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Chapter 135 [Mechanical Godcasting] Three people go together

Two o'clock in the morning.

In a locker room on the eighth floor of the "Wise Group".

Three players gathered here to make the final preparations for the plan.

An important part of the preparations is mutual communication and understanding.

Zhao Qian took a step back, revealing the girl on the side, and raised his hand to introduce to Gao Yi:

"This is Alan. Like you, she wants me to help her find someone, so she came to this dungeon to help."

The girl didn't look too old, thin, wearing a wide cap, hiding most of her face in the shadows.

Zhao Qian didn't introduce Gao Yi to the girl named Alan, presumably they had communicated before.

This charlatan is really worried about the [Mechanical Casting God] dungeon in his hand. The people he hired should not be ordinary people, but I don't know what their abilities are?

As if seeing Gao Yi's doubts, Zhao Qian pointed at the girl with his left hand and said enthusiastically:

"Alan is amazing. He is good at all kinds of sneaking, stealing, camouflaging, and assassination."

As Zhao Qian spoke, he was still waving the fan in his hand and speaking in a rhythmic manner.

But when I think of this kid introducing himself, he said that he had a feature called "Storyteller", which is not surprising.

Alan, who was leaning against the wall and remained silent, suddenly spoke at this time:

"I'm not that amazing. I'm just a thief."

Unlike her appearance, her voice was quite hoarse and low, as if she had just had a severe cold and her throat had not yet recovered.

"In other words, your enhancement is the kind of "thief" in online games? Can you be invisible?"

Gao Yi thought for a while, looked at the girl, and asked a leading question.

The other party was not very old, probably less than 20 years old.

But unlike high school students like Li Zhaozhao, he has no youthful vigor, but looks like he is tired of this world.

The hair under the cap is not long, it should be short hair.

Although it is intentionally covered, there seems to be a scar on the right cheek.

He is also wearing a blue uniform, and his height is... just over 1.6 meters?

He has no exaggerated muscles, but his body has obviously been trained a lot, and he is very capable.

There are many calluses and scars on the right hand, and he uses a heavy long-handled weapon?

Under Gao Yi's scrutiny, the girl named Alan spoke again:

"I can indeed 'hide' in some places, but I can't be invisible."

Her introduction was very concise, without saying a word, just folding her hands across her chest, leaning against the wall, and always keeping a state of defense.

However, Gao Yi can feel that the other party's defense is not against him, but a kind of subconscious vigilance.

What is he vigilant about? The enclosed space, the weird copy, or the other players present?

Come to think of it, she also wanted Zhao Qian to help her find someone. Was he seeking revenge or looking for her lost family?

Interesting, another person with many mysteries.

Zhao Qian, who was on the other side of the locker room, was obviously a person who could read the atmosphere very well. He saw the dull atmosphere in the locker room and fanned himself again and said to Alan:

"Hey, we are all going to work together, so just say a few more words... By the way, show your 'that' again."


Gao Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking about what this meant.

But before he could understand, Alan on the other side had already sighed deeply, turned his wrist, and took out a... stapler?

In Gao Yi's surprised eyes, the girl slowly opened the stapler, aimed the "nail out" position at the wall, and pressed hard.

When the stapler was taken away, a blue zipper, five or six centimeters long, suddenly appeared on the originally smooth white wall.

That's right, it was the common zipper commonly seen on coats and various school bags, but it suddenly appeared on the wall at this time.

Alan put away the stapler, raised his hand and slowly pulled the zipper open, and an oval black hole appeared on the wall.

"I know this too, can you use it on yourself, remove the arm, and punch it?"

Seeing this scene, Gao Yi's desire to complain emerged again.

But Alan tilted his head slightly when he heard this, as if he was really thinking about the feasibility of this move:

"I haven't used it on anyone yet..."

Although the ability displayed by the other party was quite magical, Gao Yi actually recognized instantly that this zipper was the same thing he had seen on the Dalmatian doll before.

So, the morning shift himself had already contacted and cooperated with this girl named Alan.

Considering what Zhao Qian mentioned about the stealth ability of this girl, perhaps the doll dog was also her help, and was passed to the evening shift in some way.

Thinking of this, Gao Yi was completely relieved and did not delve into the mystery of Alan.

After all, who doesn't have some secrets?

Since he could cooperate with the other party in the morning shift, he might be able to do so now.

Gao Yi also waved his hand, looked at Zhao Qian, who was smiling on the other side, and changed the subject:

"Did you get the things I asked you to do?"

Zhao Qian on the other side shook his fan again, looking calm and calm:

"Why else do you think we should meet in the locker room?"

As he said that, he raised his hand and opened a cabinet door beside him, revealing the purple uniform hanging inside.


"I asked you to get a purple employee uniform, but did I ask you to get a female one?"

Gao Yi twitched his lips, took the suit uniform off the hanger, and looked at it carefully for a moment.

In terms of employee uniforms of "Wise Group", blue employees are all uniform, and there is no gender distinction in the uniforms.

As for purple, they are divided into ordinary trousers uniforms and suit uniforms, which are provided to employees of different genders.

Just like Alan next to him, the blue uniform on his body is exactly the same as Gao Yi and his team.

And the head of the "Spring Department", Ms. Flessy, is wearing a purple suit.

"Damn, the head of our department is a woman, what else can I do for you if not a suit?"

Zhao Qian spread his hands, looking like "what else?"

"Okay...what's your head's name?"

Gao Yi shook his head slightly, and then asked again, trying to match the head of the other department with the person he had met at the farewell party for old Kane before.

"What's her name...Lang or something? These foreign names are too hard to remember...Oh, right! The other employees all call her Mrs. Langs."

The manager of the "Blower Department"... Gao Yi quickly matched the name "Langs" with a short and fat lady he had seen before.

"So, who will wear this suit and play the purple employee?"

Alan on the other side also looked at the purple uniform for a long time. When he raised his head again, he was met with two burning eyes.

Amidst the laughter and sighs of joy and sorrow, the three of them changed their clothes and left the dressing room.

It also opened the curtain for tonight's gorgeous performance.


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