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Chapter 125 [Mechanical God] Another Blue Employee Code

The interior environment of this [Green Cleaning Staff Lounge] is completely different from Gao Yi's imagination.

In his impression, the lounge for cleaning staff is usually not too big, and because a large number of cleaning tools need to be stored, it will appear even more narrow.

But the "Wise Group" obviously doesn't care about this space, and the entire lounge is so large that it is unimaginable.

The overall area is estimated to be several times larger than the "Spring Department".

Various entertainment facilities are available, and there is even a small indoor football field in the middle.

Not only is there no damp and moldy smell in the air due to the long-term accumulation of cleaning tools, but it exudes an unknown fragrance.

Compared with these entertainment facilities, the main space of the entire "lounge" is occupied by a large number of neatly arranged metal brackets.

Among them, various personal belongings, damaged uniforms and employee rules are placed in different categories.

It is worth mentioning that through observation, Gao Yi found that among the latest baskets, there were several red uniforms that were damaged and torn in many places.

Although the colors are similar, Gao Yi, as a [recliner detective], also clearly found that there were large bloodstains on the top.

"It looks like it happened in the past two days. It's obviously caused by fighting... some kind of long-handled sharp weapon?"

Analyzing quickly, Gao Yi memorized this information.

The employee in red uniform is the security guard of the "Wise Group" and should have a high combat effectiveness.

Such a big damage, was it done by a player?

"Could it be the guy I met yesterday morning..."

The back of the man who ran away quickly flashed through Gao Yi's mind.

He shook his head and didn't dwell on it.

Gao Yi's goal was not this.

After discovering the time sequence, which was to slowly move inward along the iron frame, Gao Yi quickly found the target in the nearest boxes.

Purple uniform skirt, documents issued by the spring department, and a small photo wall made of photos of old Kane at different ages...

Yes, this circle is what Mrs. Lucy left behind.

And the most critical [Purple Employee Code] is not among them.

"Are you worried that the green cleaning employees will peek, so you manage them uniformly?"

Gao Yi frowned slightly, this is a bit troublesome.

But since this is what Mrs. Lucy called the "cleaner's lounge full of treasures", there must be something left that can be called "treasures".

After confirming this, Gao Yi began to search quickly and thoroughly.

As an investigative reporter, he once picked up the remnants of the shredder in the trash can and reassembled the key documents.

He also found the password of the safe hidden under the desk under the nose of the security guard.

Now this level of hiding is naturally not difficult for Gao Yi, who has the "armchair detective".

Soon, he found several pieces of paper in the interlayer between the wooden board of the photo wall and the colored wrapping paper.

After a while, Gao Yi recognized that this was part of the "Blue Employee Code".

"So that's it. As a purple employee, the purple employee code will definitely be paid attention to, but the blue employee code from decades ago may not be..."

After praising Mrs. Lucy's layout again, Gao Yi began to study her yellowed codes.

The theme content is exactly the same as the one in Gao Yi's hand, but there are different annotations on many items.

[2. The daily work of blue and purple employees is divided into two time periods, the morning shift is 10:00-16:00, and the evening shift is 21:00-5:00. Morning shift employees wear a sun badge on their chests, and evening shift employees wear a moon badge on their chests]

Below, Mrs. Lucy wrote a question.

"Who are the people in the evening shift, and why do they never respond to my contact?"

[3. If you find that the chests of other employees are not in line with the current time period, please report to the nearest purple employee or security personnel in red uniforms]

[4. Occasionally, strange items will appear on your workstation. These are often left by another shift of staff. Please do not touch them at will. If necessary, notify the cleaning staff in green uniforms to deal with them]

And the rules 3 and 4 are enclosed in a big bracket, and it is written on the side:

"Never appeared, why"

[5. During working hours, you cannot leave the work area. Employees will leave the work area by elevator at the end of the working time]

"Elevator" and "Working area" are circled. Judging from the handwriting, they are circled many times.

[6. In the work area, your memory will be temporarily blocked and you will not be able to recall the external situation. This is a completely normal phenomenon and will be automatically lifted after leaving the work area]

The entire sixth item was crossed out, and Mrs. Lucy only wrote two short words on the side:


[7. Every time you complete a task perfectly, you will get a star. If you collect thirteen stars, you can enjoy retirement life and receive full bonuses and salary subsidies for life]

"After I reached a certain age, it became much easier to get stars. Even if I don't work seriously at all, I will get stars."

"They want the elderly to leave? No, this is not the kindness of the "Wise Group"..."

[8. In order to ensure the security of the company's confidential information, company employees cannot carry any text, code or image information when leaving the group]

"Very strict, the spliced ​​text on the body, the code code on the paper, and even the attempt to write on the paper and swallow it have all failed."

At the end of a few pages, Mrs. Lucy concluded:

"The key lies in the other shift of employees. What is the situation of the other shift of employees?"

Gao Yi took a deep breath and put the paper in his hand back to its original position.

It must be said that this "treasure" left by Mrs. Lucy does contain a lot of information.

Although most of them are just guesses, it also points out some directions for Gao Yi.

Now, there is one more key to decryption. Next, let's go find the assistant assigned by Zhao Qian.

Just when Gao Yi was about to leave, something strange suddenly happened on the raven side.

Originally, those green cleaning staff all looked not very smart and followed closely behind.

Gao Yi let the raven take them farther and farther at a slightly faster speed.

But just a few seconds ago, an orange figure appeared in the blind spot of the raven's sight.

When Gao Yi noticed it again, it was too late for the raven to react.

The orange figure jumped against the wall and grabbed the raven in the air, brought it to the ground, and looked at it carefully.

At this time, Gao Yi had already recognized that this person was the black floor manager, the orange employee numbered 013.

He still had that weird stiff smile, staring at Raven's eyes, and tilted his head slightly.

Gao Yi couldn't help but shudder. He clearly felt that the other party was looking at him through Raven.

A few seconds later, 013's smile suddenly widened, and he exerted a little force in his hand, pinched Raven half to death, and threw it aside.

Through the vision brought by his remaining life, Gao Yi saw 013 squatting slightly and making an exaggerated starting posture.

A moment later, he ran to the other end of the corridor at a speed far beyond that of ordinary people.

The direction he sprinted was exactly the "lounge" where Gao Yi was!


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