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Chapter 116 [Mechanical Casting God] Spring Department

Before Gao Yi came to the so-called "Spring Department", he actually had a lot of speculations about it.

But he had to admit that he was still shocked when he walked into this large factory.

In the huge white space, there are four desks, a row of lockers, and a small water bar.

But apart from these ordinary things that should belong to an "office", there is a huge transparent cube standing in the center of the entire factory.

Based on visual inspection, it is about 20 meters long, wide and high, reaching the ceiling. There is a locked iron door on the outside.

Inside, there are wide pipes with metallic light running up and down, connecting to places upstairs and downstairs respectively.

What's even weirder is that the inside of the glass cube is filled with bright red metal parts.

The screws and nuts on the floor formed a metal ocean, while the gears and springs rotated slowly in the middle, like a school of fish about to be drowned.

At first glance, it looks like carrion struggling in a sea of ​​blood.

Needless to say, this is how the "Spring Section" got its name.

Considering that this copy is called [Mechanical God Forging], is this company using these mechanical parts to make gods?

There is still too little information now. Gao Yi shook his head and leaned back on his office chair.

A few minutes ago, Supervisor Flexi brought Gao Yi to this factory, introduced the seats, and left in a hurry.

It seemed that the player who tried to escape before had added a lot of pressure to their work.

However, based on his experience during the period of entering the dungeon, Gao Yi could basically confirm that there was some kind of abnormality in this space.

This is not difficult to judge. When standing outside, the corridor tops the sky three to four meters high, but when entering this room, the ceiling instantly reaches twenty meters.

Not to mention the pipes up and down inside the transparent cube, which are connected to certain places as expected.

Not only is this floor a huge space, there are even upstairs and downstairs.

After all, it is a copy of "Pentacle 4". If there is nothing abnormal, Gao Yi will find it strange.

In any case, it is most likely unrealistic to rely on your legs to escape from this "Wise Man Group".

And the previous player must have been arrested, right?

However, for Gao Yi, the first priority now is to collect intelligence.

Looking up, near the water bar, two men also wearing blue work clothes were chatting, and from time to time they would cast curious eyes on Gao Yi.

It seems that they are also waiting for him to come and chat, and now they are just giving the new colleagues a little "adaptation time".

After confirming the configuration of the two labels [enthusiastic citizen] and [gambler], Gao Yi stood up and walked towards the two old employees with a smile.

"Boy, can you tell me what our 'Spring Department' does?"

When the two people heard Gao Yi's question, they both looked at each other with a "Finally here" expression, and began to introduce in detail the "Smart Man Group" in their eyes.

After a long period of leisurely work, the two employees have obviously developed strong small talk skills.

Gao Yi tried his best to delineate the scope of the problem, interrupting them from time to time to change the topic back on track.

But the amount of nonsense the two talked about was outrageous. It took Gao Yicai a full half an hour to collect the most basic information.

The fatter of the two is called Lamson. He has been with the Wise Group for about five years. He is glib and likes to tell all kinds of bad jokes that don't make sense.

By his own account, he was an "excellent employee."

The other old man has more seniority and has been employed for more than twenty years. He has white hair and looks quite energetic.

He introduced himself as Kane and liked to pause suddenly while speaking and then laugh for no apparent reason.

This is also what makes their communication extremely slow.

"So, generally speaking..." Gao Yi couldn't stand the homely atmosphere, so he forcibly interrupted the chat and tried to summarize:

"Our job is that whenever the middle pool is filled with metal parts coming out of the pipe above, we have to put on chemical protective suits and go in, use tools to sort the springs and gears and throw them into the pipe below."

"That's accurate. It looks like we finally have a reliable newcomer in the spring department." The old man Kane nodded slightly, looking quite pleased.

"What are you talking about? Who else is more reliable than me? Do you know how many times I have won the Best Employee Award?"

The fat man frowned unhappily and walked towards his desk.

Following the direction of his finger, Gao Yi saw a large number of plush dolls of various colors placed on the other party's table.

Sharks, kittens, orangutans, dolphins, you name it.

If you guessed it correctly, these are the so-called "Best Employee Awards".

"It's a pity that you have no chance this month. If you want to get the best employee, you can only start working hard next month."

Fatty Lamson grabbed a pink stuffed dolphin with a proud expression.

"Then...what are the stars on the wall?"

Taking advantage of the other party's strong desire to express himself, Gao Yi took advantage of the victory and continued to ask questions.

"Um..." The old man who answered the question this time was the old man Kane. He cleared his throat and replied seriously:

"That's the number of times we are on duty. After all, this job has some impact on the body. After completing thirteen times perfectly, we can leave this company and receive pensions."

The old man seemed to be looking forward to this "retirement life". Judging from the mark on the wall, he was indeed the one closest to completion, with twelve stars already.

"So the one I replaced..."

Before Gao Yi finished his question, the fat man spoke first:

"Mrs. Lucy, she just finished a few days ago. We held a grand retirement ceremony for her. Now she should be enjoying her life somewhere."

"Yes, she got there first... What a pity. Every time a new employee is recruited, a lot of work comes, like a curse... Hahahaha."

Old Kane started laughing for no reason again. It seems that he has a good relationship with that "Mrs. Lucy".

So that's why he needs to recruit "new employees" like himself.

The mission [Escape from the Wise Group], maybe this can be completed?

After all, there is no time limit for the dungeon, but what exactly does it mean to complete it perfectly thirteen times...

"By the way, the employee handbook... I almost forgot to give this to you."

The old man suddenly slapped the table, opened the drawer as if he remembered something, took out a booklet and handed it to Gao Yi:

"Actually, it's useless to ask us. The rules you want to know are all written here..."

Taking the blue booklet, Gao Yi looked down.

[Employee Handbook (Blue Edition)]

Okay, this dungeon won't have some weird rules, right?


7.7 points!

Thanks for your support, it's getting closer and closer to the goal of eight points, I will continue to work hard to update.

If nothing goes wrong, I will control this dungeon to 60,000 to 80,000 words, and it will end in about 30 chapters.

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