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Chapter 123 [Mechanical Godcasting] Past Layout

Gao Yi can now be sure that this Mrs. Lucy, whom he has never met, is very extraordinary.

She has been a supervisor in the "Spring Department" for a long time, and as a purple employee, she should be able to obtain more information.

According to old Kane's description, the old woman is still a person who "doesn't like this place very much".

Regardless of the reason, the final result is that she left a map behind the photo for the later generations.

Now think about it, the obstruction behind the picture frame is likely to be deliberate.

If you want to open it, you need to spend extra energy to study it, so that no one will accidentally open it and see the map on the back of the photo under normal circumstances.

According to the tradition of the "Wise Group", every time a new employee enters, a new group photo must be taken.

With a new group photo, the old photo must be replaced.

Only at this time, other people in the department have sufficient reasons to touch this inconspicuous photo frame.

Finally, the map behind the photo was discovered.

And when did the new employee enter the department?

That's right, it was after Mrs. Lucy left as an old employee.

In the end, this map became a kind of legacy information, passed on to the successors of the "Spring Department".

It's just that this successor now happens to be Gao Yi.

After getting the map, he found an excuse to leave the "Spring Department" and came to the small compartment in the locker room.

The corridors of the "Wise Group" are full of surveillance cameras, so naturally they can't display such completely "illegal items" at will.

You know, Gao Yi has never seen any pen in this space so far.

However, considering that Mrs. Lucy has worked here for decades, it is not strange to have her own channels.

What Gao Yi is more concerned about now is, what did Mrs. Lucy leave for him?

The photo is not big, and it can be seen that the painter has tried his best to make the map smaller, but the range of expression is still relatively limited.

At least, only the situation of this "eighth floor" is marked.

With the [Spring Department] as the center, the [Water Pump Department] and [Machinery Department] on the east side, the [Blower Department] and [Flour Department] on the south side

Although the names are as strange as ever, the layout looks sparse and ordinary.

The markings on the map are relatively simple, only the general direction of each department is written, and the shape of each corridor is not detailed.

But the accuracy should be guaranteed, at least the location of the "Blower Department" is consistent with the direction confirmed with Zhao Qian before.

In addition to these ordinary departments, as well as Gao Yi's known [Canteen] and [Elevator Room], there are some very interesting places above.

[Orange Employee Office], [Security Room], [Unknown Stairwell] and [Cleaner's Lounge Full of Treasures].

These places that almost write "I have a clue to the decryption here" on their faces are really attractive.

After memorizing all the places on the map and silently confirming and reciting them twice, Gao Yi put this old photo back.

Sitting on the wooden bench, he leaned back slightly, looked at the equally white ceiling, and fell into thought.

"So, why did Mrs. Lucy leave this map?"

So many designs naturally mean that she hopes that the map will be seen by others.

But the question is, what will happen after she expects this map to be seen?

Based on the words of several old employees of the "Spring Department" and the few traces on the map, Gao Yi tried to reconstruct the image of the old lady.

Turning the photo in his hand, Mrs. Lucy's smile appeared in front of him again.

The characteristic effect of [Armchair Detective] seems to have evolved again.

At this moment, the image of Mrs. Lucy, the former manager of the "Spring Department", the purple employee, and the oldest senior employee, gradually became three-dimensional and appeared in front of Gao Yi.

Facing this phantom, Gao Yi supported his chin with both hands and began to think.

"You are also like other ordinary employees. You started as a blue employee, lost your memory, and gradually adapted to everything in the "Wise Group."

As the words came, the picture in front of him turned, and the young Lucy, who looked to be in her early twenties, bowed to the old employees in the center of the "Spring Department".

At that time, she was young, beautiful, and radiant.

Gao Yi did not pause and continued his analysis:

"You are very talented. No matter where this talent is, the result is that you gain trust at a very fast speed and become the manager of the "Spring Department", a purple employee."

"You usually follow the rules and gradually develop some feelings for the old Kane. Your life is ordinary but also fun. There is no reason to "hate this place."

The younger version of Lucy in front of him sat at the desk, quietly observing the equally young Kane at the water bar through the gap in the employee code of conduct in her hand.

"What made you change?"

"Some truths within the company, life in the outside world, or simply staying too long and having strange emotions?"

"Anyway, the revelation of something made you begin to resist the 'Wise Group'."

"Then you began to speed up your investigation here, but unfortunately, you didn't have much time left. Retirement? Is it so urgent, or is there some hidden mechanism in that system?"

"Finally, you left some clues, hoping that later generations would find them and do something for what you learned."

The shadow of Lucy in front of her was about the same age as in the photo, and she was actually an old lady.

She slowly drew a map behind the photo and slightly modified the structure of the photo frame.

After everything was completed, she breathed a sigh of relief, raised her head and looked at Gao Yi on the wooden chair.

Opening her mouth slightly, an ordinary old woman's tone came from her throat:

"So why don't I just speak up and tell other employees what I think?"

Yes, why?

The answer is, you can’t say it while you’re still in the company?

It makes no sense. Although the "Wise Man Group" monitors its employees, it definitely does not have such strict control.

What's more, Mrs. Lucy has at least a few years to slowly spread this information to other colleagues.

The answer is that the time and situation are not mature.

Saying this while Mrs. Lucy is still in the company won't have enough effect.

That is, now that certain circumstances have changed, telling the secret can have enough effect.

So...what changed as she left?

His arrival was completely random, and Mrs. Lucy could not have predicted it.

"The only thing left is..." Gao Yi raised his head and looked at the shadow of Mrs. Lucy opposite:

"Ms. Flesh became department head and was promoted to purple staff."

The conclusion is already ready to come out.

Mrs. Lucy wants old Kane to leave, but Fat Lamson doesn't care much about everything and is obviously not a good candidate.

The only person left who has hope of solving everything is Ms. Flesh.

When she was an ordinary employee, she might not believe some of Mrs. Lucy's claims, but when she became a purple employee, she had higher permissions.

Then you can confirm some remarks and confirm some things.

In fact, if Gao Yi had not intervened, this photo would have been obtained by Ms. Flesh.

"What an exquisite calculation..." Looking at the disappearing shadow in front of him, Gao Yi couldn't help but admire:

"The final question is, what kind of secrets does this 'Group of Wise Men' hide? Is it worthy of you making such an arrangement?"


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