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Chapter 121 [Mechanical God] Old Kane's wish

After yesterday's hard work, the spring department fell into the daily relaxation again.

In fact, the work of entering the transparent cube in the middle and moving springs and gears yesterday was their main task.

According to the fat employee Ramson, this kind of work is only two or three times a month on average.

At other times, you only need to clean up the full red screws and nuts on a daily basis.

That job is simpler and can be done by one person.

As he said, this excellent employee pointed to the four small dolls on Gao Yi's desk:

"Here, this is our schedule. I won't bully you, a newcomer, so you will be the last one."

It can be seen that it is really inconvenient not to be able to record with paper and pen, and this is how to make a schedule.

Among the four dolls placed there, the brown bear should be the fat Ramson, and the skinny monkey is probably the old Kane.

The pink dolphin should be the department head, Ms. Flessy.

And the one representing Gao Yi is a cute little crocodile.

Although they didn't know why, it was obvious that Gao Yi had left a deep impression on them...

The atmosphere in the "Spring Department" had actually eased a lot since the orange employee with the number 013 did not appear today.

But Gao Yi could also realize the difference from when he first came yesterday after careful observation.

Ramson still looked like he had countless topics to talk about, wandering around the coffee machine.

But old Kane, who usually chatted and quarreled with him, had no interest in this at all.

He sat blankly in his chair, looking at the clock on the wall for a while, and then looking at the table on the other wall, which marked the number of stars for each employee.

Obviously, his mind was not at all in the "Spring Department" or the "Wise Group".

And it was not difficult to guess what this most senior employee was looking forward to.

[Every time you complete a task perfectly, you will get a star. If you get thirteen stars, you can enjoy retirement life and receive full bonuses and salary subsidies for life]

Old Kane already has twelve stars. Obviously, he is looking forward to getting the last one with his efforts yesterday.

But some subtle doubts slowly appeared in Gao Yi's heart.

People are actually creatures that don't like to leave their comfort zone.

Once a thing becomes a habit, and an environment is fully adapted, it is actually difficult to have a strong desire to make changes.

This old Kane has worked for the "Wise Group" for at least decades, and judging from his previous words, he really believes that this company is doing good things.

If I remember correctly, the original words were "We are working to create a better world."

In this case, does he really have such a strong motivation to leave here?

To be honest, the "full bonus and salary subsidy for life" mentioned in the employee code is really so tempting for people of his age?

Something is wrong, I have to study it carefully.

Found a possible breakthrough point, and the high-level alien who had nothing to do was changed to the [Ruthless] label.

This rare level label obtained during the last synthesis is obviously very useful at this moment.

[Label ability: ① Swiss Army Knife Man: Able to better control his emotions and calm others' emotions]

"Kane, although I just came, I feel that you can definitely get that star!"

Gao Yi smiled and turned his office chair, tilted his neck slightly, and said to the old Kane who was waiting on the other side.

"'s hard to say, you don't know, stars are very rare..."

Although he was modest, but when he heard Gao Yi's words, the old Kane's face was almost full of smiles.

When you are caught in this kind of anxious waiting with no certainty, any small comfort will sound very touching.

Although the old Kane said "it's difficult" and "not necessarily", he couldn't hide his expectation.

At this time, asking him directly why he wants to retire so much may not get an honest answer.

It seems that he needs to be stimulated to talk...

The journalist's professionalism comes into play again, Gao Yi quickly finds the right words:

"Oh, I envy you so much, you will have a lifetime bonus after leaving, and you don't have to be trapped here every day, like being in prison..."

"Hey, hey, hey!" Old Kane really couldn't tolerate such words, and hurriedly interrupted Gao Yi:

"You can't say that, working in the Wise Group is very great and meaningful, you should be proud to work here."

"Yes, you are right." Gao Yi quickly apologized and led the topic again:

"But it's always a good thing to be able to leave, I think you also want those thirteen stars, retire and leave?"

With a few sneers from Old Kane, Gao Yi realized that his words had perfectly hit the target.

As expected, old Kane showed a nostalgic look and took out a necklace from his neck:

"Actually, Lucy and I have an agreement. When we both retire, we will find a house by the sea, eat some delicious food, and watch the sunset..."

Mrs. Lucy is the old employee that Gao Yi replaced.

If I remember correctly, she was the previous supervisor of the "Spring Department" and should also be a purple employee.

I didn't expect that these two still have a sunset love?

"But...can't we have memories of the outside world? Are you sure you don't have your own outside the company..."

Gao Yi did not say the words "wife and children", but his meaning was clear.

"Don't worry, it's confirmed. Both of us are alone outside."

Obviously, the old employees who have worked here for decades could not have not considered this.

But his words still revealed very important information.

Even in the "Wise Group", there are ways to get information about oneself from the outside world.

"Really? How did you confirm it? I also want to know what I am like outside!"

Gao Yi stood up, leaned forward, and asked hurriedly.

But on the other side, old Kane just smiled and shook his head:

"I don't know, Lucy seems to have her way. She doesn't like the work here very much and often complains... But in fact, Lucy is much better at work than me. She obviously joined the company later than me, but she is one step faster than me in everything..."

Old Kane really didn't seem to know, and soon fell into the common nagging of the elderly.

It can be seen that he really missed Mrs. Lucy.

It doesn't matter. There is always a way to confirm how to understand the outside world. There is no need to explore it too urgently here.

Gao Yi laughed and began to praise the other party's work yesterday and asked about Mrs. Lucy's situation.

The two chatted happily, and the atmosphere in the factory became cheerful again.

At this time, the iron door of the "Spring Department" was pushed open, and the supervisor Ms. Fleisi rushed in with excitement:

"Kane, Kane!"

After attracting everyone's attention in the room, she slowly took out a golden star:

"You got a star for your work yesterday."


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