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Chapter 134 [Mechanical Godcasting] 013's Doubts

Gao Yi knows himself very well.

Due to his upbringing and low luck in various matters, he is actually very bad at relying on others.

Whenever possible, Gao Yi will keep the initiative in matters in his own hands.

Of course, the current situation is actually about letting "yourself" help...

I, who was on the morning shift, peeled off the cocoon and confirmed the truth about the replacement of employees in the two shifts of "Wise Man Group", and I must have realized that there was something abnormal in the elevator.

So I chose to stuff the pass and prompts into the doll, and somehow delivered it to the desk of the night shift.

But at that time, since Gao Yi did not go directly to continue the exploration, but wanted to pass the clues to his current self, there must be a last resort.

In order to avoid problems in future plans, you still have to confirm this "reason" first to see if there will be any unforeseen consequences.

After leaving the canteen, Gao Yi and Zhao Qian temporarily separated and each dealt with the matters at hand.

Zhao Qian is responsible for confirming the terrain on the eighth floor and using his abilities to find other players.

As for Gao Yi, he had to go back to the "Spring Department" to find out the necessary information.

It was already early in the morning, and the celebrating crowd in the "Spring Department" had dispersed. Even Lamson woke up and started packing his things.

Seeing Gao Yi come back, he waved his thick arms and said hello in a hoarse voice:

"Hey, Gao, where did you just run away?"

"I met an unlikable bastard..."

Gao Yi shook his head and sat back in his chair.

"How unlovable are you? Are you more assholes than the guys on the morning shift?" Lamson stacked several empty plates and chimed in.

"Should be a bigger asshole than they are."

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yi answered firmly.

A few seconds later, he raised his head again and looked at Lamson:

"By the way, where are Ms. Fleshy and Old Kane?"

The "Spring Department" was empty. When Gao Yi first came in, he noticed the absence of the other two employees.

In fact, Kane Sr. hadn't shown up early in the morning. According to others, he was undergoing surgery to remove the memory block.

"Old Kane is probably leaving soon. He has been thinking about his Lucy for a long time. Who are we?"

There was a hint of sourness in Lamson's tone. He waved his hands and continued with a deliberately nonchalant expression:

"As for Ms. Flesh, she should go get some documents. She is missing someone and needs to recruit new employees."

"I see......."

Gao Yi didn't extend the topic any further and instead sat on his chair, lost in thought.

Maybe this is why you have to work the late shift to explore?

Whether it's Kane Sr.'s surgery or the way he leaves, it will be very important information.

How to recruit new employees and what procedures are required are all issues worthy of attention.

But...does this really stop my early-morning self from exploring?

With a high level of understanding of oneself, one would not give up easily unless faced with great danger or insurmountable problems.

So...what exactly happened this morning?

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Lamson. At some point, the fat employee's expression became extremely serious. He was sitting on a chair and reading the employee code of conduct.

This cynical blue employee has never seen him so religious about the employee code.

Following the hint in his eyes, Gao Yi turned his head slightly.

The black "floor manager" with the number 013 on his chest had already stood behind Gao Yi at some point.

Not to mention the sound of the door opening, the footsteps, and the sound of the wind caused by the movement.

Even the normal breathing and heart beating sounds were completely missed by Gao Yi.

You know, his five senses have been strengthened in all aspects by [Easy Chair Detective].

It was the first time since I became a player to be approached like this without any reaction.

In an instant, Gao Yi felt his hair stand on end. He pretended to be calm and turned around completely, looking at the orange employee and slowly speaking:

"Mr. 013, what can I do for you?"

For some reason, Gao Yi felt that the already scary smile on 013's face became stiffer and stiffer. Combined with the smileless eyes, he looked like a weird version of Milo Buddha painted black.

"Hahaha, it's nothing. I was looking for you just now. I just wanted to see what you were doing."

The "floor manager" held back two fake smiles from his throat and looked directly into Gao Yi's eyes.

He's definitely not "nothing."

This was Gao Yi's first reaction.

The dangerous aura on the opponent's body was extremely strong. If he were to attack suddenly within a distance of less than one meter, he would probably have no room to resist.

You can't take out all kinds of equipment in front of this orange employee. That kind of violation of the rules can easily worsen the situation.

Fortunately, the [Lucky Necklace] is always worn around the neck, which always leaves a little time for myself to react.

Slightly relieved, Gao Yi also let the smile return to his face and said in a relaxed tone:

"Did you lose something? I saw you looking around for something before?"

The origin of that [Level 1 Pass] is not difficult to guess.

So that’s it, this is what I was avoiding in the morning...

"I did lose something during the morning shift. Do you... know anything?"

The smile on 013's face gradually disappeared, but his gaze never left Gao Yi's eyes.

"I don't know. How could I know about the morning shift?"

Gao Yi tilted his head slightly and said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Ah...yes, yes, how do you know about the morning shift, haha..."

013 laughed awkwardly twice, as if he was thinking of something, and laughed.

Yes, there is no memory block for these orange employees, and they are very aware of hiding the truth about morning and evening shifts from ordinary employees.

Gao Yi's words blocked the other party's questions.

But... this wasn't enough to completely dispel his suspicions. He had to set a target.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yi frowned and spoke again hesitantly:

"Having said that...there is indeed something strange."

"Oh? What is it?"

013 suddenly became interested, his smile appeared again, and his voice became higher.

At this moment, Gao Yi opened the drawer and slowly took out the Dalmatian doll:

"When I just came back, I found this in the drawer. Could it be left by the employee who worked the morning shift?"

Before Gao Yi could finish speaking, 013 had already snatched the doll away, muttering something in his mouth:

"Is that that time? Why did it happen..."

Gao Yi's behavior undoubtedly complied with the employee code, and 013 did not show any additional doubts at this moment.

While speaking, the black "floor manager" quickly left with a strange and silent gesture.

Looking at the other party's leaving figure, Gao Yi silently shook his head.

All I can say is that if you can't solve the problem yourself, leave it to someone else to worry about...

Hey, you didn’t think so in the morning, right?


I have a cold and feel dizzy. I will take a day off tomorrow.

This copy should be completed by the end of the month.

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