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Chapter 126 [Mechanical Godcasting] Zhang Tu's Relics

I have to admit that Gao Yi was really scared when he saw 013 suddenly start running towards him in the raven's residual vision.

This black "floor manager" ran like a mad bull, with great power.

But in fact, speed is secondary. The main scary point is 013's wide-open and extremely stiff running posture.

It's like a machine with uncoordinated parts, adapting to a new lever.

As a player, Gao Yi has seen running speeds far beyond ordinary people.

The one I saw when I just entered the dungeon ran very fast. I also saw a Santa Claus in the video before, who was also good at running away.


The picture slowly overlapped in Gao Yi's mind, and [Armchair Detective] played a role when it was not necessary.

No wonder the running posture was familiar, that guy was the wanted criminal on the forum, the robbing Santa Claus!

If I remember correctly, the bounty is 350 game coins?

Although it's not too much, it seems okay, especially my [Bounty Hunter] tag, maybe I can upgrade it with it.

"After all, what kind of weirdos did Zhao Qian bring into the dungeon..."

Naturally, Gao Yi included himself in the ranks of "weirdos" and shook his head, throwing out the information that was not important in the short term.

Now that he had confirmed that he had been discovered, he had to leave here quickly.

No longer obsessed with keeping the environment the same, Gao Yi quickly took out a small green book from a desk.

Needless to say, it was the employee code used by the cleaning staff, and the information on it should also be very important.

Next, he escaped from this "lounge".

In fact, Gao Yi was a little worried about the cameras in the corridor. Although he had some anti-reconnaissance experience, he had not received professional training after all, and his level was always limited.

Even if his current appearance was an ordinary middle-aged man transformed by the [Mist Mask], if he was photographed entering the locker room and then changed his appearance and left.

That would still be noticed and eventually traced back to him.

Fortunately, the [Serial Killer] feature obtained from Zhang Tu played a role at this moment.

[Serial Killer: Master various killing techniques and gain stronger anti-tracking ability; creating serial cases with the same elements will provide a higher evolution rate bonus]

The key to the title of serial killer lies in the word "serial".

Suspects with only one victim, criminals who commit boring atrocities due to property and emotional disputes, and third-rate murderers who commit crimes of passion are not worthy of being called "serial killers".

A real serial killer should make people panic in a certain foggy city, or leave secret codes and provocative words containing the next target at the scene.

In any case, whether it is to avoid the police's pursuit or to better investigate and approach the victim.

"Stronger anti-tracking ability" is an indispensable feature of a "serial killer".

Although Gao Yi did not intend to make too much use of his ability to "master various killing techniques", the enhancement of anti-tracking can still be used more.

Successfully avoiding the surveillance of the surveillance camera and the gaze of the rest of the employees, Gao Yi lifted the effect of the [Mist Mask] and turned back to himself.

Due to the different time of change, the change of middle-aged men is not too big, and the negative effect of [Mist Mask] is not serious in the end.

But on the other hand, the negative effect of [Scarlet Raven Coat] is not so easy to accept.

In a short period of time, after using the active ability twice in a row, Gao Yi basically understood the negative effect of [Scarlet Raven Coat].

If it is just worn on the body, it seems to slowly reduce the wearer's immunity.

At the beginning, the effect may be just a slight dizziness, coughing, drowsiness and other minor symptoms.

Gradually, multiple oral ulcers, low fever, eczema, and wounds will begin to heal.

If worn for too long, Gao Yi suspects that it may even reach the whole body immune deficiency of AIDS.

At that time, minor injuries and diseases may be fatal.

On the other hand, it is the further negative effect after the active ability is used.

For a period of time, various medicines cannot play the role they should on the wearer.

In other words, it is impossible to rely on various therapeutic medicines to neutralize the defects of immunity and offset the negative effects.

It has to be said that this is called gain and loss.

[Scarlet Raven Coat] provides a perverted defense ability, and its negative effects are also extremely serious.

To be honest, from a certain perspective, Gao Yi would rather break a finger, at least it can be solved by healing potions.

Now thinking back, in [Western City Strange Things], Zhang Tu never drank any healing potions in the final battle with Gao Yi, which should be because of this.

It is estimated that he used active abilities in the battle with the two members of the Investigation Bureau.

And he fought with Gao Yi for so long that all his body functions should have been on the verge of limit, and finally died on a nail clipper.

Thinking of Team Huang who sacrificed in [Western City Strange Things] and Tan Zhi beside him, Gao Yi couldn't help but sigh.

Without them, he would definitely not be able to win the battle with Zhang Tu and get these things in his hand.

And the endings of those two after trying their best did not seem to be good.

But.......I still have to focus on my situation in the dungeon.

Just now in the [Green Cleaning Employee Lounge], Gao Yi took the time to check the neatly arranged iron shelves.

Remove the personal belongings of the resigned employees and the garbage left to be destroyed after cleaning.

Gao Yi found that there were rows of opaque boxes on several shelves.

The content on the sign seemed to correspond to different departments.

He opened a few randomly, and they seemed to be common personal belongings.

Because time was too urgent, Gao Yi did not dare to check too much in detail, so he had to remember this information in his mind.

These mysteries that have no answers for the time being will eventually become clear at some point.

But now the more important thing is the new thing in his hand.

"Employee Code (Green Edition)"

In the compartment of the locker room, he found a comfortable position to sit down.

Gao Yi had a hunch that the truth of this dungeon would slowly unfold in front of him.


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