Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 136 [Mechanical Godcasting] Stairwell

[Special mission has been triggered: to discover the hidden truth of the "Wise Group" and completely destroy it]

[Rewards: Portable Tag +1, Epic Characteristics*1, Epic Item Lottery Opportunity*1]

[Time limit: twelve hours]

Looking at the new tasks that appeared in front of him, Gao Yi once again confirmed his previous conjecture.

During the period after obtaining the "tag system", this elusive system would release some tasks and provide rewards from time to time.

Gao Yi has always wanted to grasp the triggering logic of "special tasks" and make them appear as frequently as possible.

Ideally, it would also allow them to create simpler tasks that they can complete without risk.

But in the end, Gao Yi only summarized certain rules for the emergence of these "special tasks".

The most important point is that in most cases, the system will only give tasks to Gao Yi when there is an "easier choice" to encourage or drive him to make a "more difficult decision."

On the night when he became a player, on the light rail, when Gao Yi faced the man who had a mental breakdown, he could of course turn around and leave.

In [The Fog of Heart], he could not investigate the anomalies in the supermarket, but silently wait for time to pass and let the copy end naturally.

In the choice between "long road" and "shortcut", "special missions" will appear, tempting Gao Yi into a dangerous but indeed rewarding abyss.

And now, the situation is the same.

Gao Yi can choose to complete the simpler Tier I main mission and escape directly from this "Wise Man Group".

Or, completely destroy this place.

To be honest, Gao Yi still doesn't know what this "system" is.

But we must also admit that, at least until now, it has not harmed us...

To a certain extent, when there is a "special mission", taking a long detour is really a shortcut in another sense.

But for Gao Yi at this moment, even without the encouragement of Zhao Qianhe's employment and special tasks, he would not hold back on this "Wise Man Group".

As for the reason... I guess it's just because I'm unhappy with this company that doesn't abide by labor laws.

Looking at the white walls, Gao Yi felt a little nauseous for no reason. His intuition had already made him hate this company before reason.

After walking through the complicated corridors and making several turns, the three players arrived at a staircase.

The good news is that since there are no departments or rooms nearby, no other employees appear at this time.

"By the way, if we are discovered, will we be silenced directly?"

Alan, who was wearing a purple skirt and had been silent until now, suddenly asked, with a hint of nervousness in his tone.

"To be honest, I'm not completely sure..." Gao Yi didn't even think about telling a "white lie" and explained straightforwardly:

"But I am certain that if we miss this opportunity, the situation will only get worse."

At this time, Zhao Qian on the other side also expressed support:

"It's like this. Let's resolve it as soon as possible and leave the dungeon early. I don't like this very much...Besides, you both look good, so nothing will happen to you."

Gao Yi shook his head and ignored the opponent's words. He just silently took out the orange [Level 1 Pass] and inserted it into the card slot next to the stairwell.

As expected, the heavy iron door slowly moved, revealing a deeper darkness before the three of them.

After a slight exchange of looks, Gao Yi stepped into the darkness first, just as planned.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

After waiting for half a minute to confirm that Gao Yi inside was still awake, the other two followed in and allowed the iron door of the stairwell to close.

After all, the conjecture about the barrier between the elevator and memory is just a "conjecture". If entering the stairwell will also cause personality confusion or disappearance, that would be troublesome.

In order to avoid this situation, Gao Yi entered first.

Fortunately, everything is normal.

"Speaking of which, don't we need to worry about surveillance? I see there are quite a few in the corridors, so they might find us."

At this time, Alan spoke again and asked Gao Yi cautiously.

"About this, I don't think you need to worry too much."

Looking at the doubtful eyes of the other two people, Gao Yi spread his hands:

"From what I felt before, the surveillance here is more like a deterrent prop than an actual surveillance item."

"If you want to monitor so many cameras in real time, you will need a lot of manpower, and it must be manpower that understands the operating logic of the entire 'Smart Man Group', that is, orange employees."

"And orange employees are actually very rare. We have only seen one 013 on this entire floor, which is obviously not enough."

"In fact, since most employees have no extra memory, all thinking and action logic are developed here, just like a group of children who have never touched weapons since childhood, there is no threat."

At this point, Gao Yi took out the [Gentleman's Cane] again, stomped on the ground twice, successfully woke up the voice-controlled light, and concluded:

"And our existence as players happens to be in their blind spot of thinking, which is also our greatest advantage."

"Then...will there be other players in the dungeon, making those orange employees wary?"

Alan seemed to accept Gao Yi's explanation, lowered his head slightly, and asked again.

It can be seen that her thinking ability is also good and she is very cautious, which fits her "thief" persona.

But this time, before Gao Yi responded, Zhao Qian on the side interrupted the topic, holding a fan and looking at the girl:

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm the employer, why are you asking this kid everything when we've only known each other for more than ten minutes?"

Alan on the other side just raised his head slightly, showing an expression of "Are you sure you want me to answer you?", looking at this "employer" with pity.

"Okay, just ignore what I said..."

Under this gaze, Zhao Qian shrank his neck wisely and gave up asking questions.

Obviously, he also understood who looked more reliable here.

It was only when Alan raised his head that Gao Yi could see clearly that there was a hideous red scar under his hat brim, from his forehead to his right cheek, which seemed to be a burn?

It seems that this player is also a person with a story........

"So, where are we going now?"

In order to ease the embarrassment, Zhao Qian turned his head to look at Gao Yi and began to ask "this kid" questions.

"I don't know."

On the other side, Gao Yi answered confidently.

"Damn, then you brought us here, just to tease everyone, right?!"

Zhao Qian exaggeratedly said "Wow", and the whole person suddenly jumped back a step.

"You can tell fortunes, right? Tell it."

Gao Yi slightly spread his hands, his expression normal.

"Don't mention it, I didn't bring any of my stuff into this dungeon, it's so troublesome."

Zhao Qian also shook the fan in his hand, sighed deeply, raised his head and looked at Gao Yi again through the sunglasses:

"You really don't know? Then what should we do?"

On the other side, Gao Yi was not in a hurry at all, and slowly spoke again:

"I don't know, but I know who knows..."

As he said, he turned around and took out the epic prop [Truth Doll] he had drawn before in the blind spot of the other two people.


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