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Chapter 128 [Mechanical God] Resignation

At this moment, Gao Yi had followed the other party into the office.

The decoration of this single office exclusively for orange employees is completely different from the minimalism found elsewhere in the "Smart Man Group".

The whole place is built into the kind of mansion study room that almost only exists in film and television works. At first glance, it seems that a suspenseful murder should take place here.

But at this moment, what is going on here is not a physical conflict, but a psychological attack.


The black floor manager obviously didn't follow the train of thought and hesitantly repeated the key words in Gao Yi's words.

"Yes, I want to resign from the Wise Group and leave the company."

Gao Yi was not in a hurry and repeated his words very calmly.

On the other side, the smile on 013's face became stiffer, and there was no smile in his eyes.

It's like "laughing" is just a necessary process for him, but not only does he not have the will to laugh, he doesn't even understand what real laughter is.

I have to say that, as a black man, 013 is quite handsome even though his skin color is very dark, but he is only hindered by his weird look.

At this moment, he forced to keep a smile, turned back to his desk, sat down, and began to look for something in the drawer:

"Wait a moment, Gao Yi... I need to take a closer look at this..."

As he spoke, he leaned down and almost stuck his entire head into the small wooden drawer.

After a while, I pulled out a huge old book.

Although he was standing at the other end of the desk, Gao Yi still saw the slightly faded gilded title on the cover——

"Manager's Guide"

Judging from the color, size, and usage scenarios, Gao Yi was keenly aware that this might be the same series of manuals that Ms. Flesh used for his "induction training" at the beginning of the copy.

013 patted the spine of the book and blew on the cover to drive away the accumulated dust.

It can be seen that he has not used this "instruction manual" for a long time.


This sturdy black floor supervisor was like a child who had just learned to read, running his fingers through the catalog line by line.

While muttering keywords, I was looking for something.

When he turned to the third page, he shouted excitedly:


Clearing his throat, the orange employee across the desk quickly flipped through the catalog to the specified content.

He once again pointed his finger at a certain paragraph of text marked in red, raised his head and looked at Gao Yi, showing that familiar and annoying smile:

"Gao Yi, did you encounter anything unpleasant at work, or encountered difficulties in socializing with your colleagues?"

"No, everything is fine."

Gao Yi was not ambiguous. He pulled out the valuable-looking wooden armchair in front of him and sat down opposite 013.

After a slight pause, 013's black fingers followed the text downwards, and then began to read mechanically:

"Then if you need psychological and spiritual support, the company can send a psychologist to treat you..."

"No, I'm in very good mental and spiritual health."

But this time, Gao Yi did not wait for him to finish, but directly interrupted him.

"Although I stayed in a mental hospital for half a year..."

The second half of the complaint was, of course, not said out loud.

The "floor manager" who was interrupted had his eyes twitching slightly, but he still maintained his stiff smile:

"I need to confirm again, you..."

"Yes, I was fully conscious and was not instructed by anyone to insist on leaving my job."

Gao Yi advanced the interruption time again this time. In fact, he had already seen the questions that the other party was about to ask from the manual on the other party's desk.

Reading backwards is not an easy task and is almost impossible without training.

But don't forget, Gao Yi has the characteristics of an "easy chair detective". For matters of this level, just use the ability of "simulation".

On the other side, the orange employee who was interrupted again looked a little uncomfortable.

But it is different from the "angry", "unhappy" or "frustrated" that you would see on the faces of ordinary people under the same circumstances.

013's expression is closer to "doubt" and a certain feeling of "bewilderment".

It seems that he has no social experience at all in dealing with this situation and can only rely on the guide in his hand to carry out this conversation.

Now, the stiff smile on his face has completely disappeared.

But it must be pointed out that the disappearance of this smile was not due to a change in his mood, but because he was no longer able to maintain a certain "etiquette" in this complicated conversation.

Is this 013 really human?

Gao Yi had such doubts when he first communicated with him.

By now, he could basically give a negative answer to this question.

Compared to a person, the other person is more like a machine that is not very intelligent and clever.

The question now is, if the other party is a less intelligent machine, will there be some loopholes?

"Okay, okay...I understand what you mean..."

This 013 started turning the paper again and found what he wanted to say on the next page:

"I can offer you a star, so that you can have the opportunity to retire earlier. This is a special treatment for you. Can you temporarily give up the idea of ​​resigning?"

After saying that, he raised his head again and gave Gao Yi an ugly stiff smile.

But Gao Yi saw from the paper in front of the other party that this smile was also part of the guide.

[I can offer you a star, so that you can have the opportunity to retire earlier. This is a special treatment for you. Can you temporarily give up the idea of ​​resigning? (Look directly into the eyes of the employee and smile)]

This is a policy of appeasing "thorns" and another evidence that "stars" are completely worthless.

Perhaps for employees like old Kane who have decades of experience, a "star" will be somewhat tempting, but for Gao Yi, it is obviously not enough.

Gao Yi touched the glove on his right hand, and the smile on his face became stronger:

"I don't want stars. I insist on resigning."

He leaned forward slightly and looked at 013 opposite with expectation.

The orange employee's face was already very dark... Well, it wasn't Gao Yi's fault.

Gao Yi was looking forward to the other party's reaction for a reason.

He had already seen that the content about "resignation" in the "Orange Employee Guide" had been written to the end.

Then what kind of reaction would the floor manager in front of him give?


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