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Chapter 127 [Mechanical God] Green Employee Code

1. The employees of the Wise Group are divided into three categories: ordinary employees wearing blue, purple and orange uniforms; security staff wearing red uniforms; cleaning staff wearing green uniforms. In the company, employees of different levels should wear work clothes of corresponding colors.

"It is similar to the blue code, but the way of introduction has changed..."

Gao Yi recalled the "Employee Code (Blue Edition)" he had read before and compared the two.

2. The daily work of green employees is divided into two time periods, the morning shift is 9:00-17:00, and the evening shift is 20:00-6:00. The morning shift employees wear a sun badge on their chests, and the evening shift employees wear a moon badge on their chests.

In terms of time, it seems that they start and end work one hour earlier and later than the blue and purple employees respectively.

"It doesn't violate the eight-hour work system..."

3. If you find that the badges carried by other employees on their chests do not match the current time period, please report to the nearest purple employee or security personnel in red uniforms.

The first three items look the same as the blue employee code, with only slight changes.

But the fourth one obviously contains some information.

4. After get off work, ordinary employees need to take away their personal belongings and the star board on the wall, store them properly in the lounge, and put the personal belongings of the next shift back to their original places.

5. During working hours, employees cannot leave the work area. Employees will leave the work area by elevator at the end of get off work.

6. In the work area, your memory will be temporarily blocked and you will not be able to recall the external situation. This is a completely normal phenomenon and will be automatically lifted after leaving the work area.

7. If an ordinary employee reports that there are more or less personal belongings in the office, they need to be checked and handled as soon as possible and reported to the orange employee.

8. In order to ensure the security of the company's confidential information, company employees cannot carry any text, code or image information when leaving the group.

These seem to be some supplementary content and are not worth mentioning.

But the next few items are getting weirder.

9. If any employee code without an owner is found, no matter what version it is, it should be handed over to the red employee immediately for destruction.

10. If any blood, body parts or corpses are found, they should be cleaned up and the remaining materials should be handed over to the red staff for destruction.

11. If any creatures other than company employees are found, they should be turned into blood, body parts or corpses, and the remaining materials should be handed over to the red staff for destruction.

12. If any non-green employees are found to have entered the lounge without permission, they can be turned into blood, body parts or corpses, and the remaining materials should be handed over to the red staff for destruction.

After reading the entire code, Gao Yi took a deep breath and closed it.

Obviously, he was the "intruder" in Article 12.

"Turned into blood, body parts and corpses... It seems that you are not kidding..."

I remembered seeing blood-stained red uniforms in the [Lounge]. Their owners were probably treated as residual materials and destroyed.

The work of the green uniform cleaners also looks quite hard.

Not only do they work longer hours, but they are also responsible for cleaning the environment and disposing of various corpses.

But... why are there so many bloodstains and corpses?

The appearance of players is, after all, a very rare case.

If you say that the work in the "Wise Group" is not dangerous at all, that is definitely false.

But if you say how dangerous it is, it is not.

The few employees I know in the "Spring Department" have worked for at least ten years and are all safe and sound.

Even Mrs. Lucy, as a somewhat "thorny" employee, was not hurt.

Then... so many bodies, are they all employees who violated various rules?

The security staff in red uniforms may have more clues in their employee codes.

But now, there are a few more keys to decrypt, but it is not enough to solve the final mystery.

Unable to stop, Gao Yi hid the green employee code in his hand on the spot and memorized the location.

Turned around and left the locker room.

The helper assigned by Zhao Qian before should be in place now.

In theory, Gao Yi needs to go there and explain a few things to make it clear what he needs help with.

Unfortunately, he is more or less dangerous and suspicious now, so it is better not to do anything that attracts attention.

Anyway, the basic information has been conveyed before, and we can only hope that the other party has enough understanding and action.

Looking at the clock in the corridor, it is already two o'clock in the afternoon, and there are only two hours left until the next day's get off work.

It is not impossible to postpone the action until tomorrow, but in general, the longer the night, the more dreams there are, so it is better not to delay.

Taking advantage of now, Gao Yi wants to find the last source of information and confirm some conjectures.

He has read all the employee rules at the bottom level.

"Wise Group" is obviously very wary of these employees who know nothing, and will hardly reveal more information.

All the rules are just directives of "what should be done" and "what should not be done".

And there is no mention of the reasons behind them.

If you really want to explore and understand the truth behind these rules, you need to find someone who really knows everything.

Then, is there such a person among the employees that Gao Yi knows in the "Wise Group"?

Of course there is...

A few minutes later, he stood at the door of the [Orange Employee Office] and knocked on the door.

Of course, there were not only orange employees in the room. After reporting the person he was looking for, a purple employee took Gao Yi to a separate office and waited for a while.

Ten minutes later, when the floor supervisor, the orange employee numbered 013, walked back to the office, Gao Yi greeted him with a smile on his face.

On the other side, 013 looked a little confused, as if he didn't understand why a new blue employee would find him:

"You are... Gao Yi... What do you want?"

He put on a stiff and exaggerated smile again, as if trying to play the role of a "good boss".

Gao Yi didn't care, and responded with the same bright smile, saying something shocking:

"Mr. 013, I do have something to do." He said, took out the blue version of the employee code from his pocket and handed it to the other party:

"After careful consideration, I decided to resign from the 'Wise Group'."


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