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Chapter 113 Final preparations before the copy


After finishing the last set of burpees, Gao Yi panted and began to stretch by the window.

At this moment, he laid a yoga mat in the bedroom and did exercises on the spot.

It's not that Gao Yi doesn't want to go to the gym. He went there once a few days ago and bought a "one-day card" for experience.

The problem is that as a D-level player, he wants to push his limits in exercise, and the physical strength he shows is undoubtedly a bit beyond ordinary people.

When Gao Yi lifts a long-bar dumbbell weighing more than 300 kilograms to do bench press, the fitness masters around him will start to watch.

The eyes often go from puzzlement to worry, then become shocked, and finally watch their muscles fall into self-doubt.

I really can't stand it. When I rest between groups, a circle of people will come up and ask "Brother, how did you train?" I am also worried that my identity as a player will be exposed because of my physical fitness.

Gao Yi finally put the exercise place in his apartment.

There happened to be a small, useless space in the corner of the living room, so Gao Yi cleaned it up and turned it into a small fitness area, which worked well.

Over the past few days, his physical fitness seemed to have improved, but it was not reflected in the evolution rate, and his muscles did not change much.

"Is it still not possible without professional equipment and guidance... Will it be worthwhile to invest in a player gym?"

Gao Yi took two sips of energy drink, grabbed the notebook on the desk, and ticked the [Daily Exercise] form.

As he flipped through the pages, a note appeared in front of him, sandwiched between the pages.

[See you at 8pm on the 30th~]

At the end, a smiling face wearing sunglasses was drawn in red pen.

Needless to say, it was the handwriting of the charlatan Zhao Qian.

Yes, today is December 30th, and it has been a whole week since Gao Yi last returned to the orphanage.

When he saw the name of the person who asked him to be a guarantor and ran away and disappeared on the "donation list", a surge of anger surged in his heart.

Donate one million in one go?

Damn it, he didn't owe any loan sharks, would he rather donate than pay it back?

Regardless of whether Yang Linfeng had other hidden motives or was simply trying to disgust him, Gao Yi was determined to find the orphan and ask him the reason in person.

But the director's mother-in-law didn't leave any way to receive the money, and the money was sent in cash, so he couldn't find the source of the money.

Not to mention the possibility that Yang Linfeng ran away to other provinces or even abroad, it would be extremely difficult to find a specific person in Nankang, a city with a population of tens of millions.

Gao Yi also considered whether to consult Wang Wuzhou and ask the police if there was any way.

But considering that the guy had been disappearing before, it is estimated that ordinary means would not work.

Since modern technology and the authorities are helpless, Gao Yi can only resort to various "eccentric tricks".

Zhao Qian is the most "eccentric" person he knows.

Whether it is his paper figurine daughter Yiyi, or various fortune-telling, karma and reincarnation.

If anyone can find the missing Yang Linfeng, it can only be Zhao Qian.

Therefore, Gao Yi reached a deal with him and agreed to enter the next dungeon with him to help him complete the task and leave.

The dungeon that can make the powerful Zhao Qian feel embarrassed is naturally not an ordinary thing.

[Mechanical Godcasting (Star Coin 4)]

This is the first time Gao Yi has seen a level 4 dungeon.

Although the novice level he experienced was a level 5 [Heart Strange Mist], that dungeon actually hit Gao Yi's strike zone.

There is no requirement for combat power, and the main difficulty lies in the exploration and analysis of the dungeon.

In fact, for those old players, they may prefer to use combat to solve the dungeon content because they have some combat power.

Other dungeons may be possible, but in [Heart Strange Mist], this is obviously not feasible.

Gao Yi was basically an ordinary person at the time. From the beginning, he didn't want to fight the monsters in the fog head-on. Instead, he started to try to analyze the dungeon faster and finally passed the level and left.

It is worth mentioning that when Xiao Hong entered the [Heart Strange Mist], her ticket seemed to be Holy Grail 4, and she was eventually trapped inside.

She was successfully rescued until Gao Yi appeared.

Even if it is the same copy, the main task of the Holy Grail 4 ticket is obviously more difficult than that of the Holy Grail 5.

This time, facing the level 4 Star Coin copy, although Gao Yi's own level is no longer the same, he is still a little nervous.

He also asked Zhao Qian, "Why do you have to enter this copy", but the other party just said, "I have my own reasons."

Seeing that Zhao Qian agreed to many of his conditions and took the initiative to help prepare potions, Gao Yi could only shake his head and accept it.

There is no way, let's try to make preliminary preparations first.

First, try to find the prototype of this [Mechanical Casting God], search on the movie rating website, but there is no harvest.

Try to search with keywords, but don't find the corresponding movie.

According to Zhao Qian, only the "Holy Grail" copy likes to use horror movies as the prototype, and other types of copies are not so fixed.

In general, various comics, novels and folk tales may become the source of copies.

Helplessly, he had to accept the fact that he had to enter a brand new world.

The good news was that Zhao Qian promised to help find Yang Linfeng and also agreed to many additional conditions of Gao Yi.

It can be seen that he really needs someone to accompany him into the dungeon.

First of all, in terms of potions, five bottles of [D-level physical healing potion], plus three bottles of [E-level evolution potion], all free of charge.

Gao Yi kept all the treatment potions for himself, and gave the evolution potion to the dean's mother-in-law.

In order to prevent anything from happening, Gao Yi also called "Dream Back to Tang Dynasty" to ask the boss of the "Jiujiang Rock Music Society" whether ordinary elderly people can drink evolution potions.

After being told that there was no problem with the E-level, he gave it to the dean's mother-in-law with confidence.

In order to repay Sister Tang, Gao Yi's last request was to let Zhao Qian talk to his "old love" himself and resolve the conflict.

After all, he received a reward of 500 game coins from the other party, and he couldn't just ignore it.

"Yiyi is too pitiful without a mother." Gao Yi said so.

Although he was reluctant, Zhao Qian finally agreed to Gao Yi's request due to the imminent dungeon pressure.

But he insisted on dealing with this "old love" after the dungeon. I don't know if he thought that he would not have to deal with this if he died in the dungeon...

Anyway, after everything was ready, the time came to December 30, 2024.

After eating something simple, washing and changing clothes, Gao Yi sat in the room, waiting for the final time to come.

When the clock on the wall of the living room finally turned to "eight".

This [Mechanical God Casting] finally kicked off.


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