Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 117 [Mechanical God] Blue Employee Code

While the other two colleagues were arguing about "who has better work ability", Gao Yi also retreated to his office chair and began to read the "Blue Employee Code" in his hand.

1. The employees of the Wise Group are divided into three levels, from low to high, they are blue employees, purple employees and orange employees. In the company, employees of different levels should wear work clothes of corresponding colors.

Undoubtedly, I am the lowest-level blue employee, and the department manager, Ms. Flessy, seems to be a purple employee?

2. The daily work of blue and purple employees is divided into two time periods, the morning shift is 10:00-16:00, and the evening shift is 21:00-5:00. Morning shift employees wear a sun badge on their chests, and evening shift employees wear a moon badge on their chests.

Gao Yi looked down at the cartoon-like sun badge on his chest. Undoubtedly, it is the day shift now.

3. If you find that the other employees are carrying something that does not match the current time period, please report to the nearest purple employee or security personnel in red uniforms.

4. Occasionally, strange items will appear on your workstation. These are often left by another shift of staff. Please do not touch them at will. If necessary, notify the cleaning staff in green uniforms to deal with them.

5. During working hours, you cannot leave the work area. Employees will leave the work area by elevator at the end of the working day.

6. In the work area, your memory will be temporarily blocked and you will not be able to recall the external situation. This is a completely normal phenomenon and will be automatically released after leaving the work area.

7. Every time you complete a task perfectly, you will get a star. If you get thirteen stars, you can enjoy retirement life and receive full bonuses and salary subsidies for life.

8. In order to ensure the security of the company's confidential information, company employees cannot carry any text, code or image information when leaving the group.

"So, the notebook I brought from the copy disappeared because of this eighth rule?"

Gao Yi whispered to himself, holding his chin and thinking.

These eight rules don't seem special at first glance, but they contain quite a lot of information.

First of all, the employees in the entire company can be roughly divided into five categories.

Orange, purple, blue, three levels of ordinary employees, security staff in red uniforms, and cleaning staff in green uniforms.

On the way before, except for the orange employees, all the others appeared.

If nothing unexpected happens, the players should enter the company as blue employees.

Secondly, this "Wise Group" has the concept of "off-duty".

Yes, a company should of course be off-duty, but this is a "Star Coin 4" level weird copy, and the main task is to escape.

But in this case, can you really "off-duty" normally?

Then after getting off work, turning around and running away with a bucket, is it considered "escaping"?

In fact, from the perspective of the few people Gao Yi has contacted, they really treat this as an ordinary job, and don't think this is a place to escape at all.

Finally, it's about memory.

According to the employee code, the memory of employees is only temporarily blocked and can be restored after leaving.

But Gao Yi himself actually has no memory loss, so will he be affected by it?

Or will his memory be lost after leaving?

It seems that I can only wait until after get off work to study it.

It is really annoying that I can't write down the questions in my mind.

In fact, since I came to this copy, Gao Yi has not even seen any pen.

It's as if... this space is excluding anything that can be written and recorded?

On the other side, the argument between the two employees, Old Kane and Ramson, has come to an end, and now they are starting to make coffee again.

It can be seen that the work here is really leisurely.

"So, what exactly is our job?"

After sorting out the contents of the employee handbook, Gao Yi approached the two again and asked questions.

Looking at the puzzled eyes of the two old employees, he hurriedly added:

"I mean, where do those springs and gears come from, where will they lead to if they are thrown down, and why do we do this?"

Hearing Gao Yi's question, the two employees reacted completely differently.

"I don't know." Fatty Ramson spread his hands, "It could be a garbage dump, or it could be feed for cave giants... Anyway, the company will pay us wages and provide breakfast, so let them do whatever they want."

The old man Kane, however, had a serious face and answered very seriously:

"We are working to create a better world."

"What exactly is a better world?" Gao Yi grasped the key words and asked.

But the other party's answer was straightforward and straightforward:

"I don't know."

"Then..." Gao Yi stabilized his expression and tried his best to make his tone sound like curiosity rather than questioning:

"Excuse me, how do we know if we are working for a 'better world'?"

"We don't need to know, the wise orange employees have their arrangements, we just need to work hard."

The old man's answer was very serious, and obviously, he was not joking.

It can be seen that he has a kind of religious belief in this "Wise Group" and has a self-consistent explanation.

After all, they are "colleagues", so let's not say too much for the time being...

Gao Yi decisively decided to give up questioning, but Lamson on the side burst into laughter without hesitation:

"Wise orange employee, do you mean 013, or 089?"

"What do you mean?" Gao Yi asked at the right time.

"Orange employees have no names, only numbers, and they don't need to block their memories. Of course, they are all a bunch of weirdos."

Lamson brought himself a cup of coffee and sounded quite disdainful, as if he was very dissatisfied with the so-called "orange employees."

"Of course orange employees are orange for a reason, we just need to work hard!"

"Okay, okay, okay...The orange employee will ask you not to retire then. Let me see if you are in a hurry."

In fact, most of the quarrels between these two people are like this, which are nutritious and fruitless.

Just when the two were about to get into a new round of argument, the door of the "Spring Department" was opened.

The lady in charge, Flessie, who was wearing a purple suit, returned to the room.

At this moment, she was carrying a brown suitcase, her face was livid, and her steps were windy.

Seeing him coming back, the two old employees who had been chatting and fishing stopped and quickly returned to their seats to sit down.

But through their eyes, Gao Yi suddenly realized that they were not worried about the supervisor, but about the brown box in his hand.

Could it be that that suitcase represents something?

Before the iron door could be pushed back, a black man in an orange suit sidestepped the iron door and rushed into the room.

He looked around the room and found Gao Yi directly. He walked quickly and stood in front of the new employee's desk.

The orange employee lowered his head slightly and showed a bright smile:

"Happy birthday, Gao Yi."


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