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Chapter 130 [Mechanical Godcasting] Solving the first puzzle

After Gao Yi became a "player", each copy he experienced contained a lot of mysteries and weirdness.

But these "puzzles" are presented in completely different forms.

The puzzle of [Heart Strange Fog] is like a vast white fog. When you just enter it, you can't find the direction and have no goal.

The way to solve it is to experience the hazy weirdness in the fog, and gradually unravel the mystery to find the cause of the mystery.

When it comes to [Western City Strange Things], the mystery is on the surface, like a pipeline that connects in all directions. Different results and complicated events have the same cause.

You only need to follow a certain pipeline to the end to find the final truth.

And now [Mechanical Casting God], the mystery is like a skyscraper.

Each floor contains a huge safe, which locks the truth in it.

Only by breaking through a large number of security facilities and anti-theft mechanisms can the truth of one floor be solved.

Then you have to climb the stairs and explore the mystery of the next floor.

But Gao Yi can now say that he has solved the first layer, the most basic mystery.

Mrs. Lucy, the former supervisor of the "Spring Department", had some guesses and doubts about this issue.

She left such a note on the "Employee Code (Blue Edition)".

[The key lies in the other shift of employees. What is the situation of the other shift of employees? ]

Yes, the problem lies in who are the employees of the "other shift".

After reading the employee code of the green cleaners, it can be found that a lot of content is to prevent the two shifts of employees from communicating with each other.

[After get off work, ordinary employees need to take away their personal belongings and the star board on the wall, properly store them in the lounge, and put the personal belongings of the next shift of employees back to their original places]

Many of these rules seem unreasonable and difficult to understand.

Why do green cleaners go to great lengths to collect everyone's personal belongings every day?

Protect private property?

To be honest, the things in the hands of ordinary employees are completely worthless.

Believe me, no one would want to steal those dolls.

So, why do this?

The answer is very simple. The "Wise Group" wants to eliminate all possibilities of communication between early and late shift employees.

The relevant rules in the employee code of conduct have the same purpose.

[If you find that the items carried by other employees are not in accordance with the current time period, please report to the nearest purple employee or security personnel in red uniforms]

[Occasionally, strange items will appear on your workstation. These are often left by another shift of staff. Please do not touch them at will. If necessary, notify the cleaning staff in green uniforms to deal with them]

In Mrs. Lucy's comments, she clearly stated that she had tried to communicate with another shift of employees many times.

In the end, all attempts failed, presumably because of the relevant rules and the cleaning of the green employees.

Now, we have a basic conclusion:

"The Wise Group does not want any degree of communication between the morning shift and the evening shift."

And for this conclusion, we have a new question.


Why does the Wise Group not want the morning shift and the evening shift to communicate?

The key lies in "memory".

[In the work area, your memory will be temporarily blocked and you will not be able to recall the external situation. This is a completely normal phenomenon and will be automatically resolved after leaving the work area]

In Mrs. Lucy's employee code, she completely crossed out this line and wrote the word "wrong".

What's wrong?

This question has been lingering in Gao Yi's mind for a long time, and the final answer was obtained from the orange employee 013.

Let's take a look at the employee code again.

[During working hours, you cannot leave the work area. Employees will leave the work area by elevator at off-duty time]

According to the "Wise Group", employees will take the elevator to leave the work area at off-duty time and their memories will return.

And return to the work area at working time, and the memory will be blocked again.

Other employees in the "Spring Department" believe it firmly and think that their "other half" must have a normal life somewhere.

The self outside will receive various rewards and enjoy life.

The fat man Ramson from the "Spring Department" even thinks that he is a bodybuilding model outside the group and has three wives.

"The external self" sounds like it might be possible, but after careful consideration, it still feels awkward.

And on the orange employee guide in 013's hand, Gao Yi saw decisive evidence.

[After a little bargaining, all the salary requirements of employees can be agreed to in the end]

This means that "Wise Group" does not care about the so-called "salary" from beginning to end, as long as the employees are willing to stay and work here.

This is naturally not because "Wise Group" is rich and can give money to employees at will, but because such a thing does not exist.

Employees will never leave this company, and no one will give them money.

Why "Wise Group" should avoid communication between employees of the two shifts; why private belongings should be managed specially; why employees cannot be allowed to resign, but can be offered any salary.

If you want to understand these questions, the answer to the puzzle will be revealed.

The employees of the morning shift and the employees of the evening shift are the same group of people from beginning to end.

In the final analysis, "confidentiality" is a lame excuse.

What is there to keep secret about the work carried out in the "Spring Department"?

If you ask Gao Yi what the "Spring Department" is doing now, he still can't explain it.

The only reason for isolating the memory is that the "Wise Group" is squeezing every bit of value out of the employees.

They will finish the morning shift in the afternoon, and then "standby" somewhere to rest, waiting for the arrival of the evening shift, and continue to work.

Twenty-four hours a day, no vacation.

Over and over again, never stopping.

I have to admit that this is really a genius idea.

Of course, this is for the top management of the "Wise Group".

For ordinary employees, this is an almost endless nightmare.

Collecting thirteen stars may be the only way to escape.

Now that I think about it, this is also the true meaning of the main quest [Become yourself again, escape from the Wise Group].

Not only the employees, but also the players are divided into two halves, and their memories cannot be connected together.

In other words, there are now "two Gao Yi" trying to conquer this copy at the same time.

And Gao Yi's current plan is to work with the other half of himself - the most trustworthy person in the world, to find out the truth.

Walking into the elevator, he rarely showed a sincere smile and looked at his blurred reflection on the metal wall:

"Leave it to you, the other me."


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