"Milk, rice, soybean oil, a lot of meat and vegetables, plus toys for the children and small gifts for the staff..."

Getting off the taxi, Gao Yi carried several large plastic shopping bags and began to count the supplies he bought while walking.

Of course, even if he found that he had bought less, he would not go back to buy more.

Gao Yi just felt happy when counting the supplies in his hands.

Thanks to his physical fitness after becoming a "player", he would not be able to carry so many things.

The orphanage was built in the suburbs of Nankang City, in the mountains, and there is no road connection.

If you need daily necessities, you can only buy them in a small county town more than ten kilometers away.

Thanks to the policy subsidies of the local government and the help of many enthusiastic people in the society, the orphanage can be preserved and operated.

Of course, enthusiastic people include many people like Gao Yi who left the orphanage and entered the society.

After they can become financially independent, they often look for opportunities to repay the "family" here.

These children who do not have their parents to guide and support them often need to work harder to gain a foothold in society.

However, many "family members" who are not well-off will try their best to donate money and at least spend time as volunteers.

After all, this orphanage is their only "home" for a long time.

After walking through a dirt road that the taxi driver was unwilling to drive up, Gao Yi finally saw the sign of "Happy Home".

Compared with more than a year ago, this round metal sign, which is older than Gao Yi, has a little more rust.

It is now morning, and when you walk outside the big iron gate, you can clearly hear the sound of children playing and fighting on the dirt ground in the courtyard.

A sense of nostalgia surged in his heart, and Gao Yi raised his hand and knocked on the iron gate.

The staff who came to greet him were newcomers to the plane, but after seeing the bags of firewood, rice, oil, salt and toys in Gao Yi's hands, they did not stop him.

As soon as we walked to the open space, a bunch of children had already surrounded us and started shouting:

"Brother Gao Yi is here!"

"You haven't been here for a long time! I thought you didn't miss us."

"Wow, are those toys? So many toys!"

Every time Gao Yi came to the "Happy Home", he would bring a lot of good things, food, drinks, snacks and toys...

Over the past few years, in the hearts of the children, his image has been infinitely close to Santa Claus.

After a sharp-eyed child saw the bag of toys in Gao Yi's hand, the small playground was already in a mess.

Older children would be sent to schools in the county at this time, and today was no exception.

Those who stayed in the yard were those who were not yet of school age, and those who had intellectual and physical disabilities and could not go to school normally.

"Okay, okay, everyone has a share, let me put my things down first and then play with you..."

Gao Yi smiled and turned around, trying to walk out of the pile of happiness lying on his legs.

Of course, this is not easy.

Feeling the rapid growth of [Enthusiastic Citizen] experience points, Gao Yi took the opportunity to look around the interior of the "Happy Home".

To some extent, he had to thank Bill the Clown in [West Side Story], whose illusion made Gao Yi look back on his childhood.

At this moment, he was not unfamiliar with the environment in the courtyard.

The good news is that although the exterior wall still looks so old, there have been many changes inside.

The damaged swings have been repaired, and there are many more entertainment equipment suitable for children nearby.

The cracked and damaged plastic track has been newly paved, and even two new basketball courts have been built with two ping-pong tables.

All the surrounding small buildings have been repainted. Although the old structure inside cannot be changed, at least the appearance looks much fresher.

As the line of sight turned, it came to the small stone table in front of the dormitory building on the left.

The director's mother-in-law just walked out of the building and came to the playground.

She still had that familiar gentle smile on her face, and waved:

"Xiao Gao, you're back!"

Feeling a sour nose, Gao Yi put the plastic bag on the table tennis table beside him, walked quickly towards the director, and smiled:

"Mother Yan, I'm back."

The old woman called Mother Yan is the director of this "Happy Home" orphanage.

She is also the "mother" of so many orphans here.

Gao Yi felt extremely distressed when he supported the director's arm.

In his memory, this director would challenge the relevant person in charge who did not pay the subsidy on time, would protect the children in front of the rogue who was looking for trouble, and could carry several large bags of bedding upstairs in one breath.

This director who was omnipotent in Gao Yi's mind has now become an old man in his sixties.

Her hair has turned gray, the skin on her dry arms has no moisture, and her unstable body needs a cane to support it.

