Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 133 [Mechanical Godcasting] Zhao Qian's trump card

A conversation was going on on either side of the metal dining table in the cafeteria.

After spending ten minutes, Gao Yi quickly explained to Zhao Qian across from him the memory partition and shift logic within the "Wise Man Group".

Unexpectedly, Zhao Qian didn't show much reaction, just nodded slightly:

"So that's it...I understand..."

"You don't seem surprised at all?"

Gao Yi did not hide anything and asked directly.

Now Zhao Qian is naturally wearing a blue employee uniform, but he still has the big round sunglasses on his face, which makes him still look like a "magic stick".

He turned his hands slightly in front of him and said thoughtfully:

"Two reasons. First of all, this is [the boss's] territory. This kind of thing sounds very reasonable. I would be surprised if he abides by the eight-hour working day..."

Zhao Qian paused slightly, shook off the fan in his hand, and fanned himself again:

"In addition, I can see the increase in karma on your body. You did do a lot this morning."

cause and effect.

This is the second time Zhao Qian has said this word.

After killing Zhang Tu last time and leaving [Xicheng Strange Things], this guy also said something similar, but Gao Yi didn't worry too much about it at this time.

Zhao Qian, who was still fanning himself, was still shaking his head and looked at Gao Yi who was drinking water on the other side:

"So, what are your plans now?"

"Why, you let me think about everything, do you really have no intention of using your brain?"

Gao Yi's tone did not change. He put down the water glass and raised his head slightly to look at the other party.

"Nonsense, otherwise why would I spend so much money hiring you?"

Zhao Qian looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. He was half-slumped on the seat, looking like he was waiting for Gao Yi to arrange everything.

From a certain perspective, he also saw that Gao Yi already had a complete plan in mind.

Now, it's just a matter of waiting for him to say it.

Gao Yi didn't express any objection. He just turned slightly sideways and began to take out various miscellaneous items from the pockets of his uniform.

Small white sugar packets, coffee stirring spoons, employee rules, and a few tea bags.

He placed the blue employee code in the center of the dining table and looked up at Zhao Qian opposite:

"This is the eighth floor we are on."

As he spoke, he picked up a sugar bag and placed it above the cover of the Employee Code:

"And this one is a regular blue employee."

"Wait a minute!" Zhao Qian suddenly interrupted the display and looked seriously at Gao Yi, whose hand was still in mid-air:

"This white sugar refers to you, right?"

Gao Yi on the other side was confused by him, and it took him a long time to speak again:

"It can be...why do you ask?"

"I just think that such a sweet employee must be you... You are joking, you are joking, don't look at me like that."

I have to admit that this kid Zhao Qian also has some talent for cold jokes. At least this time he succeeded in rendering Gao Yi speechless.

After a long while, Gao Yi put away his dead fish eyes and continued the display just now.

He formed four coffee stirring sticks into a square, placed it next to the employee code, and then explained:

"This is the elevator."

At this point, the dining table already has the eighth floor represented by the employee code of conduct, the employees represented by the sugar packets, and the elevator composed of stir sticks.

In this case, Gao Yi started his analysis:

"Ordinary employees' morning and evening shifts are separated, and their memories are blocked."

"Every day, employees work in the Wise Group until closing time."

Gao Yi said, picking up the sugar packet from the employee regulations and slowly placing it into the square formed by the stirring stick:

"At that time, employees will enter the elevator, and this is where memory and consciousness stop."

After saying this, Gao Yi pushed aside the employee rules, leaving only the sugar bag surrounded by the stirring stick.

"You mean...there's something wrong with that elevator?"

No longer leaning on the back of the chair, leaning forward slightly, Zhao Qian reacted quickly and understood Gao Yi's meaning instantly.

"The problem does not necessarily lie in the elevator, but the elevator must be an important medium. As long as you avoid entering the elevator, there should be no memory block."

Gao Yi tapped the metal table with his index finger knuckle and explained slowly.

"But... it's not necessarily true. Maybe he will be hypnotized when the time comes?" Zhao Qian touched the mole on his mouth and asked.

"Do you know how many employees there are on one floor of this "Wise Group"?"

At this time, Gao Yize suddenly asked a seemingly unrelated question.

"Uh... there are only four people in one department, plus those in red and green clothes, there are about one or two hundred people?"

Zhao Qian put the fan away, beat it several times in his palm, and frowned slightly.

"Absolutely, but in this case, there is only one elevator with very few passengers on the entire floor. Why?"

Gao Yi stretched out his right hand and pressed his index finger on the "elevator" made of stirring rods on the dining table.

Zhao Qian on the other side also clearly saw that the person opposite was planning to ask and answer his own questions, but he just grinned and did not speak.

Of course, Gao Yi did not disappoint him.

"When I got off work on my first day, the orange employee named 013 even took me to the elevator once. I think you did the same."

After receiving the affirmative reply, Gao Yi nodded slightly and then explained:

"It's not because he's so kind, but because he's helping us develop a habit - every time we get off work, we have to leave from the only elevator, which is where we complete the blockage of consciousness."

"I see... So your plan is not to enter the elevator after get off work?"

Zhao Qian finally understood Gao Yi's idea and asked speculatively.

"No." Gao Yi shook his head and gave a negative answer, "We should go directly to the stairs and look for clues on other floors."

As he said that, he pushed a tea bag to the table and put it on the other side of the elevator.

"Wait, wait... us? I want to go too?"

Zhao Qian's focus was a little strange, and Gao Yi on the other side certainly didn't indulge him:

"Nonsense, I can't do it alone, bring any help you have..."

Gao Yi paused and asked the key question again:

"Finally, tell me clearly what abilities you have, don't hide it anymore."

His tone was very serious. In this "Star Coin 4" copy, all available resources must be used.

On the other side, Zhao Qian raised his hands slightly and made a gesture of surrender:

"Okay, okay~I said it's not okay."

In the following time, Gao Yi gradually understood Zhao Qian's true ability.

This player who works for the [boss] has shown many strange abilities.

Various small props made of white paper, fortune-telling and face-reading skills, and extremely strong intelligence collection capabilities.

But no matter how fancy these things look, as a player, his ability source is still equipment and characteristics.

"I'm actually just a player who has just entered the C level, but I just have two very interesting characteristics..."

Zhao Qian began to fan himself again. As a player who came to Nankang from other places, his higher evolution rate is not unexpected.

After a slight pause, he spoke again:

"My two most useful characteristics are [God stick] and [storyteller]."


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