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Chapter 115 [Mechanical Godcasting] On-the-job training

The so-called "questionnaire survey" was not long. After ten questions, the white iron door was slowly pushed open.

"You had a great performance, the best in years, in fact."

It was the owner of the voice on the ceiling who came in to talk and shake hands with Gao Yi.

Caucasian female, gold-rimmed glasses, high heels, about forty years old, tall.

Makeup, body management, exquisite makeup, appropriate medical beauty, and a purple professional skirt that is worth a fortune at a glance.

The old book with some curled pages in my hand was probably the source of the sound of paper turning that I heard before.

After "who are you", the remaining questions are not complicated.

Gao Yi simply grasped the point of "saying he doesn't know anything about himself, and answering normally if he has common sense", and passed the test easily.

It seems that my current character status should be some kind of amnesia-like situation?

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yi looked at the woman and began to ask:

"Where is this place and what was the survey just now?"

The woman pulled out a dark green chair and motioned for Gao Yi to sit opposite her.

Then, she opened the old guidebook and began to answer Gao Yi's questions:

"I understand you may be a little confused now. This is the office building of Wise Man Group. The questionnaire just now is just part of the induction training."

"Then...why can't I remember my name?"

Gao Yi held his forehead and lowered his head, acting out the feeling of painful memories, while thinking about whether [Friends of Elderly Women] would be useful here.

When you are in your forties, does it feel a bit forced to be considered old?

Fortunately, the woman opposite couldn't read minds. If she knew what Gao Yi was thinking, she probably wouldn't be able to maintain such politeness and smile.

"Your name is Gao Yi. Regarding memory, this is due to the confidentiality within our Wise Group. There will be special videos and employee manuals in the future to help you learn to adapt."

Turning over the guidebook again, the woman smiled as if she remembered something and pointed to herself:

"I almost forgot to introduce myself. I am your boss, the director of the spring department. You can call me Flessie."

Spring part......

Without much time to think about this weird title, Gao Yi smiled:

"I understand, then when do we start the next step?"


It has to be said that the scale of the "Wise Man Group" indeed exceeded Gao Yi's imagination.

After leaving the conference room, they followed Ms. Flesh into the white corridor. The two of them walked without stopping for twenty minutes.

What's even weirder is that he didn't even see a window along the way. Gao Yi couldn't even confirm that he was in a large factory close to the ground or on a certain floor of a high-rise building.

The quartz clock on the wall indicates that it is now eleven-thirty in the morning.

In fact, without being able to see the outdoors, it is impossible to confirm whether the time corresponding to the clock is morning or evening.

As for it being morning, Gao Yi could tell by the sandwiches and juices in the hands of the staff passing by him in the corridor.

After walking for a while, Gao Yi was finally taken to a dressing room after confirming that there was definitely something wrong with the space.

A few minutes later, he had put on a set of blue overalls like most of the staff he met in the corridor.

Ms. Flesh at the door saw Gao Yi who had changed her clothes. She nodded with satisfaction and handed over her work permit and a badge with a sun pattern:

"Congratulations to Gao Yi. From now on, you will be a new employee in the spring department of our Wise Man Group. Now I will introduce you to your colleagues."

The woman's smile was very sincere, she was truly happy for Gao Yi's arrival.

But the strange onboarding training, the work requirements that make employees lose their memory, and the huge and windowless working environment are all full of weirdness.

This is a copy of "Star Coin 4", and there must be many dangers hidden in it.

But...where is it concretely reflected?

The main mission is to escape or destroy this place. The Wise Group must be a hostile target.

What exactly is this lady named Flessie and her "spring part" in front of me?

But these are not issues to be considered now.

The [Mechanical God] we are currently in is a multiplayer dungeon with no competitive conditions for the main mission. Finding other players to cooperate is the top priority.

After thinking, Gao Yi raised his head slightly and asked something like:

"Excuse me, besides me, how many other employees are joining today?"

"There should be some more, but you are the only one in our department... Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Ms. Flesh touched her chin, thinking about the answer, and then asked again.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about our group's onboarding training method. What should employees who lose their memory do if they lose control of their emotions?"

Gao Yi shook his head and made insinuations.

When she heard that the new employees had the awareness to say "our group", Flesh seemed very satisfied and answered smoothly:

"Don't worry, our induction ceremony has been going on for many years. We are fully prepared in all aspects and there won't be anything you are worried about..."

But just as he was proudly showing that the "Wise Group" was fully prepared, rapid footsteps suddenly came from the other side of the corridor.

The sound of footsteps turned the corner ahead, and a figure appeared at the other end of the corridor where Gao Yi and Fulaisi were.

The running man kept moving, running towards the end of the corridor at a speed far beyond that of an ordinary person.

While running, he was still yelling:

"Fuck, how can this place be so big? It's not the end yet?"

He ignored the two people standing by the wall, ran several steps, and disappeared again in sight after a sharp turn at another corner.

After more than ten seconds, a large group of staff members in red security uniforms followed, panting.

It seemed that they had been evaded by that man for quite a long time.

"Well... is this also a normal situation?" Gao Yi turned his head to look at his immediate superior.

On the side, Ms. Fulaisi had opened her mouth wide, looking at the direction where the man fled with a dull look in her eyes.

Obviously, the scene in front of her shocked her even more.

But Gao Yi didn't have any big questions. He had guessed that this kind of opening would likely lead to various situations.

The man just passed by not long ago, but Gao Yi had undoubtedly felt the throbbing of a player from him.

Needless to say, that was a player who forcibly escaped from the "on-the-job training".

This is a good thing, letting others help try the feasibility and consequences of forcibly escaping can pave the way for future plans.

"By the way, have I seen this man's back somewhere?"

Gao Yi recalled in his heart.


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