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Chapter 124 [Mechanical Godcasting] New Information

In the end, Gao Yi returned the photo to the current department head, Ms. Flesh.

If Mrs. Lucy, the former minister, thought that giving this map to her successor would change something.

Gao Yi is also happy to see the success.

After all, his main mission also includes destroying the "Wise Group".

Change and chaos are always breeding grounds for opportunity.

Of course, in order for Ms. Flecy to accept the map calmly, Gao Yi also put on a little show.

Basically, I picked a time when the other two employees were not around, made a confused expression, and deliberately asked the other person "What is this" loudly while holding the map.

When she saw this absolute contraband and was questioned in public, Ms. Flesh's panic instantly overcame her doubts about "Why would this new employee have this?"

"Uh... I will hand it over, you don't have to worry about it... It should be some kind of entertainment activity in the past."

With a pale explanation and a feeble defense, Ms. Flesh obviously realized what the map behind the photo represented.

But Gao Yi was not in a hurry to question the other party. It would take some time for the current manager to figure out the origin of this map.

Taking advantage of the other party's panic, Gao Yi planned to quickly ask for new information:

"Ms. Flesh, when I just read the employee code, there is something I don't understand. Can I ask you?"

"Of course, of course!"

Flesh, who was already eager to change the subject, hurriedly agreed that as long as she stopped talking about the photo, she could talk about anything else.

"That's it. I read that Article 8 of the rules says that you cannot carry any text, images, etc. when leaving the group..."

As Gao Yi spoke, he raised the blue employee code in his hand and pretended to read it while saying:

"Then old employees like old Kane who retire can't take anything with them when they leave?"

"Don't worry about this." After hearing that Gao Yi's question was not too sensitive, Ms. Flesh breathed a visible sigh of relief:

"Although various employee rules and some documents and tools cannot be taken away, rewards and certificates for outstanding employees will be sent out for help. Otherwise, why would Lamson care so much about those dolls?"

As expected, Gao Yi nodded secretly in his heart, and then asked so many important questions that laid the foundation:

"Then, what will be done with the documents, tools, employee rules and other things left by retired employees?"

"This should be solved by green employees. After all, they are cleaning staff."

Ms. Flesh frowned slightly, as if she had never considered this before.

This is not difficult to understand. After all, the things left over after employees retire are worthless and no one cares about them.

Except for pure "restless elements" like Gao Yi.

"I understand..." After receiving a satisfactory answer, Gao Yi nodded slightly, then suddenly raised his head, remembering something and asked again:

"By the way, since this employee code is called the blue version, are there also purple and orange versions?"

Gao Yi said and raised the blue employee code in his hand.

"Uh...according to regulations, I can't disclose specific information..."

Ms. Flesh took a deep breath and spoke in an official tone hesitantly.

But this performance is undoubtedly "affirmation" in another sense.

"Okay, I understand, then... I won't bother you for now."

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Gao Yi smiled, bowed slightly, and left the desk.

And Ms. Flesh, who was watching the other party gradually go away, could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

For some reason, the new employee in front of her looked very polite, but the pressure she felt on her was close to that of an orange employee.

I always feel that something will happen to the "Smart Man Group".

A few seconds later, Flesh took out the old photo and looked at the hand-drawn map carefully.

After a long time, she slowly turned the photo to the front and looked at Mrs. Lucy's kind smile above.

"What exactly do you want me to do..."

Squeezing the piece of paper in his hand, Gao Yi tore it into pieces and threw it into the sink nearby, thoroughly wetted it and flushed it into the pipe.

Just now, Gao Yi contacted Zhao Qian through this small paper microphone.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the magic stick's many tricks.

Considering that the boy has a paper daughter, and his "old love" is a powerful woman with a paper mask on her face, it's not too strange that she can make a microphone out of white paper.

Unfortunately, the certain energy contained in it is limited and can only be used once, for a dozen seconds.

But this is enough to convey the most critical information at a high level.

Generally speaking, the subsequent planning requires the assistance of one person.

But Zhao Qian on the other side seemed to have no time and told Gao Yi to find another helper he hired.

If I guessed correctly, she was referring to the "very interesting sister".

But, we haven’t reached that step yet.

When old Kane said that he was going to stand on his last duty and enter the transparent cube to clean the screws and nuts, Gao Yi left the "Spring Department" again.

Relying on the super information gathering ability of [Easy Chair Detective], Gao Yi just stood in the corridor for a while holding a cup of coffee.

The location information and movement patterns of green cleaning employees are all known.

I found a toilet stall, put on the [Scarlet Raven Coat] again, and summoned the familiar raven.

This time, I just stayed in the corridor for a while, deliberately reducing the flight speed and altitude.

Soon, the green cleaners in several nearby corridors were attracted and began to chase.

Keeping this "walking the dog" posture, Gao Yi easily got a safe gap, changed his body shape with the [Mist Mask], and entered the empty room.

[Green Cleaning Staff Lounge]

According to the previous intelligence collection, the old employees' leftovers will be cleaned up by the green employees.

Since Mrs. Lucy really found something, the remaining clues should be here.

Not to mention the marked names on the map.

[Cleaning Staff Lounge Full of Treasures]

You don't have to guess that the treasure here is not gold or silver.

Intelligence, there must be the information that Gao Yi needs here.

Although it will not be discovered in a short time through the pulling just now.

But the surveillance will undoubtedly see Gao Yi, whose body has been transformed by the [Mist Mask], and realize that this person is not a green cleaner.

In this case, various changes are very likely to happen, and it may not leave a long time for yourself to explore.

Although according to Ms. Flessy, new employees who make mistakes will not be punished, this kind of thing is still very dangerous.

But that's all for later. Now that we have taken action, we must do our best.

After thinking about this, Gao Yi no longer hesitated and opened the door of the [Green Cleaning Employee Lounge].

He walked into this so-called "treasure-filled" place.


Three hundred thousand words, it's worth commemorating.

Sprinkle flowers.

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