Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 131 [Mechanical Godcasting] Evening Class High

Fiddling with the moon medal on his chest, Gao Yi yawned slightly.

The clock on the wall still faithfully performed its duties, spreading the message "It's ten o'clock in the evening."

There are no windows in the entire "Wise Group" that can see the outside, and the only lighting is the pale white light on the ceiling.

In this case, there is actually no difference between day and night.

But maybe because of the psychological suggestion imposed by the word "night shift", or maybe it's physical and mental fatigue, Gao Yi still feels a little sleepy.

At this moment, inside the "Spring Department", a lot of ribbons were tied around the desks, and various foods were placed around, making a small buffet.

This is the retirement party of old Kane, and people from several nearby departments were invited to celebrate that he had accumulated thirteen stars and could retire and leave.

Strangely, the orange employee numbered 013 only showed up briefly and left quickly.

Judging from his expression, what was he looking for?

But what attracted Gao Yi's attention was not the strange behavior of the "floor manager", but the things that appeared in his drawer.

A small doll in the shape of a Dalmatian.

Gao Yi clearly remembered that there was no such thing when he just entered the dungeon yesterday.

He took out the blue employee code and confirmed the content of the fourth article.

[Occasionally, strange items will appear on your workstation. These are often left by another shift of staff. Please do not touch them casually. If necessary, notify the cleaning staff in green uniforms to deal with them.]

"If you don't follow the rules, it may lead to bad consequences." Gao Yi stroked his chin slightly, weighing the pros and cons:

"But on the other hand, if this is really left by the morning shift staff, maybe it's a clue?"

After thinking for a while, Gao Yi didn't touch the doll for the time being and pushed the drawer back.

You can't give up possible clues, but you have to be careful of unforeseen dangers.

In any case, now it's the second day of this [Mechanical Casting God] dungeon.

You know, as a dungeon of Star Coin 4, there is no entry in the main task that can be completed by surviving for a certain number of hours.

In other words, if you can't find a breakthrough, it's not impossible to be trapped in the dungeon for a lifetime.

As the time spent in this strange dungeon gets longer, there is no guarantee that there will be physical and mental problems.

Xiaohong in [Heart Strange Mist] is a perfect example.

In fact, Gao Yi is already feeling a little unwell.

"Cough cough...hiss, what's going on..."

He coughed twice, rubbed his chest, and felt the blockage under his ribs.

Could it be that he encountered something outside the company and used a certain piece of equipment?

This feeling... maybe it's [Scarlet Raven Coat]. Under what circumstances would you use that?

While thinking, Gao Yi checked his evolution rate and tag system one by one.

"The evolution rate has not increased, which means that I haven't experienced high-intensity battles. The tag experience has increased. I must have used some..."

Gao Yi whispered to himself while analyzing the possible situation.

However, due to the loss of memory, he still couldn't confirm what happened outside the "Wise Group".

Thinking, Gao Yi turned his attention to the [Daily Tasks] of the tag system.

I have to admit that since leaving [West City Strange Stories], the completion of daily tasks during this period has not been good.

On the one hand, daily exercise and work are already very busy, and it is not compatible to spend too much time on tasks that are full of risks and unknowns.

On the other hand, there is an imbalance between difficulty and benefits.

Most of the tasks with blue labels have a certain clue to completion.

For example, the [Enthusiastic Citizens] label has been asked to "receive 100 thanks" and "do five brave deeds" on the same day.

If you insist, it is not impossible to complete.

But it is too unstable to really do it. At twelve o'clock in the evening, even if there is a lack of thanks or brave deeds, the whole day is in vain.

More importantly, the rewards given for the daily tasks corresponding to these rare labels are not very good.

Either it is a common-level feature, or it is a common or rare prop.

In the case that the labels of the high-level have all been successfully transformed into rare and epic, these rewards are more or less tasteless.

Then the rewards for the daily tasks corresponding to the epic-level labels must be good.

That's true, but the problem is that the epic daily tasks are a bit too difficult.

After just getting the [Bounty Hunter] tag, Gao Yi wore it and let it brush the daily tasks twice.

But "capturing a notorious wanted criminal alive" and "completing ten valuable bounties" are really beyond imagination...

Not to mention whether he has the ability to complete it, Gao Yi doesn't even know where to find "notorious wanted criminals" and "ten bounties".

If Zhang Tu was still there, there might be some hope.

But that guy is now sleeping in the cave with Bill the Clown, so naturally he can't be "captured alive".

Until today, after entering [Mechanical Godcasting], there was some clue to the completion of daily tasks.

Now Gao Yi has two daily tasks, which are "harvesting 2 million bounties or equivalent items" corresponding to [Bounty Hunter].

And "solving a hidden unsolved mystery" for [Investigator].

Gao Yi dared to come up with two epic tags today to serve as daily tasks.

Of course, it was because of this [Mechanical Godcasting] dungeon.

In the previous test, the "day" represented by the daily task refers to a day in reality, not a day in the dungeon.

Taking [Western City Weirdness] as an example, although Gao Yi did not resolve the battle until the early morning of the next day, as long as that day had not passed in reality, the daily task was still there and was finally rewarded.

Relying on this feature, Gao Yi can do two extremely difficult daily tasks before entering the dungeon and try to complete them.

Now it seems that [Bounty Hunter]'s "receive 1 million bounties or equivalent items" has no clues for the time being.

But [Investigator]'s "solve a hidden unsolved puzzle" definitely has a chance.

In fact, isn't there a puzzle hidden by the "Wise Group" in front of us?

Gao Yi turned his head slightly and called Ramson, who was eating apple pie on the side.

The fat employee of the "Spring Department" had red cheeks and was obviously a little drunk.

He staggered towards Gao Yi, almost falling down several times, but he kept his balance at the most extreme point:

"What...what's wrong, Gao, you want one too?"

The fat employee was already a little lisp when he spoke, holding an apple pie in front of Gao Yi.

Ignoring the smell of alcohol on him, Gao Yi calmly patted the other person's shoulder and pulled the swivel chair next to him under his buttocks.

While the other person was still somewhat conscious, he quickly asked a question:

"Do you know...who are the employees on the morning shift?"


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