Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 120 [Mechanical God of Casting] The Manager of Star Coins

One day, 10:30 in the morning.

In the staff cafeteria of the Wise Group.

Gao Yi and Zhao Qian sat together for the fourth time to eat.

Of course, the breakfast here can hardly be called a "meal".

The choices are nothing more than chicken sandwiches without sauce, milk cereal, and fried food that is hard to tell.

But then again, at least there is food. Gao Yi was starving in the previous two copies.

After taking another bite of the sandwich, Zhao Qian raised his head and looked at Gao Yi through his sunglasses:

"So, what is that crow, a summon?"

"Raven, that is a raven, and it is not the same species as a crow."

After drinking half a cup of milk, Gao Yi looked normal.

"It doesn't matter at all, the question is why did that thing fly over and peck me?"

Zhao Qian raised his arm to show the red back of his left hand.

"Maybe it hates people wearing sunglasses. Have you heard of the saying that a crow laughs at a pig's blackness..."

Gao Yi still maintained his serious nonsense and ate the strange fried food.

It was fried cauliflower. How could there be such a weird food.

Looking at Zhao Qian's speechless eyes that appeared from behind his sunglasses after he lowered his head, Gao Yi still explained to him.

On his second day of "work", he quickly left the orange employee numbered 013 under the pretext of having breakfast.

In a very short time, Gao Yi understood what had happened before.

In short, he took the elevator to leave the company at the end of the first day's work time [16:00].

Afterwards, he was outside the work area and didn't know what happened.

At the start time of the next day [10:00], he took the elevator back to the work area on time, and the external memory was blocked.

In his eyes the next morning, he had just taken the elevator and left, and in the blink of an eye it was time to go to work.

Endless work is really a nightmare for office workers...

In short, Gao Yi found a toilet cubicle by himself and quickly reviewed his equipment, characteristics and label abilities.

The first priority is to find other players in the dungeon.

Reconnaissance ability is needed, so the best thing Gao Yi has is the [Scarlet Raven Coat].

[Summon a raven that can share vision and hearing for a certain period of time for dispatch]

Although the duration is only ten minutes, Gao Yi was inexplicably lucky this time and soon found Zhao Qian in the corridor.

Although he was noticed by several cleaning staff in green uniforms on the way, he still successfully completed the task.

With this, the two players met in the dungeon.

"So, where do you work?"

Gao Yi looked down and saw that the other party was wearing the same blue work clothes and sun medal as himself, and was obviously also a lowest-level blue employee.

After wiping his hands, Zhao Qian didn't waste time and started to introduce:

"It's called the Blower Department. There are only a few people in total. The job content is to wear chemical protective suits and move a large number of transparent cubes from one side to the other..."

"What do cubes look like?" Gao Yi asked hurriedly.

"It's the size of a football, soft, like jelly, but very heavy. I was almost exhausted after moving it for a long time."

Zhao Qian gestured with his hands and drew a circle in front of his chest. From his lingering fear expression, it seems that the work in their department is not easy.

Spring Department, Blower Department, Water Pump Department.......

Gao Yi silently recited the names of the departments he had heard in the copy and began to speculate on some truths of the copy.

[Mechanical Casting God], "Wise Group" is using these things to cast gods? But what is the use of these simple and repetitive tasks?

Another common point is chemical protective suits. Why do they all wear chemical protective suits?

No, there is still too little information.

After thinking for a while, Gao Yi changed the topic and asked about another thing he was very concerned about:

"How many people did you give tickets to for this dungeon? Can you confirm how many players are in the dungeon now?"

"No." Zhao Qian spread his hands, his tone still brisk:

"Besides you, I only found one other person to help. There are quite a few tickets. I gave them all out for free. I guess some desperate people will join."

"What kind of person is the other one? Is he a man?"

Gao Yi thought of the player who ran wildly when he first entered the dungeon.

"No, she's a very interesting girl. I'll introduce you to her later."

The smile under the black sunglasses was still so annoying, but Gao Yi on the other side put his hands on the table and said seriously:

"So, where did your tickets come from, and why do you have to enter this dungeon?"

After a pause, he emphasized again:

"I advise you to answer well. If you are a riddler after entering the dungeon, you will not end well."

This question has troubled Gao Yi for a long time. He has been thinking about it since he first met the other party.

Gao Yi felt that the reason for the two reasons might be the same, as he was very persistent in entering the [Mechanical Godcasting] and had a large number of tickets in his hand.

Under his questioning, Zhao Qian no longer concealed it, pushed the plate on the table to one side, and slowly began to explain while touching his chin:

"Do you know that different types of copies have a general manager?"

Gao Yi did not interrupt the other party's narration, but nodded silently.

He had seen the [Director] of the Holy Grail, and had also heard of the [Doctor] of the Sword.

If nothing else happens, the remaining two copies should have corresponding controllers.

"It'll be easy if you know..." Zhao Qian also breathed a sigh of relief, as if he was glad that he didn't have to waste more words to explain from the beginning:

"To put it simply, I reached an agreement with the manager of the copy of 'Star Coin'. He will provide me with tickets, and I will be responsible for making money and sharing it with him."

"Wait a minute..." Gao Yi found something incongruous, "Then why do you provide so many other types of tickets?"

[Mystery of the Heart] is the "Holy Grail", and "Trouble in the West City" is the "Sword". If they are really cooperating with the managers of "Star Coins", then why not get a copy of "Star Coins"?

"I actually don't understand this, but I personally guess that these managers do not have complete control over each copy, at least they are not subordinate..."

Zhao Qian started chattering again, and his words were not very nutritious, so Gao Yi had to interrupt him again:

"Then what's going on with this copy now?"

"Remember what I just said? The administrator's ability to control these copies is not very strong..." Zhao Qian, who was interrupted, was not annoyed at all, and shook his head as he explained:

"To put it simply, this "Wise Group" broke away from control and created a rebellion. The administrator of "Pentacles" cannot do it himself, so he hopes to use my power to destroy this place."

"Damn, wouldn't it be dangerous if our identities were exposed?"

Hearing this, Gao Yi hurriedly lowered his voice and glanced around quickly.

"It should be fine... different dungeons are different worlds. They actually don't understand what a 'player' is..."

"Okay, last question..." Gao Yi reluctantly accepted the answer and asked his final doubt:

"So, who is the manager of the copy of 'Star Coins'?"

Hearing this question, Zhao Qian showed an unclear smile:

"[Boss], the manager of star coins is called [Boss]"


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