all here."

"Wait a minute... We tried our best to kill Zhang Tu, and in the end we got this little money??"

Gao Yi was shocked and pulled the bag closer to flip through it.

As expected, there was nothing good.

Three bottles of E-level physical healing potion, three bottles of E-level evolution potion.

Seeing this shabby compensation, Gao Yi felt even worse.

You know, in order to kill Zhang Tu, he drank several bottles of evolution potion before it could work at its best.

Not to mention the injuries he suffered, he drank no less than five bottles of D-level physical healing potion alone.

And now, only a few bottles of E-level are compensated? ?

It's really a way to die...

"Ah, there's nothing we can do. The Investigation Bureau didn't offer a reward for Zhang Tu. In fact, we didn't save Team Huang in the end, and..."

Officer Wang took a sip from the teacup, then leaned forward slightly and said in a low voice:

"And the official agency can't pay too much for this..."

With a sigh, Gao Yi finally recognized the reality.

Although he had expected that the Investigation Bureau wouldn't offer too much in reward this time, he didn't expect it to be so perfunctory.

If this is the case, will there really be players willing to cooperate with them in the dungeon in the future...

Or is there something else going on?

He raised his cup and took a sip of tea for himself. Gao Yi shook his head slightly and changed the subject:

"How is Tan Zhi from before? Have you seen her?"

Gao Yi still cares about this surviving member of the Investigation Bureau, who was also the woman who suffered the most from Team Huang's death.

He knows very well how it feels to lose someone close to you.

"Speaking of this..." Hearing Gao Yi's question, Officer Wang frowned, seeming to find it difficult to speak.

After a long time, he raised his chopsticks and drew two circles in the air, and slowly spoke:

"I heard that Tan Zhi is under internal investigation by the Investigation Bureau, and I haven't seen him..."

"Internal investigation? Why?" Gao Yi was puzzled.

"I don't know. Their Investigation Bureau is already in chaos. Who knows what happened... But I heard that little Tan is not a big problem, so don't worry too much..."

Officer Wang said, took the plate and started to pick up the dishes.

It must be said that the Neihuang team and Tan Zhi in the copy made Gao Yi have some good feelings towards the Investigation Bureau, but now it has completely disappeared.

It seems that the attacks and abuses of players on the forum are not just groundless.

Although there are good people, this suddenly powerful Investigation Bureau is obviously not a very trustworthy organization.

Even the heroes are deducted from their rewards and suspected. How can such an organization succeed?

Of course, Gao Yi himself will not make such a low-level mistake.

After eating two simple dishes, he began to divide the spoils with Wang Wuzhou.

As for the cash, Officer Wang refused it. He said that he was a serious civil servant and it would be unnecessary trouble if he suddenly had a large amount of property income.

Although Gao Yi felt that he was just looking for excuses to shirk responsibility, he did not force him to accept it.

He originally wanted to give some to Captain Huang's family, but it seemed that the Investigation Bureau had its own compensation and was unwilling to provide contact information, so he had to give up.

As for the game coins, Officer Wang said that he was unwilling to accept anything and said that he did nothing.

But this time Gao Yi still insisted on asking him to accept some, and the two of them presented the state of relatives giving red envelopes in childhood.

"Just accept it."

"No, no."

Finally, Gao Yi changed his mind and claimed that he could "sell" the extra equipment to the other party and then recycle the game coins.

In this way, Officer Wang reluctantly accepted it.

The equipment provided by Gao Yi was the repaired [Reckless Arm Guard].

With the [Scarlet Raven Coat], the defense it provided was no longer useful, and the active effect of the collision was not very practical.

Not to mention the side effect of raising body temperature, which was really difficult to control.

Now that Gao Yi's equipment level is increasing day by day, it has reached the stage of being eliminated.

But Gao Yi can't use it, which is very good for Officer Wang, who is a power type.

With his [Magnetic Wristband], it should be able to play well.

Officer Wang didn't have a good time in the previous dungeons, mainly because of the lack of equipment and feature levels. This equipment should be more important than a few hundred game coins.

In the end, Gao Yi took all the game coins offered by the forum, and Officer Wang got the [Reckless Arm Guard] provided by Gao Yi.

And Gao Yi still took the six bottles of potions from the Investigation Bureau, [E-level Flesh Recovery Potion].

Based on previous experience, Gao Yi can't escape from various injuries.

But the evolution potion was given to Wang Wuzhou.

There is no need to say more about this. Gao Yi is now a D-level player, and the E-level evolution potion is no longer useful to him. Officer Wang didn't insist on giving it up.

The long division of spoils... Hey, why do I keep using the word "dividing spoils".

Anyway, after the two of them finished the distribution, Gao Yi still said goodbye to Officer Wang.

After all, it was still a working day, and we couldn't disturb the rest of the police comrade too much.

After finishing his work and planning to take a rest, Gao Yi would never have thought that when he returned to the "Youth" apartment, he would meet another familiar player.......


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