Does he still have [D-level physical healing potion] in his hand? It should be helpful. I must let the director drink a bottle, and then I can buy it later.

"Let the children play first, come, let's talk in the house..."

Mother Yan seemed to see through Gao Yi's thoughts, showing her familiar kind smile, patting Gao Yi's hand, and letting him help her back to the office.

Passing through the familiar corridor, feeling the sweet smell of memories in the air, the two entered the "director's office".

It's called an office, but it's actually just a room of more than ten square meters, with a desk, a large bookcase and a single bed.

The bookshelf is filled with complicated personnel lists and documents, and there are many children's colored pencil drawings on top, each of which is treasured by the grandmother.

Under the yellowed acrylic board on the table, there are countless letters and photos sent by children after leaving the "Happy Home", as well as the annual New Year's group photo.

Usually, the director grandmother sleeps in this room, ready to solve all kinds of trivial matters for the children every night.

Gao Yi still remembers that when he first came to the orphanage, he was bullied by several children and came to the grandmother to cry late at night.

The director grandmother who was woken up in the middle of the night was not angry at all, but just asked him to cover his eyes and count to five seconds.

When he took his hand away, there were already two candies in front of him.

"You have one, I have one." The director grandmother always squinted her eyes when she smiled.

The past scenes came to his eyes, and Gao Yi hurriedly turned his back and rubbed his eyes.

What's going on? Today is a happy day. I shouldn't be so sad.

To be honest, Gao Yi still felt a little guilty.

Because of all the bad things that happened to me recently, I was in a very bad mood. I haven't called the director's mother-in-law for a long time, let alone come back here.

When I left, I swore that I would come back as soon as I had the chance...

Will my mother-in-law be angry with me?

To be honest, it's reasonable for her to be angry. After all, I didn't even want to send a message for such a long time...

But when Gao Yi turned around, the mother-in-law who sat back in the chair smiled again and stretched out her hand for Gao Yi to sit next to her.

While gently stroking Gao Yi's head, the grandmother spoke slowly with a distressed voice:

"Our little Gao, why do you look so haggard? You must have suffered a lot recently..."

Tears were almost unbearable, Gao Yi hurriedly forced a smile, waved his hand and denied:

"No, I was just busy with work some time ago. I was recently promoted and got a salary increase. This time, I just wanted to give more money..."

"That's good, that's good..." The director grandmother did not expose Gao Yi, but smiled and took out a yellowed big book from the drawer and handed it to Gao Yi:

"Write it yourself..."

Gao Yi knew that this was the donation list of "Happy Home", and every donor would be recorded on it.

Once in a while, the children would be asked to write some thank-you letters and send them back. I still remember that he wrote a lot when he was a child...

And Gao Yi, who grew up, also registered on it several times, and he was familiar with it.

Thanks to these kind people, this orphanage has been able to persist for so long.

But to be honest, the "Happy Home" can continue to run, mainly relying on the wholehearted efforts of Yan's mother.

If the future...

Shaking his head and getting rid of the sad mood, Gao Yi has decided to leave two bottles of evolution potion and healing potion for the director's mother-in-law.

Since the rich want it so much, it must be effective.

Thinking of this, Gao Yi has already flipped through the notebook and started writing his name at the end.

Those contact numbers, delivery addresses, and his own name have been written countless times, so there is no need to focus too much.

While writing, Gao Yi, who couldn't sit still, began to browse other people's donation information.

When he saw the top line, he was stunned for a moment.

There, a familiar name was written.

Yang Linfeng, November 21, donated one million.

This orphan friend who asked him to be a guarantor for him a few months ago, but ran away and disappeared, leaving Gao Yi with a huge sum of money, actually donated one million last month?

After a slight pause, Gao Yi closed the notebook without changing his expression, smiled and told his mother-in-law that he was going to the toilet.

Walking into the empty corridor, he took out his cell phone and called Zhao Qian:

"Yes, I have something to do." Gao Yi paused slightly and interrupted the other party's greeting:

"I remember you said you could help find someone, right?"


If nothing goes wrong, you can see Gao Yi enter the new dungeon tomorrow.

The tentative name is [Mechanical Godcasting], star coins 4.

At this point, should I ask for something? I've asked for a five-star review, and it's not good to ask for a gift. So should I ask for a quick update?

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