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Chapter 132 [Mechanical God] Another self's information

"The morning shift? Those people... are all bastards!"

Lost in the recliner, Ramson twisted his waist twice and stuffed his fat into the gaps under the armrests on both sides of the chair.

This answer was somewhat unexpected by Gao Yi. He thought that the other party would be equally clueless about the employees of the other shift.

But judging from his reaction, it seems that he knows something about the employees of the morning shift?

Sensitively catching this, Gao Yi also sat down next to Ramson, leaned forward, and persuaded:

"Oh? Why do you say that? Have you seen their people?"

"That... that's not the case, but this group of people on the morning shift are unwilling to do any more work..."

Ramson was obviously half drunk, and his words became more and more vague.

This is not considered an extreme emotion, [Ruthless] will definitely not be used, and I still have to rely on the art of speech...

Gao Yi made up his mind and had to take this opportunity to quickly ask more questions:

"Really? Not really?"

At this time, you can't just go along with the other party's words, but you have to show a little distrust to get a sincere answer.

Gao Yi stepped back slightly, letting his body language and words show "surprise" and "distrust" at the same time.

"That's it! That time I didn't clean up the red screws, and the next day 013 came over and said... that the morning shift complained about me, so that the best employee of the month was not mine..."

As expected, seeing Gao Yi's reaction, Ramson's already red face became a little darker, and he hurriedly explained.

But it seemed that this shouting had consumed all his energy.

With a hum, Ramson grabbed a gorilla doll on his desk and held it in his arms, turning his body, and he was already faintly about to sleep.

"In other words, they pay attention to details?"

Seeing this, Gao Yi hurriedly asked, asking the most important question at the last minute.

"Anyway, I'm narrow-minded... I won't suffer any loss..."

The voice gradually became lower, and the brick passed by, and the drunk blue employee had fallen asleep.

According to Ms. Flessy's previous explanation, when an employee retires, it will be a rare day off, and they don't need to work.

Looking at Ramson snoring in the swivel chair, Gao Yi was thoughtful.

A few minutes later, he took the Dalmatian doll, sat in the bathroom of the locker room, and began to study it.

On the surface, this is an ordinary small doll, no different from the pile on Ramson's desk.

But after kneading it twice, Gao Yi soon found a clue.

In the lower abdomen of this Dalmatian - if that's what it's called, there is a rectangular card-like hard object.

After confirming this, Gao Yi found a zipper at the tail of the Dalmatian.

Although it looks a bit inconsistent with the style of the doll, and the position is a bit strange.

But with this, Gao Yi still took out the things inside the doll.

An orange card with [Level 1 Pass] written on it and a note torn from a certain employee code.

After reading carefully, Gao Yi quickly distinguished that the note was the sixth article of the blue employee code:

[In the work area, your memory will be temporarily blocked and you will not be able to recall the external situation. This is a completely normal phenomenon and will be automatically lifted after leaving the work area]

The text content is nothing special. Gao Yi has seen the same content many times in his employee code.

But it is worth mentioning that there is a black signature in the corner.

[Gao Yi]

If Gao Yi has not fully understood the content of the pass and the selected code.

But the signature in front of him undoubtedly made him understand everything.

Opening the backpack of the "label system", as expected, the prop with only half of its durability has disappeared.

You know, in the entire "Wise Group", anything that can be used for recording does not exist.

Not to mention various pens, even those reports are automatically generated, and employees cannot do anything.

Of course, if you insist, you can use blood or excrement as raw materials, and you can complete the writing work.

But the signature in front of you is obviously written by an old friend.

[Item: Super Signature Pen]

[Quality: Ordinary]

[Type: Prop]

[Special Effect: When you need a signature, it can automatically help you complete it! ]

[Note: Are you still worried about a large number of fan letters? Are you still worried about the signed shirts required for business cooperation? Super Signature Pen will be your first choice! ]

This prop, which was obtained after [Heart Strange Mist] and made great contributions in [West City Strange Things], finally completed its historical mission in [Mechanical Casting God].

It is a pure pen, a pen that is free from vulgarity...

Well, there is no need to mourn this [Super Signature Pen] too much.

The message it conveys has been completely received by Gao Yi.

"In other words, this doll is 'me', left for myself."

Gao Yi whispered to himself, slightly supporting his chin.

[Super Signature Pen] is a prop given by the "Label System". It is also the biggest secret and trump card of oneself, so it will not be easily handed over to others.

Deliberately using this pen to sign is obviously to prove one's identity.

Even if the signature can be forged, the disappearance of the props in the system backpack cannot be faked.

The person who wrote this signature was undoubtedly me - it's just that I didn't remember this happening.

According to the rules of memory blocking, Gao Yi quickly understood the truth about the two shifts of employees of the "Wise Man Group".

"Both the morning shift and the evening shift are done by the same people, and the remaining value is almost sucked up..."

Complaining in a low voice, Gao Yi skillfully destroyed the note in his hand, hid the [Level 1 Pass] close to his body, and restored the Dalmatian.

Thinking about it now, the orange employee numbered 013 was probably looking for this pass when he was looking around so anxiously.

"The final question is, what do you want me to do with this pass?"

Gao Yi raised the Dalmatian in his hand and looked at it, as if he wanted to talk to it, or as if he wanted to see something from its eyes.

After a while, he suddenly laughed out loud, and laughed softly as if he really understood something:

"I understand, let me find a dog to help, right..."

Thinking of this, Gao Yi hugged the Dalmatian, left the locker room, and embarked on the road to find Zhao Qian.


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