Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 114 [Mechanical Godcasting] Opening

Looking back now, Gao Yi was in a very bad state the first two times he entered the dungeon.

The first time he entered [Heart Strange Fog], he fought a madman on the light rail and grabbed the ticket at the last minute.

When he arrived at [West City Strange Things], he encountered robbers in the mall again. In the end, he was injured all over and used the active effect of [Armchair Detective], which caused a splitting headache.

This time, everything was taken care of, and entering the dungeon at home was much better.

There was no strange white halo in front of him, nor did he fall into a dizzy darkness.

When he opened his eyes again, Gao Yi had left the familiar house and sat in a closed meeting room.

It was a bit like the room where he met Sister Tang at the auction.

But the difference was that the decoration of this meeting room was very simple. Apart from the basic tables and chairs, there were no additional decorations at all - except for the two cameras in the corner.

What was even more strange was that the whole room was dominated by white, with only the brown oval conference table and the dark green armchairs adding a touch of strange color.

It looked like a small room in a mental hospital where manic patients were imprisoned, or like a cutscene produced in a low-quality texture game to save art costs.

"The ventilation duct is hidden in the ceiling, with no windows. The only exit is a locked white iron door, and there are people talking outside the door..."

With the super observation ability provided by [Armchair Detective], Gao Yi quickly collected all the information around him.

According to previous experience and the sharing of other players on the forum, there will be such a "preparation time" at the beginning of entering the dungeon.

During this time, there will generally be no urgent danger.

"So, it shouldn't be a clown that jumps out of the iron door right away..."

Shaking his head, Gao Yi threw the experience of the last dungeon out of his mind and began to grope for the things in his trouser bag.

No, where are the things?

In addition to the folding knife and darts that he carried experimentally, even the notebook and pen that he could bring into the dungeon before disappeared.

Now, in addition to this new set of clothes, there is only a lonely ticket left.

Gao Yi slowly took it out. Of course, it was the one that corresponded to this dungeon.

[Mechanical God Casting (Star Coin 4)]

[Mode: Multiplayer]

Speaking of which, Zhao Qian should not have asked only himself for help, many players will there be in this dungeon?

While thinking, Gao Yi had already turned his wrist and began to check the main task of this dungeon.

[Player: Gao Yi]

[Dungeon Name: Mechanical God Casting]

[Game Type: Star Coin 4 (Multiplayer)]

[Main Task Triggered]

[Ⅰ: Become Yourself Again and Escape from the Wise Group]

[Ⅱ: Destroy the Current Branch of the Wise Group]

[Ⅲ: ? ? ? ]

[Main Task Reward: One Return Ticket, Moderately Increase the Player's Evolution Rate, High Probability of Obtaining Random Equipment, High Probability of Obtaining Random Features, High Probability of Obtaining Random Potion (Depending on the Level of the Main Task Completed, the Rewards will also be Different)]

"Wise Group..."

Gao Yi chewed the name in his mouth. Judging from the main task, this so-called "Wise Group" should be the main location of this dungeon.

Why is the task written so strangely? What does "becoming yourself again" mean?

It won't be another copy that requires exploring oneself and digging into the heart. There really aren't so many stories in my life in the past twenty years...

Just as Gao Yi was complaining in his heart, a female voice came from the equally white ceiling above his head:

"Hello, sir sitting on the chair, are you willing to participate in our questionnaire survey?"

Female, about 30 years old, with a slightly hoarse voice, but very clear pronunciation.

Not a professional announcer, but daily work requires a lot of communication and communication.

Judging from the source of the sound outside the wall, the person who spoke was sitting next to this conference room, and if nothing unexpected happened, he was monitoring himself with a camera.

There was another person sitting next to him, with the sound of flipping books and subtle conversations... Am I a bit like Sherlock Holmes?

Gao Yi's thoughts turned rapidly, and soon he went from analyzing the speaker's situation to considering how to abduct a retired military doctor as his assistant.

Without letting the other party wait too long, Gao Yi looked up at the ceiling, as if looking for a microphone:

"What if I refuse?"

There was the sound of flipping papers again, and a few seconds later, the voice sounded from the ceiling again:

"Then we will let you rest for five minutes and ask you again."

You have to answer, otherwise you won't be allowed to leave...

The iron door doesn't look very solid, maybe you can use the [Gentleman's Cane] to knock the door handle?

But...under the premise of not knowing the specific situation of this copy, don't be too reckless.

Gao Yi quickly figured out the account, leaned back in the chair, and spoke to the ceiling again:

"It's okay, please start."

There was another silence, the sound of flipping books, and the sound of discussion.

The hearing bonus provided by [Armchair Detective] was not enough for Gao Yi to recognize the specific content of the two people's whispered conversation on the other side of the soundproof wall.

But they seemed to be surprised by their answer?

Several possibilities suddenly appeared in Gao Yi's mind:

First of all, this is not a unique ritual prepared for oneself, but a regular activity that faces a lot of different people.

Otherwise, there would not be a special guide book with various possible situations for them to refer to.

Secondly, it is not common for the questioned to answer questions logically and clearly.

This can be judged from their long reading and discussion.

Finally, if this is the "Wise Group" mentioned in the main task, this question and answer... will it be some kind of interview?

Gao Yi's thoughts turned quickly, and he subconsciously wanted to take out a pen to record, but when he reached into his bag, he realized that the familiar notebook and signature pen could not enter the dungeon with him.

Although he is the kind of person who firmly believes that "a good memory is not as good as a bad pen", in this situation, he can only rely on his memory.

While Gao Yi was thinking quickly, the questioners on the other side seemed to have sorted out the situation.

"Okay, you are really excellent for accepting it so quickly, so let's start the questionnaire survey right away."

The female voice came out again, reading out the formulaic answer, without any emotional fluctuations in her voice.

After a moment, the ceiling made another sound:

"First question, who are you?"

Gao Yi lowered his head slightly, pretending to think.

If being too calm is abnormal...

After more than ten seconds, he frowned and raised his head, showing his acting skills, and tremblingly said:

"I don't know."


If nothing unexpected happens, the title test should be started later. Five different titles should be made, and then the one with the most traffic should be selected through testing.

I couldn't think of any good choice for a long time. I wonder if you have any ideas?

For the time being, I might think of "Strange Copy: My Tags Have More Than 100 Million Points", "Global Game: My Tags Have More Than 100 Million Points"?

Or "Strange Road Starting from the Mist"?

It's still hard to choose...

It's hard enough to name a person, and now I have to name a book. Please help me, almighty readers.

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