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Chapter 129 [Mechanical God] Salary and Dolls

Why doesn’t anyone want to leave their job?

This was a question Gao Yi had very early on after entering the [Mechanical God] copy.

As a "group", at least it has a corporate structure on the surface, so shouldn't employees be able to resign?

Gao Yi once vaguely asked two blue employee colleagues in the "Spring Department", but they had no response.

It's not that they're not interested, it's that they don't seem to know what "resignation" is.

From the bottom of their hearts, they have never thought about leaving the "Wise Group" in a way other than "obtaining thirteen stars".

When I came to this [Orange Employee Office], I saw the thick dust on 013's "Orange Employee Guide", which further confirmed Gao Yi's conjecture:

This guide for dealing with inquiries from other employees has not been available for a long time.

In other words, at least within the control scope of 013, there has not been a thorny employee like Gao Yi for a long time.

You know, only when certain requirements from employees are encountered, the "Orange Employee Guide" filled with various responses and solutions will be taken out.

And what does the "floor manager" do when he can't rely on that guide?

Gao Yicheng propped up his chin and looked at the anxious 013 across the desk with interest.

At this time, the other party was taking out various documents and papers from his body and the table, laying them out in disorder on the table, looking for words to use.

Gao Yi also lowered his head and counted the miscellaneous papers and books on the table.

Orange employee rules, paper with some small reminders, several stacks of documents similar to reports, and an orange card similar to a pass.

"Wait a moment, there must be something..."

The black manager fell into a kind of paranoia and began to skim over the large pile of meaningless words, as if he must find something on them.

The result was of course as expected, 013 still found nothing.

However, Gao Yi on the other side was not in a hurry, and just followed the other party to read the reports.

[Spring Department Material Report], [Furnace Area Conversion Efficiency Chart], and [Blower Department Daily Transportation Target]

They look quite ordinary. They are simple lists of data, probably submitted by the heads of each department.

It is worth mentioning that there is no date on the abscissa of those data charts, only numbers like 1, 2, 3... are written for identification.

It's like "year, month" and specific "date" are completely unimportant in this space.

When 013 turned to the "Employee Code of Conduct (Orange Edition)", he held the small book in his hands, and his black face almost stuck to the paper.

He was mumbling, as if he was eager to find something.

At this point, Gao Yi decided to interrupt the other party.

After all, I still don’t know what’s in the orange employee code, so it’s better not to push the other party too hard.

It would be funny if one of his rules was "Kill the opponent if you don't know what to do" and he turned around and started attacking himself.

After settling the account, Gao Yi coughed twice and found that he couldn't attract the other party's attention, so he simply spoke directly:

"Mr. Manager, can you wait a moment? I can actually not resign for the time being..."

The orange employee who heard this raised his head and looked at Gao Yi as if he had grasped a life-saving straw:

"Really? I can provide..." He thought for a moment and stretched out two fingers:

"Two stars, plus... plus a best employee doll!"

013 As if he had made up his mind, his dark face looked a little serious.

Of course, the chips he gave were still unattractive.

However, Gao Yi did not expect to receive any material reward from the other party. This "floor manager" was obviously a pauper in every sense of the word.

The most valuable thing is information.

And this is also the reason why Gao Yi wants to speak again.

"I want a salary increase!"

This sentence successfully burned out the CPU of the orange employee on the other side again, making him confused again.

After a long time, he started to read the "Orange Employee Guide" again and found the content about "salary" at the back.

But when he moved his finger to the corresponding entry, Gao Yi on the other side suddenly stood up:

"No need, I suddenly changed my mind. I will devote myself to the "Wise Man Group" and never want to resign."

Gao Yi's face was serious, his hands were clasped together, and his face was full of justice.

You don't need the help of the [actor] or [gambler] labels. It really doesn't take much skill to deceive this not-so-smart orange employee.

The "floor supervisor" on the other side looked very excited. He also stood up and showed a bright stiff smile:

"That's great, Gao Yi, you are such an excellent employee."

Gao Yi noticed that he also grabbed a few pieces of paper on the table and read them while talking.

It reads, "You should smile when you speak" and "Look directly into the eyes of other employees when you talk to them."

What are some tips for people with social disorders….

After a few more nonsense words, Gao Yi pushed his chair back into the table and made a gesture of leaving.

Before leaving, he suddenly turned his head and looked at 013:

"By the way, can you give me the best employee doll you agreed on?"

"Of course, of course..."

The orange employee, who was as if he had been granted amnesty, hurriedly agreed, lowered his head and took out a puppy doll from the drawer, shook it twice and handed it to Gao Yi:

"Woof woof woof, are you my new owner?"

He even deliberately pinched his throat and gave the puppy doll a voice...

Gao Yi took the doll with a smile on his face and became the new "owner" of the puppy.

As if remembering something, he lowered his head and picked up the blue employee rules on the desk:

"I almost forgot about this."

Say goodbye to the other party and Gao Yi left the office with his head held high.

This "floor manager" might find it, but it should take some time.

Gao Yi just used the active effect of [Disaster Gloves] ["Take out" an item within the range], and took out the orange pass along with the employee rules.

Now, the small card is sandwiched in the employee rules.

Turning around, the corridor clock faithfully completed its work, telling everyone that the time to get off work is approaching.

At the door, a girl in a baseball cap was leaning against the wall, obviously waiting for him.

She was wearing a blue uniform and buried her face in the shadow of the brim of her hat, but her identity as a player clearly indicated her identity as an "assistant".

This person was another helper that Zhao Qian had hired at a high price.

In the blind spot of the surveillance camera, Gao Yi handed the puppy doll stuffed with an orange pass and a note to the other party.

This "assistant" would ensure that he entered the [Green Cleaning Employee Lounge], which was among the personal belongings of another shift of employees in the "Spring Department".

The "floor manager" in the office behind him might still not understand why Gao Yi suddenly changed his mind.

But the answer is that the content in his guide has helped Gao Yi answer his initial doubts and provided the most important key to solving the mystery.

In the "salary" entry, the guide clearly stated.

"Slight bargaining, but ultimately all employee salary requirements can be agreed to."


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