Night always comes quickly in Nankang at the end of the year.

Gao Yi said goodbye to Wang Wuzhou and went to the editorial department to watch the video recorded today about "Jinhuang Security".

It is worth mentioning that Xiaohong was still in the editorial department, helping several colleagues with miscellaneous tasks such as sorting materials and proofreading texts.

It was not until Gao Yi was about to leave that she reluctantly started to go home.

In Xiaohong's words, "I really need this job..."

Before leaving, Gao Yi gave her the fifty game coins he had asked for from Zhao Qian. Xiaohong thanked him profusely again, as if she was willing to work hard at any time.

I don't know how much love she grew up in a family...

After sending Xiaohong to the car, Gao Yi whistled and rushed home.

On the way, he also carefully selected a large fruit basket and a bouquet of flowers.

The bounty from the Investigation Bureau has been deposited into Gao Yi's card, and he has also made a lot of money by selling potions from the "Jiujiang Rock Music Society".

Gao Yi is now finally out of the poverty of the past few months and can spend a little.

The first thing he wanted to do was to go to the landlord's grandmother and pay the rent he owed.

Although Granny Chen always said that she was not in a hurry and never urged her... well, her granddaughter came to urge her once.

But no matter what, Gao Yi kept thinking about this matter in his heart. If he didn't pay the rent, there would be a thorn in his heart.

Now that he has money, he immediately wants to visit Granny Chen and tell her that he has overcome the difficulties!

"So, can I also get the label experience of [Friends of Elderly Women] by the way..."

Gao Yi thought more and more beautifully, whistled, and rushed to the apartment with a fruit basket and flowers.

No one was guarding the window on the first floor, and the repair form and the signature pen were hung on the wall.

The effect of [Armchair Detective] was shown again. Gao Yi could hear Li Zhaozhao's voice coming from the house on the first floor.

Without thinking too much, Gao Yi raised the fruit basket in his hand and knocked on Granny Chen's door.

But the one who opened the door was not Li Zhaozhao as he imagined.

The moment the door was opened, the throbbing in his heart appeared again.

In an instant, Gao Yi realized that the person who opened the door was a player!

What happened? What enemy came to the door? Could it be an enemy?

His thoughts turned quickly, Gao Yi took a step back and put the fruit basket and flowers on the table beside him.

He stretched out his left hand and turned it, and the [Gentleman's Cane] was already in his hand.

But what was unexpected was that the reaction of the person who opened the door was even greater.

The player in the room pushed open the door and seemed to be startled. He jumped back a few steps in an instant, his face full of panic.

As the iron door was slowly blown open by the wind, Gao Yi saw the other party's way of coming.

This person turned out to be Gan Yejia, a girl who had met Gao Yi once in [Western City Weird Things].

Yes, it was the player who was a student and was called in Gao Yi's drama class.

She was captured by Bill the Clown in his underground cave early in the morning and began to float beside the golden giant tower in the sky.

By chance, the dungeon ended in the early morning of the next day, and she became one of the only four players left in the entire dungeon.

It must be said that it was a blessing in disguise.

If she had not been kidnapped by Bill the Clown and hidden in a secret cave, she might have been found and brutally killed by Zhang Tu.

Now that I think about it, Zhang Tu was able to find so many players, probably because of his [Serial Killer] feature and the active effect of [Scarlet Raven Coat].

But the question is, how could this young girl player appear in Granny Chen's house?

Quickly observing the other party, the school uniform sweater she was wearing with the words "Nankang Experimental Middle School" written on it answered this question.

This Gan Yejia... wouldn't she be a classmate of Li Zhaozhao?

Fate, it's really wonderful.

But on the other hand, Gan Yejia doesn't have the sharp and quick judgment ability of Gao Yi.

She just went through a dungeon that almost killed her. After finally recovering, she was invited by her bestie to do homework and chat at her home.

She thought it was good and could relax.

Not long after she sat down, the door was knocked and she volunteered to open it.

As soon as she opened it, Gao Yi appeared...

We changed the perspective. In Gan Yejia's eyes, she had just entered the dungeon and was caught by the dungeon boss just as she started exploring.

She was still conscious on the tower. She was hanging upside down and witnessed the fight between Gao Yi and Zhang Tu.

The two men appeared inexplicably in the cave and started fighting each other crazily. In the middle, time went backwards.

In the end, Gao Yi, the teacher she had met before, stabbed another man to death and the dungeon ended.

Clown Bill was sealed and she gradually became able to move. She hurriedly took the [Return Ticket] and ran away.

I thought everything was over, but the next day, the murderous man appeared again...

Thinking about it, it is normal to be scared.

Seeing the girl's frightened wild cat-like behavior, Gao Yi shook his head helplessly and tried to explain something:

"You seem to have a little misunderstanding about me..."

But at this moment, Granny Chen came out of the house.

Seeing Gao Yi picking up the flowers and fruit basket again, the smile on his face could no longer be suppressed.

As [Friends of Elderly Women]'s expression experience increased rapidly, Gao Yi also used a set of words of "bonus + debt recovery" to make his mother-in-law believe that he already had money.

Grandma Chen had a pleased and loving expression on her face, nodding her head to Gao Yi and praising him constantly:

"I knew you would be fine." "As expected of our great reporter." and "That's great."

It must be said that she does have a paternalistic concern for the young people in her apartment.

Seeing Gao Yi slowly rebound from his decadence, Granny Chen felt happy from the bottom of her heart.

On the other side, Li Zhaozhao's expression was a little complicated.

She looked at her best friend's frightened and doubtful gaze at Gao Yi for a while, and then at Granny Chen's uncontrollable smile.

I really can't understand the current situation.

Gao Yi didn't stay long. He put down the fruit basket and flowers, declined his mother-in-law's invitation to "stay for dinner", and went back to the house first.

I can just pay the rent later, so I'm not in a hurry now.

As for Gan Yejia's misunderstanding... I can only say that for now, she seems to be afraid to communicate with me for a while.

In fact, the two of them only had a brief relationship, and there was nothing special to talk about.

After Gao Yi left, classmate Xiao Gan hurriedly grabbed Li Zhaozhao and asked:

“Who is that man??”

"He?" Li Zhaozhao obviously still didn't understand why his best friend suddenly became so excited, "He is just an ordinary tenant, seems to be a reporter?"


Gan Yejia fell into silence again, seeming to be thinking about something.

But Gao Yi, who returned to the house, had already forgotten this matter.

We’ll talk about the next plan tomorrow.

Now, he needs to have a good sleep...

Of course, what Gao Yi doesn't know is that after this sleep, if he wants to sleep well again, he will have to wait for a long time...


The score has reached 7.6 points. Thank you for your support.

I will work harder and hope to get eight points.

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