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Chapter 119 [Mechanical Godcasting] Off work?

"Come on, everyone, smile."

After the four employees took off their chemical protective suits, were soaked in disinfectant, and left the glass cube.

The black "floor manager" named 013 outside raised his camera and pointed it at the few people who had just come out.

Of course, the people who had just finished working in the "spring department" had no intention of smiling at all.

It has to be admitted that the degree of fatigue of this job is far beyond imagination.

If you want to talk about the difficulty, in fact, it is not too difficult. Just take the filter-like shovel, filter out the small screws and nuts, and select the larger springs and gears.

Then transport it to the other side and throw it into the pipe leading to the bottom.

Gao Yi also looked into the pipe, but there was only a bottomless black.

This work was a bit novel in the first few times, but after the work lasted for several hours, there was only numbness and pain.

Wrapped in a heavy and hot chemical protective suit, the slippery sweat slowly accumulates, then is absorbed by the flannel inside, and gradually sticks to the skin, and can only be torn off by continuous movement.

At the same time, as long as a part of the body is inactive for a few seconds, more sweat and fatigue will accumulate, gradually wearing away patience and perseverance.

After becoming a player, Gao Yi's body has improved a lot, and his endurance has surpassed that of ordinary people, but he is also tortured by this work.

On the other hand, although his colleagues who have also worked for several hours also look somewhat painful, they have not collapsed.

This is obviously abnormal.

According to Gao Yi's estimation, it is already very impressive for an ordinary middle-aged man to do the same work for half an hour.

His three colleagues, who are not even the most physically fit type, actually worked for several hours.

Not to mention the old Kane, who is in his sixties or seventies, and works like a fool, and his efficiency is even higher than Gao Yi.

Several people were soaked in sweat and disinfectant, and they were in a mess. After being forced to take photos, they all walked to the locker room next door.

This also answered Gao Yi's earliest question about why there should be an independent shower room in the locker room.

Shower, change clothes, wash off the heavy rust smell like blood on the body.

Gao Yi's vigilance of this copy has increased again. Such a normal workplace life before made him relax his vigilance.

Now it seems that these colleagues are not ordinary people.

Physical enhancement? Mutants? Or is there a secret in this company that I don't know.

I have to get out as soon as possible and try to find other players in the copy.

Taking a deep breath, Gao Yi sorted out his blue uniform and walked out of the locker room.

When I returned to the "Spring Department", the quiet and dull atmosphere remained.

Even the two old employees who like to bicker sat in their seats without saying a word.

This is of course not that they suddenly changed their nature, but that the orange employee, the black manager with the number 013, is still standing in the factory.

At this moment, he was standing by Gao Yi's desk, reading something.

The excellent vision given by [Armchair Detective] came into play again, showing the content that the other party was reading without a doubt

"Orange Employee Code"

When Gao Yi approached, the orange employee showed his big white teeth and made an exaggerated and stiff smile:

"Great, you are the best new employee I have ever seen. I didn't expect you to be so skilled in your first job."

After that, 013 didn't wait for Gao Yi's response. He leaned back and turned his head in an extremely awkward posture, looking at the desk on the other side:

"You have to work hard too, Ramson, otherwise the best employee of next month may not be yours, hahahahaha."

The fat employee who stuffed himself into the chair could only laugh awkwardly, nodded, and failed to respond.

The good news is that the manager didn't dwell on it.

When he was about to say something to Gao Yi again, the old Kane suddenly asked with some trembling:

"Mr. 013..." His face was extremely solemn, obviously in extreme worry and tension, but his voice revealed a hint of expectation:

"Can I get the star this time?"

"'s still the department briefing tomorrow morning!"

The black manager showed that weird smile again, with a brisk tone, and made a cheering gesture.

After a moment, he turned to Gao Yi again and glanced at the clock on the wall:

"By the way, it's almost time to get off work. This should be your first time off work. Let me take you there!"

Is there any purpose? Or is it just that he got extra attention as a new employee.

Every move of the man in front of him made people feel uncomfortable. His movements were stiff and irregular, like a robot with damaged parts.

I think the other employees in the office are so afraid of him because of this.

But in any case, the time to get off work is still information that must be mastered to see what will happen after leaving this "Wise Group".

After thinking this through, Gao Yi nodded slightly and followed the other party out of the "Spring Department".

When the big iron door behind him closed, Gao Yi could still hear the relaxed breathing and cursing in the factory.

It can be seen that this "floor manager" as an orange employee really put a lot of pressure on them.

Walking through the white corridor, every employee encountered on the way would consciously make way, stand at the wall, and say hello to "013".

Gao Yi also followed the fox and tiger, crossed several new white roads, and came to an elevator.

While the other party pressed the button, Gao Yi also took the opportunity to observe the space he was in.

The wide hall was still dominated by white, and a huge "8" was written in black font in the corner. Maybe it was the floor?

On the wall behind him hung an exquisite quartz clock, which was faithfully broadcasting the time.

Four o'clock in the afternoon, just the time to get off work.

And the direction facing the clock was the elevator that Gao Yi could leave.

The elevator looked no different from the ones usually seen in shopping malls and residential buildings. The metal-colored frame should have a maximum capacity of no more than ten people.

With a crisp "ding" sound, the "floor supervisor" standing in front of the elevator made way, bowed slightly, and made a "please" gesture.

Gao Yi did not refuse, walked quickly, stood in the elevator, and turned to look at the weird orange employee.

It must be said that Gao Yi had only spent such a short time with him, and he could not help but want to escape from him.

"Then, see you tomorrow."

013 did not seem to read Gao Yi's emotions, and still maintained that stiff smile. When he spoke, he added an even more stiff wave.

Forget about tomorrow, it would be better if we never see each other again...

Gao Yi cursed in his heart and pressed the only button in the elevator.

A few seconds later, the elevator door slowly closed, and finally let the terrifying and weird face disappear from the sight.

With the movement of the elevator, Gao Yi also had time to be alone and think about his current situation.

On the first day of work, I only mastered some basic information and did not even do too much exploration.

In order to wait and see, various equipment features and label props have not been used yet.

I must work hard when I come here tomorrow. No, it is better to leave this company and find a way to get out of the copy directly.

But what about Zhao Qian? Is it not good to leave him here...

Forget it, he must have a way.

Just as Gao Yi was thinking quickly, the elevator made another crisp sound.

Obviously, the destination has arrived.

But when the elevator door slowly opened, Gao Yi looked up.

He suddenly found that the scene in front of him was exactly the same as the place where he got on the elevator.

No, judging from the floor number "8" on the wall, this is exactly where he was just now.

What happened? Is the elevator out of order?

Just as Gao Yi was confused, a black shadow suddenly jumped out from the blind spot next to the elevator and let out a strange cry:

"Hahaha, surprise!"

Needless to say, it was 013.

Suppressing the urge to curse, Gao Yi narrowed his eyes and forced out an ugly smile:

"According to the employee code, we should leave the work area when it's time to get off work. Is it really okay to make such a joke now?"

"Time to get off work? Hahahaha!"

013 seemed to have heard something extremely funny, and laughed wildly again. It took him a long time to straighten up, and the smile on his face became even more intense:

"No, no, no, it's not time to get off work now. It's a new day!"

As he spoke, he slightly turned sideways and showed the quartz clock to Gao Yi's vision.

Above it, the current time was clearly engraved.


Yes, this is the working time for the early shift employees.


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