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Chapter 122 [Mechanical God] Mrs. Lucy's Gift

Old Kane was excited as he pasted the star on the table on the wall, making the thirteenth star for himself.

The fat man Ramson was making a venomous joke on the side.

But Gao Yi felt that he was still reluctant to see his friend leave.

Of course, according to Old Kane, he could not leave immediately after getting thirteen stars.

He had to wait at least one or two working days to hand over the work at hand.

Although he didn't know what was good about "handing over" here.

Emotionally speaking, Gao Yi was happy that the old employee could pursue "sunset love".

He could see that the other party's feelings for Mrs. Lucy were real.

But on the other hand, as a "plot" in the copy, Gao Yi was also keenly aware of the possible breakthrough points.

The process of leaving the "Wise Group", the destination after leaving, including the way to recruit new people to replace...

Just think about it, there are countless possible breakthroughs.

In extreme cases, can you use [Mist Mask] to play a trick?

But since it's not the last moment yet, we still need to get more information.

After thinking this through, Gao Yi turned around and looked at the supervisor, Fleury, who had just returned.

This female purple employee in her early forties, still wearing the purple suit, was twitching her lips at a photo.

Needless to say, the photo was taken by 013 yesterday when the few people had just finished work.

Considering the state of the few people at that time, the ugliness and abstractness of the photo can be imagined.

While the supervisor put down the photo, Gao Yi came to the side and frowned and said:

"This photo is not the one taken yesterday, so it's so ugly that you have to print it out?"

Taking the topic that the other party was worrying about as the starting point, Gao Yi started a new round of conversation.

"Ha, yes, every time there is a new employee, you have to take a new group photo. 013 always chooses that time to take the photo, which is quite bad taste... Hey, orange employees are like this..."

Ms. Fleury obviously agreed with Gao Yi's point of view, nodded, and began to dismantle the photo frame on the table.

In the original photo, there was an old lady in a purple uniform. Needless to say, it should be the "Mrs. Lucy".

So, Ms. Fleury has just become a purple employee. No wonder she felt a little unskilled in her "questionnaire" at the beginning of the copy.

"So when you become an orange employee, will you be so 'bad taste'?"

Gao Yi combined information gathering with flattery to show the art of language.

"Me? No, no, no, I should not be able to be an orange employee, and I have never heard of anyone being promoted to an orange employee..."

Ms. Fleury smiled and waved her hand, obviously not having much interest or hope.

No one was promoted to an orange employee, so where did they come from?

Keeping this information in mind, Gao Yi changed the subject again:

"By the way, how is the new employee who ran away yesterday at the door of the locker room?"

Gao Yi pretended to be casual, as if he was just making small talk.

But in fact, the fate of that player is largely related to Gao Yi's subsequent actions.

Ms. Flexi didn't care much, still looking for a way to disassemble the photo frame:

"Ah, he was caught by security personnel later. After the education, he should have started working normally?"

"Working normally?" Gao Yi frowned slightly:

"Do we have to let him join the company in that state? Doesn't it feel bad?"

"Well, he should just be uncomfortable at the beginning, there won't be any big problems... Besides, that person ran so fast, he must be very good at work."

Flexi shook her head, her tone didn't change much, but she didn't untie the photo frame in her hand.

"Well, how about letting me try?" Reaching out to take the photo frame in her hand, Gao Yi pretended to be casual and asked:

"So, what exactly is the work of our 'Spring Department'?"

Gao Yi had already asked the other two employees this question, but didn't get many answers worth mentioning.

But as the supervisor of the "Spring Department" and a purple employee, Flexi might know more?

"I feel like we should be making something"

The supervisor touched her chin, and seemed to have some clues.

Could it be that, as a purple employee, she really has some information?

"What exactly is it?" Gao Yi asked hurriedly.

But unfortunately, the "Wise Group" did a good job of keeping secrets.

"It may be a huge ballpoint pen, otherwise the use of the spring cannot be explained."

Well, Ms. Flessie didn't have any clues either.

Without asking any more questions, Gao Yi looked down at the photo frame in his hand.

With the observation and simulation ability of [Armchair Detective], he quickly discovered the reason why the other party couldn't open the photo frame.

The bottom plate that should have been released after pressing the back was stuck by something.

With a slight poke with a finger, the whole photo frame can be opened normally.

But when the black bottom plate was flipped open, revealing the back of the photo, Gao Yi suddenly shouted and pointed to the side of the factory where Old Kane was.

"What...what happened?"

Flessie, whose attention was diverted by the shout and the finger, turned her head suddenly with a look of horror.

Obviously, she was frightened by Gao Yi's sudden action.

"No, no, I thought Mr. Kane almost fell down, and I got scared..."

Gao Yi smiled and lowered his head, looking very embarrassed.

What the other party didn't notice was that Gao Yi had taken the old photo out of the frame and put it in his pocket.

Ms. Flessy was not very satisfied with the new photo, so she only needed to take on the job of changing the photo and then use words to appease the other party.

"It doesn't matter. When Mr. Kane retires and new employees come, we can still take new photos. Just be careful then!"

"Yes, by the way, no wonder when I first came, Ms. Lucy asked us to clean up before leaving the disinfection room. It turned out that she knew to take pictures like this..."

The current head of the "Spring Department" clenched his right fist and smashed it into the palm of his other hand, looking like he "understood" something.

But what she didn't know was that the treasure that Mrs. Lucy left for the "Spring Department" was far more than this insignificant information.

A few minutes later, Gao Yi used the excuse of taking a break and turned to walk into the locker room next to the "Spring Department".

He needs a private space to study the map drawn on the back of the old photo.

The map of the "Wise Group".


7.8 points, worth remembering.

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